Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1597 I'll give you a task!

"Don't worry, it'll be done in a second!"

As he said that, Witt looked at the autistic Billy with a smile on his face.

"Egbert alloy, a byproduct produced in the process of studying Metenulos alloy, has a strength that exceeds that of Aqfrey alloy..."

Billy still curled up, but the other dragons could clearly notice that Billy's breathing slowed down.

Obviously, he was afraid that he had missed some news.

Witt raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"How to make blank dragon crystals!"

Before the words fell, a red shadow flashed in front of the dragons.

Looking at Witt's side, Billy, who was autistic just now, has stood beside Witt, raised his paw with a flattering face, and gently pounded Witt's shoulder.


You are my brother, and I will be your younger brother for the rest of my life.

As your younger brother, I will follow you in this life, and I will never come back, brother!

From now on, if you let me go, I will never enter. If you say the sun rises from the west, I will help you kill all the dragons who think the sun rises from the east.

So, brother, look at the way this blank dragon crystal is made..."

Witt smiled at Celine.


Celine rolled her eyes and then glanced at Billy.

This guy has not improved at all. I really don't know how Billy can stand it...

While thinking this, Celine looked at Billy, but saw that Billy had buried his head.

Well, it seems that Billy is also a little fed up with Billy.

However, Billy ignored the disdainful looks from other dragons. At this moment, his eyes were only on Witt, and his mind was only on Witt's method of making blank dragon crystals.

He had felt before that Witt's alchemy puppets were far more energy-efficient than his alchemy puppets.

It was because of the blank dragon crystals.

Dragon crystals have always been the most advanced materials for alchemy.

But due to the moral values ​​of the dragon race, unless there is a deep hatred, few dragons will use the dragon crystals of other dragons.

Those who do this are basically dark alchemists.

Of course, the technology of blank dragon crystals is not unique to Witt. Every alchemist who reaches the legendary level will first tackle blank dragon crystals.

Therefore, many legendary alchemists have mastered the technology of blank dragon crystals.

However, this technology will generally be spread.

This is why Witt had been looking for Antashya and the others before, just to see if they had the blank dragon crystal technology.

As a result, Antashya took Ilaya and the others to find Morris's trace.

In desperation, Witt could only look for Leger.

But Leger knew that he really didn't have it, and still wanted to give it to him, and finally only pointed him to a way.

Of course, Witt didn't have too many thoughts about this.

The relationship between him and Leger was far less solid than that of Antashya and the others. If the other party was willing to give it, it was a favor, and if he was willing to give it, it was his duty. He had no right to blame anything.

Let's put these aside for now. The first problem Billy had to face after becoming a legendary alchemist was also the blank dragon crystal.

But, like Witt, he had no foundation in the Dragon Nest, and he had considered this issue before, so naturally he would have accumulated some experience in this area.

Therefore, the road to the blank dragon crystal was very difficult.

Witt had the guidance of Legge, and he had the ability to attack the dark alchemist, plus a rare good luck, so he completed it before Billy.

But for Billy, this was also good news. He knew very well that Witt would not be stingy with this technology as long as he put down some of his posture.

For Billy, posture is nothing!

Can it be eaten?

Since it can be eaten, it doesn’t matter if it is put down.

Thinking this way, Billy tapped Witt on the shoulder while imagining that his alchemical puppet would be even better!

Fortunately, Witt did not intend to break Billy's beautiful dream.

"Well, I just came here and have no place to live. Is your place spacious?"

Billy's face suddenly showed a hint of joy.


Absolutely spacious. We are all legendary alchemists. How can the place we live in be difficult for ourselves?

My house itself is a legendary alchemical item!"

Of course, this kind of legendary alchemical item is actually just a name. With the creation rules, they can turn a fallen leaf into a legendary alchemical item.

Its essence will change. What should be, will be.

"Okay, then I'll live with you."

While saying this, Witt suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, Billy, Violet, there's something you need to do."

"You're welcome!"

Billy agreed without hesitation, and he didn't even ask what it was.


Vilette was reluctant to ask, "What's the matter? Is there a reward? What else..."

Vilette glanced at Billy.

She didn't forget that the other party had betrayed her at the speed of light before.

But after glancing at the crystal cluster on Billy's back, Violet raised her eyebrows. If the teacher was willing to give her some benefits, they could work together.

Hearing this, Witt glanced at Violet.

"How about rewarding you with a hearty test?

Speaking of which, I also know how the shaping magic you took the initiative to learn from me is going, so it's a good opportunity to test it together. "

When Violet heard this, her eyes widened instantly.

This is not a reward, it's clearly a threat!

But soon, Violet softened and begged: "Teacher, forget about the test, I promise to complete the things you told me to do, how about it?"

"I haven't said anything yet..."

As he said this, Witt paused slightly, and then his face became serious.

"Okay, I'm kidding, this time it's serious business.

I want you and Billy to spread two news.

One news is that there is a special legend of the abyss.

After removing the abyss power of the energy crystal core in their body, a special crystal that can permanently retain the internal rules will be left. In the case of excessive use, it can be used permanently to enhance the perception of the corresponding elements.

Another piece of news is that a dragon named Egbert, who comes from the dark alchemist organization called "Destiny", has successfully replaced his flesh and blood body with a mechanical body.

Moreover, he stuffed eight dragon crystals into the mechanical body, and in disguise, he achieved "eight element affinity".

The way he became stronger was to constantly hunt other dragons and replace the dragon crystals in his body.


Why are you looking at me like this? "

Celine stared at Witt with an inexplicable smile on her face.

"You didn't tell us this just now!"

Seeing that Witt was about to explain, Celine shook her head again.

"You don't need to explain, I don't care about these, I just want to know, is this something you made up, or is it really true? "

This is what she wants to ask, and what other dragons want to ask.

However, Celine actually has an answer in her heart.

Vite may talk nonsense.



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