Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1564 You are so strong!


With a sound, Rex flew backwards, and there were signs of cracks in the ice armor on his body, but these cracks were quickly repaired.

Rex raised his head, his expression slightly gloomy.

The battle has been going on for a long time, but the opponent shows no signs of getting tired.

But also, how could the elemental dragon lack elements.

But the opponent's mental energy consumption is definitely a lot.

With this thought in his mind, Rex's movements did not stop on his face. Looking at the rioting elements in the distance, Rex raised his right hand high.

The gray ice crystals in his hand quickly spread on the spear, and in an instant it turned into an ice spear several meters long.

Then, Rex threw the ice spear hard at the chaotic element in front.

When the ice spear quickly entered the chaotic element, a bolt of lightning penetrated the chaotic element, and accurately collided with the ice spear.


There was another sound, and two different elements collided together, forming a larger mass of chaotic elements, completely blocking the sight of both parties.

Suddenly, Rex took a step back, and the crack in space behind him flashed away.

The next moment, a dragon tail as big as a mountain struck at the place where Rex originally stood.

And when Rex appeared again, he waved the spear in his hand, and a dark space crack quickly passed through the thunder dragon's tail, and the dragon's tail was directly disconnected.

But then, the dragon's tail turned into a ball of pure thunder elements. With a flash of light, it disappeared into the thunder body again.

Then came the thunderous counterattack.

For a time, neither side could do anything to the other.

Just when the two sides were inseparable, suddenly, a strange force enveloped Rex's body.

The power of time!

Rex was startled, and quickly activated the elemental power in his body to disperse the time power that bound him.

But just because of this delay, a bolt of lightning fell directly on Rex.

With a shocking sound, Rex was blown away directly. All the ice armor on his body shattered, and even the metal armor he originally wore had several cracks.

On the other side, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in Lei's mind.

"You are so strong!"

However, Lei didn't bother to ask why Werther appeared here. Seeing Rex temporarily losing control of his body, Lei shouted: "Don't worry about so much, let's get together!"

However, before Lei could make a move, Werther appeared in front of him and stopped him.

"What the hell, hurry up and leave, they have three legendary high positions!"

Lei's eyes narrowed and he couldn't help but look at Werther.

"What did you do?"

"Don't worry about it. If you don't want me to die, just leave quickly and don't look back!"

With that said, Wit appeared more than a meter tall and transformed into a fighting dragon form. Wit took the initiative to fly in the direction of Rex.

Lei watched Werther's movements and subconsciously wanted to help, but he thought about what Werther had just said, so he hesitated slightly and flew towards the south.

For an ordinary legendary high-ranking player, he still has no problem. For a veteran legendary high-ranking player, his ability to remain undefeated is the limit.

Three legendary high-ranking officials... take their heads?

Therefore, there is no point in continuing to fight.

If Werther retreats, it's unrealistic for the two of them to leave together. If Werther leaves and he stays, what's the point of Werther coming here?

Therefore, there is always only one option.

Let him go!

As for Werther's safety, Lei is not that worried.

The other side needs to use him to force out Werther, which means that without him, the Abyss side has nothing to do with Werther.

Therefore, if you want to help Werther, you should leave Olivia Continent as soon as possible.

As for other things, it’s not too late to ask them one by one when we meet next time!

"See you at the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast!"

Leaving behind a word, Lei quickly flew away towards the south without even changing his form.

Witt was not surprised by Ray's choice.

꾫龙놅 has a straightforward personality. If 놚 helps, it means helping in a real way, instead of shouting that I 놚 will help you and then staying behind to hold you back.

Of course, Witt is not dissing Ray.

If the opponent only has one legendary high position, he will not let Lei leave, but will try to work together to hunt down the opponent.

But with three legendary high-level players on the opposite side, hunting is unrealistic and escaping is the only option.

When it comes to speed, even Deathly Witt can't compare to Lei. But when it comes to escaping, Werther dares to claim second place. In the realm of legend, no dragon dares to claim first place.

When time and space match, it is no longer a matter of speed.

Feeling the aura of thunder disappearing into the distant sky, standing between Rex and Levitt, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he took the time to focus on the other person.

It wasn't Zachary, as he had guessed before, but a strange four-winged fallen angel.

However, Werther is no stranger to the other party's aura.

Hundreds of years ago, he was forced by Zachary to escape, and finally felt the aura of the new legendary high-ranking man who belonged to him.

Judging from the situation at the time, this legendary high position should be standing behind Sabina.

For example, the opponent's race also proves this.

"You don't have to be so vigilant. The dragon's strength is far beyond my expectation. I won't bother to hunt him down. What's more, things have developed in the direction I want."

As he said, Rex looked at Witt in front of him with a bit of scrutiny in his eyes.

"No wonder my sister is thinking about you. Your appearance is indeed more in line with her aesthetics than other dragons. Let's discuss it. You won't resist. I don't want to hurt you.

After all, as her breakthrough gift, it is best to keep it in the most complete state."

Witt ignored the other party's words and just asked casually: "What's your name?"

Rex looked at Witt with some surprise.

"I thought you would be more angry, or panic, but I didn't expect you to be so calm."

Hearing this, Witt sneered.


If anger can kill you, my anger will set this continent on fire!

It's a pity that it can't."


To be honest, I admire you a little.

How about this, I change the conditions. As long as you are willing to follow me into the abyss, I can make a promise to you in the name of the law and will never leave a mark on your dragon soul.

You are still free."

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing, and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha...freedom, you actually told me that after I follow you into the abyss, I am still free. I laughed to death. The abyss is actually free."

Looking at Rex's face gradually getting colder, Witt didn't mean to hold back.

"You are restricted by the abyss, and you are qualified to talk about freedom with me. Are you crazy!"


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