Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1583 You also know...

As time went by, Clohesir felt more and more that Witt was the dragon that saved her.

Although she didn't know what was going on, she just thought so.

As for if she really killed Witt, how would she treat the dragon that saved her life?

To be honest, Clohesir didn't know.

Her heart was full of confusion, puzzlement, and... an indescribable emotion.

When she was most desperate, the dragon gave her hope.

After growing up, finding the other party became her obsession.

As for finding him, she never thought about it.

Thinking about this in her heart, Clohesir ignored Celine and turned to fly towards the potion area. Because it involved Witt, she chose to come here to inform Celine.

Now the matter has been said, between her and Celine...

Maybe jealousy, maybe the desire to win, in short, there is nothing to say.

On the other side, Celine was still thinking about the news brought by Closier. When she reacted, Closier had already flown a distance.

She could only swallow the words that came to her lips.

However, the emotions contained in her eyes were quite uneasy.

She had not completely digested the news brought by Leandre, and Closier brought other news related to Witt.

Moreover, Closier said it very clearly.

The starting point of the dragon's investigation of Witt's news was definitely not revenge or anything, but...

Thinking of this, Celine's face darkened.

Why do I feel that I have bad luck as soon as I came to the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

I have never seen Witt being favored by any dragon before, why do they appear one after another now.

"Celine, I have an idea!"

At this moment, Violet, with shining eyes, came to Celine.

"Don't say anything. I quite approve of the relationship between you and the teacher, but that doesn't mean that anyone can have a relationship with the teacher. I'm very picky.

Or, let's go find Closher and ask her to draw the appearance of those dragons.

After finding them, think of a way to lead them away from the Dragon Feast, and then..."

Celine stretched out her tail and pushed away Violet's head that was getting closer and closer, and said unhappily: "Okay, don't give bad ideas. It's their freedom to like whoever they want.

If they really like Vit, let them challenge me."

"What if they lose?"

Celine glanced at Violet, who was watching the fun and making trouble.

"Let's not talk about my confidence that I am not weaker than any dragon.

Even if I lose, so what? Just like I like Vitt, I like not only his strength, Vitt likes me, but also my strength.

If I win, Vitt loves my dragon, and if I lose, the worst that can happen is that I will shrink behind him and let him protect me.

It's not a big deal."

"Then...where is the dragon egg?"

Celine's eyes condensed, and she turned her head to look at Violet.

"Haven't we been sparring for a while?"

Hearing this, Violet laughed dryly, and then left the distance between them without a trace.

"I'm just talking casually, why are you so anxious!"

As she said this, a trace of fear flashed in Violet's eyes.

She is determined to rush the dragons of her teacher and father, and she is obviously a warlike type, but after more than a thousand years, she knows very well how powerful Celine is.

She is not yet an opponent.

Noticing Violet's expression, Leandre, who had been silent, looked at Celine with a fiery look.

Of course, it was not that kind of fiery. Leandre's eyes only had a burning desire to fight.

But unfortunately, this desire to fight was ignored by Celine.

Although Celine didn't mind fighting Leandre, and even looked forward to it, after all, she never wanted to make peace with the party, but when she thought of Witt, she could only suppress this desire to fight.

Her strength must be left as a surprise for Witt.

And when Witt came, he must have some exchanges with Leandre. In this battle, the surprise would be gone!

Ignoring the fiery eyes behind her, Celine took the lead again and flew towards the potion area.

But this time, Celine subconsciously began to observe the surroundings.

Today was a bit unlucky, one bad news after another, and she always felt that there would be a dragon that Witt knew coming to her.

By the way, this guy seems to be a little jumpy outside!

Celine came to the potion area without saying anything in her expectation and anxiety.

She was looking forward to the news about Witte, but she was also worried about the bad news.

Looking at the potion area in front of her, Celine's eyes flashed with disappointment, but at this moment, another strange voice sounded.

"You just go to Celine!"

The disappointment in her eyes disappeared instantly, and turned into surprise, and then she forced it back again. Celine looked in the direction where the voice came from.

"You also know..."

As she was talking, a majestic sacred dragon appeared in Celine's eyes.

Looking at the sacred dragon, Celine was stunned.

Elvis, who knew that he had found the real owner, was delighted at first, and then just as he was about to speak, he met Celine's eyes, and the words on his lips could not come out.

On the Bright Sea, next to Iceland, Witt lay on his back in the sea, drifting with the waves.

Feeling that the sun was almost out, Witt turned over and lay in the sea.

If you ask him how he feels now...

Two words, bored!

One or two years is nothing to Witt.

It seems like yesterday that Bu just broke out of his shell, but in fact, if you calculate the time, Bu is about to wake up from his deep sleep.

To be honest, the environment of the Bright Sea is not suitable for Bu to sleep.

Fortunately, Witt has enough dragon beast crystal cores that he has collected from everywhere, and Bu has only just been born, so his demand for elements is not very large.

With the help of the dragon beast crystal core and the magic circle, he can sleep smoothly.

Bu has a good talent, whether it is magic, magic circle, or alchemy, but he is a little unsophisticated in potions.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Witt's potion is just passable.

Moreover, what surprised Witt the most was that Bu was quite interested in the magic circle.

This made Witt, who felt a little sorry for his teacher because he gave up the magic circle, ecstatic.

Although liking the magic circle does not mean that you can always concentrate on the path of the magic circle like your teacher.

After all, this thing is not a path of cultivation.

The magic circle is just an alternative language to express magic. It is not even the most basic. The most basic is always the ancient dragon.

The ancient dragon is irreplaceable.

But this does not mean that the magic circle has no meaning for research.

Bu is willing to follow him to learn the magic circle, which makes Witt feel that he has also explained to his teacher.

He failed to walk on the magic circle, so let Bu take the next road for him.

Inheritance, isn't that it!


Suddenly, Witt's head popped out from the sea, and when he looked towards Iceland, a smile appeared on his face.

"I'm awake now, and I can finally go see them!"


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