Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1571 I am looking forward to seeing you next time!

Things are different and people are different?


The dragons who once came together, Ru꿷, don't know where they are, and in the memory of that place, Ru꿷 only has a small piece of reef left.

Looking at the small piece of reef, Werther smiled and shook his head, then turned to look at Elvis.

"You haven't been here for many years?"

A flash of emotion flashed in Elvis's eyes.

"How can I remember this clearly? I just remember that I and Beverly didn't stay in the Sea of ​​Light for too long. It only lasted about four hundred years before we left to return to Rimiere."

"That's more than 11,000 years. The climate of the ocean is constantly changing. Who doesn't know what will happen in the next second? It's normal for it to change like this after such a long time."

As for coming to the wrong place...

That can't be done!

Witte himself knew the rules of space, and said that there was a problem with his memory. That would be possible, but if he remembered the location incorrectly, it would be unless the sun would rise from the west tomorrow.

Hearing Werther's emotion, Elvis glanced at Werther, with a flash of embarrassment in his eyes.

"Hmm... Can you say that 놖 wasn't originally here?"

Werther glanced at Elvis.

"Don't you know what you are here to remember?

Stay where it's cool and don't affect your mood. "

Werther is not a narcissist, and Elvis is not a divine operator. How could the other party have thought that he would meet Werther here? Therefore, Elvis definitely did not come to the Sea of ​​Light to commemorate him. .

Besides, if Werther hadn't appeared about what happened more than 10,000 years ago, Elvis might not have been able to remember him at all.

"You're not going?"

Werther rolled his eyes and flew towards the small piece of reef.

It's not like he was crazy from hunger. There were dragons chasing him around and letting other dragons feed him dog food.

"By the way, after you have finished reminiscing about your love, don't come here to disturb me. If you want to go to Starry Night Great Plains, go by yourself. There is still some time, so prepare to improve yourself."

Elvis looked at Werther curiously.

"Are you going to participate in the Dragon King Challenge?"

"Nonsense, just look at your age and you'll know. He's only over a thousand years old. As long as he's of the right age, who doesn't want to go crazy in the Dragon King Challenge? Although it's just an honorary title, it's also an honor!"

"놖 is the referee."

Werther paused as he flew downwards, then turned his head sharply to look at Elvis.

"No, why!"

Werther felt a little uncomfortable.

A dragon that he once rubbed against in the sea, Ru꿷, was actually responsible for judging the competition between him and other dragons.

When he thought of Elvis standing at a high place and looking down at him fighting other dragons, Werther felt unbalanced in his heart.

However, it was only slightly diaphragmatic.

"Ping is the representative of Remiel. In every Dragon King Challenge, there will be three dragon lairs in Remiel, Frozen Abyss and Reapus, each with a legendary high position as the referee."

Werther was puzzled.

"Where's Desidero?"

"Desedro will change places when he wakes up. If you let them have a dragon, who knows which dragon feast they will not come to."

The corners of Werther's eyes twitched. Well, Desidero has become unreliable.

Suddenly, Werther thought of something again and looked at Elvis suspiciously.

"You shouldn't be giving 놖 any inside information, right?"

Hearing this, Elvis looked at Werther speechlessly.

"Dragon King Challenge, winning is winning, losing is losing. Except for the final winner, everything else is meaningless. Therefore, the title of Dragon King can only be won by the strongest one. There is no room for insider information."

"Then the meaning of refereeing is..."

"Legends have rules, and the elemental protection magic circle has the ability to be broken. For the safety of the spectators, a high-ranking legend serves as a referee and is responsible for protection."

Werther suddenly understood, and then his brows wrinkled again.

"So... you are a referee and 놖 is a contestant. What does it have to do with it? Why did you just tell 놖 specifically?"

"Oh, nothing."

Elvis's tone was very calm.

"I just want you to hear the difference between 놇 and 놖."


Werther rolled his eyes and spread his wings, leaving Elvis with a chic back.

"There's a huge gap, he's only over a thousand years old!"

When Elvis saw that Werther did not break his defense, a flash of regret flashed in his eyes, and then he flew behind Werther and said: "Just kidding, didn't you like to joke with Finger the most before?

But do you really want to stay here?

It doesn’t take long, even if I stay here, there won’t be much improvement! "

"What needs to be improved is not actual performance."

Hearing this, Elvis hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, although I really want to go with you, I need to go to the Starry Night Plains earlier. Then, let's continue chatting during the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast!"

After saying that, Elvis was ready to fly deeper into the Sea of ​​Light.

At this moment, Werther suddenly thought of something.


Seeing Elvis stop, Werther looked at him and said casually: "If you meet a sacred dragon named Celine on the Starry Night Plains, you don't have to waste time to win her over. Remiel.

I have always forgotten to tell you that I am from Desidero, and Celine is also from Desidero. Just save your energy! "

Elvis just said that Remiel's situation is similar to Riep's.

In order to prevent this guy from scaring Celine, let's talk about this in advance!

Hearing what Witt said, Elvis was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "I dare to bet with you that you definitely know Niklas.

Let it go, although Remiel and Riep's encountered the same dilemma, their actions are completely different.

I will not be like Niklas, who will try to win over without limits.

However, compared to these..."

As he said, Elvis raised his eyebrows at Witt.

"From your tone, you and this dragon named Celine..."


Witt smacked his lips.

"You are allowed to have a partner, but you are not allowed to have one?"

"Is that so..."

Elvis stretched out his tone, stared at Witt for a moment, and then suddenly grinned.

"Holy dragon... you should not mind if I go and meet you!"

"What's the matter, wait..."

Witt looked at Elvis suspiciously.

"What are you going to do?"

"Whatever you want to do, I haven't seen you for more than 10,000 years. What I'm doing is of course beneficial to you. The light dragon of Desideroy is very...

Let it go. Under your careful teaching, she should be able to master the lost magic of the light element very soon.

You have brought such precious magic, it shouldn't be too much for her to call you teacher. This is a very beneficial thing for her. You shouldn't refuse it..."

At this point, Elvis smiled and said, "I am looking forward to seeing you next time!"

After the voice fell, Elvis turned around and left without caring what Witt was going to say. The speed was so fast that when Witt reacted, there was only a beam of light in the distance...

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