Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 158 The problem with the Dragon Scale Space!

"I suspect something is wrong with the Great Icefield!"

Antawana was stunned for a moment after hearing what Witt said.

"It sounds amazing, but what is this Great Icefield?"

Hearing this, Witt slapped his head.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you!"

As he spoke, Witt gave Antawana a detailed introduction to the Fast Continent under his feet.

Of course, he didn't know much.

There were only a few areas with the Moon Shadow River and the Starry Night River as reference points.

Other places were also unknown areas for Witt.

After Witt gave a detailed account of the terrain in the northern region of the Fast Continent, Antawana finally understood what Witt said about the cold wave every 300 times.

As a result, it was also clear that the climate they were experiencing now was definitely not normal.


"Linsda hasn't woken up yet."

Witt sighed.

The most troublesome thing now is this problem.

A month ago, Linsda, who was born a year ago, officially began to sleep.

This is of course a good thing, which shows that there is no problem with Witt's steps to cultivate Linsda, and Linsda is also growing up step by step.

But this also means that it may take about four months before Linsda wakes up.

And no one can tell what will happen in these four months.

Maybe the climate will return to normal, or maybe it will remain in the cold winter.

The former is fine, but if it is the latter, those herbivorous dragon beasts that are not adapted to this climate may migrate south, and once the herbivorous dragon beasts migrate south, food will become the biggest problem.

Shaking his head, Witt said helplessly: "Forget it, just guessing here won't make it clear. I'll go to the Moon Shadow River first and then make a decision."

That said, but Witt also knew that leaving was inevitable, but he had to wait until Linsda woke up.

Thinking of this, Witt nodded to Antawana, then turned around and flew out again.

"Be careful!"

Antawana wanted to accompany Witt. After all, the Moon Shadow River had flooded before. In less than two days, those dragon beasts attracted by the flood might not leave.

But Linsda had to be taken care of by a dragon. She couldn't leave at all, so she gave him a few words of advice.

"Don't worry!"

Leaving a word, Witt flew towards the Moon Shadow River.

The Meteorite Dragon Valley is not short from the Moon Shadow River. The last time he was being hunted, he was almost at high speed all the way. This time, he didn't have to be so anxious.

He could also take a look at the situation on the road.

In any case, they would not leave before Linsda woke up.

If the climate did not improve and the herbivorous dragon beasts migrated south, he would expand his hunting range to ensure sufficient food.

To be honest, this was quite dangerous.

As for leaving...

In addition to the problems of magic core and climate deterioration, Witt encountered another problem, that is, his dragon scale space!

When he was in the dragon nest, the teacher would help him replenish the magic core of the dragon scale space magic circle every day.

Of course, it does not mean that the dragon scale space on his body will not last forever.

In fact, the use of the dragon scale space on Witt's body is limited to five days.

But he had to consider this issue in advance.

There is no problem with the magic circuit. The magic circuit of the dragon scale space is a semi-permanent magic circuit drawn with mithril. Unless it is attacked by a strong attack, it will not have any problems.

The dragon scale space is placed at the reverse scale position. If this place is attacked by a strong attack, then he should consider how to save his life, not whether the dragon scale space is okay.

All the consumption of elemental power in the dragon scale space is borne by the magic core.

Under normal circumstances, the space magic core in the magic core is enough for the dragon scale space to use for 100 times, just covering the entire young dragon period.

And because of his own problems, Witt shortened this usage limit to 5 times.

To be honest, Witt didn't feel that his body was so sucking!

Of course, from another perspective, maybe it is because of the existence of the dragon scale space that his body's plunder of external elemental power is not so terrible!

Haha... Well, this joke is not funny at all.

Witt thought so in his heart, and then looked down at a valley below.

There, there was an area that was out of place with the snow-covered world outside. That area was full of vibrant green.

"Natural attributes, gold upper level strength, even if it is a herbivorous dragon beast, it is not easy to mess with!"

Witt muttered in a low voice and remembered this location.

If it doesn't work, just rush into the opponent's territory to grab the dragon beast.

After noting the location, Witt continued to move towards the Moon Shadow River.

As for the Dragon Scale Space...

In fact, Witt had already started to plan for this.

When the number of times the time reversal was used reached nine times, Witt had a headache about how to use this time reversal opportunity.

It's not okay to just find a stone to cast it, that would be too wasteful!

Then, he thought of the Dragon Scale Space.

The power of the Dragon Scale Space comes from the liquid magic core of the space attribute.

Let alone the liquid core, even the dragon beast crystal core of the space attribute, Vitt has never seen it.

The teacher had repeatedly warned him that he must not touch the refining of the liquid space magic core before his strength reached the purple crystal level.

The power of space is too mysterious. Without the strength of purple crystal level, once an accident occurs, there is no power to deal with it.

Therefore, he did not charge the dragon scale space.

And time reversal became the only way to maintain the dragon scale space.

As a result, a time reversal can only make the time of the dragon scale space go back about two days at most.

And it takes a month to restore the time reversal.

This does not count that his body will continue to absorb the power of the dragon scale space.

In other words, the dragon scale space will collapse sooner or later.

Witt must reach Liberty City or find other dragon city-states before the dragon scale space collapses.

The most important thing is that even if he arrives, the problem of the dragon scale space may not be solved.

But if it really comes to that, then it can be said that this is fate!

When he thought of this, Witt was very upset.

And when he arrived at the Moon Shadow River, he was even more upset. Something really happened to the Moon Shadow River!

The flow rate of the Moon Shadow River is not slow, so according to records, whether it is a cold wave period or not, the Moon Shadow River has never frozen, and there is not even a piece of floating ice.

And now, although the Moon Shadow River is still flowing, there are a lot of floating ice floating on it.

The temperature in other places is obviously not enough to freeze the Moon Shadow River, so these floating ice must come from the ice field.

"It's really a problem with the ice field!"

Muttering, Witt's eyes flashed with a solemnity.


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