Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1569 The plan cannot be carried out!

"My name is Elvis, from Rimiel!"

Hearing this, Werther's heart moved.

As early as when he first met Elvis, Witte had doubted the origin of the magic spell. After all, only a few lucky lone dragons had the chance to obtain magic above ninety points.

Speaking of Elvis' luck...

There has been a span of more than 10,000 years apart, and it was still long enough to meet him and lose the cultivation island to him. His luck was really not that good.

Of course, the most important thing is that the combat quality shown in the sparring with him is not something that a lone dragon can easily achieve.

I just didn’t expect that the right 뀘 was from Remiel.

There is a Fast Continent between Selwyn Continent and Olivia Continent. Except for Kailin who got lost in the endless sea and flew half a circle around the entire Dragon Realm, Witte has never seen anyone else. From Remiel's dragon.

녦To be honest, Remiel already knows a lot about the top ten dragon nests. In many dragon nests, Witte has never even seen a dragon.

With these thoughts in mind, Werther saw Elvis looking at him expectantly, hesitated slightly, and then nodded helplessly.

"Okay, let's get together then!"

On the contrary, his original plan could no longer proceed.

Rex will not give up. Zachary is still hiding in the dark and has never shown his face. Witte does not believe that the guy has not received the news of his reappearance. After all, the 꺘뀘 Alliance has already appeared.

Of course, these two are just leaders. The real leader is with the Abyss Demon Legion, and most of the Olivia continent is their territory.

If one legendary high-ranking figure cannot get rid of him, there will definitely be a second or third one...

In short, his purpose has been seen, and he can no longer continue his activities on the Olivia continent. The plan to seize the rule fragments can only be put on hold temporarily.

However, although the plan was not carried out for much on the Olivia continent, Witte's other purpose was to use the abyss to practice his fighting skills, and the effect was pretty good.

After all, although the time is short, every battle is a high-intensity life and death battle. The substitute tactics of Mirror Flower, Water Moon and Water Phantom, the coordination of space and time, the coordination of time and element dispersion, the coordination of physical strength...

With these powers, he can survive for a period of time against the old legendary high-ranking players. As long as there are no opponents who jump out of the legendary high-ranked ranks in this Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons, the Dragon King will be safe.

Therefore, leaving the Olivia continent at this time is not considered a complete failure of the plan.


Werther looked at Elvis curiously.

"Instead of staying in Rimiere and solving the problem of the abyss invasion all over the world, you came all the way here just to revisit the old story?"

When Werther agreed, Elvis had a smile on his face.

After hearing Witte's question, he motioned for Witte to follow him and said: "Of course not. Since you can say something like 'solve the abyss invasion all over the world', it means that you know the Dragon Lair's influence on the abyss." manner.

You should be in contact with other dragon lairs!

Frozen Abyss? "

Werther nodded.

"Because I have a friend who comes from the Frozen Abyss, I was lucky enough to go in once and meet the great elder. I also heard about the Dragon Nest's method of dealing with the Abyss."

There was a look in Elvis's eyes that was indeed true, and then he continued: "The Abyss is here to invade the Dragon Realm, but except for the Dragon Nest, which is guarded by legends, it doesn't know...

Unless they have really faced the abyss directly, those dragons who have only taken a glance, or even seen the abyss, have no idea what the abyss is about.

And such dragons are the majority in the dragon world.

Therefore, Dragon Nest sent me over to announce everything about the abyss at the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons.

The Abyss is very powerful and cannot be solved by just relying on parts of the Dragon Nest.

The Dragon World needs to unite. "

Having said this, a flash of surprise flashed in Elvis's eyes.

"However, when I passed by Fast Continent, I discovered that the dragons on that continent actually had a clear understanding of the abyss.

It seemed that it was not just Remiel who realized the crux of the problem. "

Hearing this, Werther could not help but feel a sense of pride in his heart.

He was the one who facilitated this incident from the very beginning.

The biggest "anti-abyss fighter" Boredia on Fast Continent was "trained" by him.

Both parties knew about the abyss, so they did not give any more information to the other party. After all, no one wanted to mention the abyss unless necessary.

Don't be idle on the road!

Therefore, the two of them unknowingly talked about their respective experiences.

From Werther's point of view, it was only a few years before he separated from Elvis, but in fact, it took more than 10,000 years for Elvis.

Over such a long period of time, Elvis has changed a lot.

In the past, although Elvis was a light dragon, his personality was flamboyant and his behavior revealed the slightest bit of domineering.

Today's Elvis no longer has that arrogance and apparent dominance, but he has a bit more scheming air.

To be honest, for Werther, it is difficult to connect the Elvis of the past with the dragon in front of him.

And this point is another experience for Elvis.

The Witt in Witt's memory today, except for some slight differences in appearance, has basically not changed. The Witt of more than 10,000 years ago and the Witt of today can almost completely overlap.

This gives him a feeling of time and space confusion.

And in fact, now is the reality.

Very wonderful, very magical!

As for Witt's ability to travel through time and space...

Elvis actually believes what Witt said before. Crossing more than 10,000 years of time is not something that the time power at the rule level can do.

And if Witt had the time power at the rule level, he would not have been so embarrassed by the birdman before.

Therefore, Witt's time travel is only passive.

That is why Elvis did not ask Witt about this.

He really reminisced about the past and did not plan anything.

Similarly, he also knew what Witt wanted to hear, but it was a pity...

"When I broke through to the legendary realm and went to the island where you were again, there was only a broken magic circle left on it.

You had left, and Finger was nowhere to be seen.

Originally, I was planning to take him away from the Sea of ​​Light and the continent of Olivia.

After all, the continent of Olivia is not suitable for dragons without strength.

I waited on that island for a while, but he never came back, so I left alone."


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