Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1575 Creating rules!


After taking a long breath, Witte opened his eyes. More than a month had passed since he regained consciousness. He finally sorted out all the information brought by the creation rules.

Of course, this also means that Werther can use this rule.

The rules of creation also have the tyranny inherent in the supreme derivative power. After entering the dragon crystal of Werther's spirit, it immediately separated from the spirit.

The spiritual dragon crystal also split again.

This is fine, as there is no need for Vert to spend several more years cultivating a blank dragon crystal.

After all, although he still has several blank dragon crystals in his body, they have already been predetermined by rules. One more rule requires one more dragon crystal.

However, it was also this time that the dragon crystal was split, which allowed Witte to truly feel the hidden dangers of Osko.

After creating the dragon crystal, Witte discovered that his spirit was not enough to perfectly control the energy in his body.

Not one dragon crystal, but all dragon crystals.

Although there is a gap between 100% and 90%, this is a wake-up call for Werther.

In a short period of time, he will no longer understand the new rules. He needs to wait for the golden holy fire to strengthen his dragon soul before he can consider the new rules.

This is very annoying!

Witte originally planned to understand the rules of wind and thunder element dispersion after the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons, as well as try to understand the two rules of strength and speed.

As a result, all plans have been postponed.

This made Witte couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​strengthening the golden holy fire again.

But soon, Werther suppressed this idea.

He couldn't just pretend that the incident where he lost his temper casually didn't happen.

This incident proved that his will also has a limit, and the limit of his will is the limit of the golden holy fire. Once this limit is exceeded, his dragon soul will be burned.

"Oh, just slow down, just slow down!"

Sighing, Werther focused on creating rules.

His eyes glanced around the ice cave, and then fixed on the ice wall next to him. His heart moved, and he ran to create the dragon crystal with the space-time dragon crystal, and a golden power surged out of it.

On the surface, Werther stretched out his claws and grabbed a piece of ice from the ice wall next to him.

The golden sword of creation followed Werther's claws and penetrated into the ice. Then, with a thought, the ice instantly transformed into Werther himself.

Of course, it's a shortened version.

After transforming the solid ice into his own form, Werther did not stop there.

The golden energy penetrated into the ice statue, and the thin golden lines were fixed on the ice statue based on the magic circuit in the alchemy puppet's body.

Then, Werther raised his other paw, and the golden creation 꺆 condensed a simple ancient dragon inscription.

When the ancient dragon text submerged into the ice statue, Werther stopped working on the creation.

Then, the ice statue came to life in Werther's claws.

It shook its head first, then looked around, and then wandered around on Werther's paws.

Now he sniffs the dragon scales, and now he pulls at the gaps in the dragon scales. He moves nimbly, just like a newborn dragon that is full of curiosity about the outside world.

Werther looked at the ice statue spinning on his paws in surprise.

Of course, Werther certainly cannot create life. This ice statue is not an independent creature, but a special elemental puppet.

But don't look at this ice statue. It has the defensive power of a legendary low-level. If Witte projects his battle memory to it, it will be able to exert the strength of a legendary low-level.

Of course, this requires using more pure elements to condense the body.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this thing can automatically absorb the amount of elements to replenish itself during battle.

And this is how to use it to create rules.

To sum it up, rub the puppet with your bare hands.

How much power it can exert depends entirely on how strong the puppet it is created is.

Of course, 놙땣 does not create one at a time.

If Witte is willing, he can now create a battle legion composed of hundreds of legendary lower-level puppets with a wave of his claws!

Once you become proficient, it is not impossible to do more than a thousand.

In addition, the more thoroughly you understand puppets and the deeper your understanding of the rules of creation, the faster you can create puppets and the stronger the puppets will be.


The puppet created in this way has limited self-defense and is basically broken by a touch.

The only saving grace is that creating a golem doesn't cost much.

Just like Werther, if he runs out of time to create dragon crystals, he can quickly create tens of thousands of puppets.

From this perspective, this power is enough for an alchemist.


Werther's brows furrowed, with a hint of disgust in his eyes.

"Weak ribs!"

Yes, for Werther, this seems a bit useless.

With his own strength, there is no need for these puppets. If the creation rules are used in battle, it will affect the performance of other powers.

After all, creating a puppet definitely requires energy.

Therefore, the creation rules are with him, and only alchemy is left.

Thinking of this, Werther took back the creation of the ice statue that was about to fly away from his paws.

Without the power of creation, the ice statue instantly froze in place, and then its body collapsed and shattered into ice crystal dust.

Werther ignored these and started rummaging around in his own reverse space.

After a while, there were many more things on the experimental table in front of him.

The largest number are various alchemy magic arrays, and apart from these, there are only a few things left that are relatively precious to him.

For example, when he was a young dragon, the alchemy puppet that Billy gave him, the one he brought from the dragon's nest, the dragon scales that were once used to store items in space, the semi-finished legendary alchemy item Sky-Breaking Thorn, and...

Witte looked at the "Laws of Space" on the table, a hint of sadness flashed in his eyes.

However, it had been a long time since the incident, and Werther had already looked away. Soon, he put away this feeling of sadness.

Then, he began to condense the ancient dragon texts to "create" them one by one.

Then, Witte incorporated these ancient dragon inscriptions into these items and magic arrays one by one.

In this way, unless you are a legendary player, it will be difficult to erase these things depending on the time.

Of course, Gu Longwen is condensed from creation.

When these creative resources are exhausted, the ancient dragon script will also become ineffective, but this will happen tens of thousands of years later.

During this period, if necessary, Werther can also replenish the creation.

In addition, since those independent alchemy magic arrays were all raped by Witte once, the alchemy magic array left on him is naturally no exception.

Moreover, these alchemy magic arrays are all made of fine gold. If the battle heart is destroyed, Werther will be heartbroken!

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