Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1608: Antasa, you are very observant!

After listening to Werther's words, Antasha looked Werther up and down, grinned, and sneered.

"The wings are really strong!"

She could remember that she and Boredia had no doubts about Werther's legendary time dragon, and even "confronted" Werther.

But in the end, they were convinced by Werther.

Or to be more precise, 놆 convinced himself.

After all, if you want to travel through time and space, you must at least have the law of time. Not to mention the Werther of the year, the Werther of today may not be able to carry the power of the law in his physical body.

This is the biggest problem.

And if Werther has mastered the law of time in the future, it will not match Closier's experience.

Therefore, they all agreed that Werther was not the time dragon.

After reaching this conclusion, of course, they also ruled out the possibility that Werther had the ability to go back to the past.

Now it seems that Werther was really good at pretending!

According to Closier's description, Werther was only a few years old when he rescued her, but he has kept the news secret until now.

With these thoughts in mind, Antasha looked at Werther with an increasingly probing look.

To be honest, she wanted to tie up Werther and ask him in a friendly way what he did after he returned.

And, this idea is getting stronger and stronger.

On the other side, seeing the increasingly dangerous aura in Antasha's eyes, Werther's eyes suddenly became wary, and his body subconsciously shrank back.

"You guys don't have any dangerous thoughts, do you? Or are you still greedy for my body?"

Upon hearing this, Celine also became alert.

She will never forget that Antasha used to think about kidnapping Werther home all the time.

Paying attention to the reactions of the two dragons, the dangerous aura in Antasha's eyes softened slightly, and then she waved her claws.

"Don't worry, Celine, even though he has grown up, the age gap between the two parties has not changed, and he is still outside my target range.

Two thousand years, this is the limit I can accept.

in addition……"

As she spoke, Antasha glanced at the stigmata on Werther's chest.

"The two-color one... tastes a lot more vulgar. Silver is a very conspicuous color. For other parts of the body, even if it has a color, it can only be one kind of color at most.

Tsk tsk, I’m disabled! "

Werther rolled his eyes.

"I haven't eaten your meat, and whether it grows or not has nothing to do with you!

Besides, I don't think it's that ugly. "

"Then you have poor aesthetics!"

As she spoke, Antasha paused briefly, and then continued to stare at Werther.

"Compared to this, I'm more curious about how you got back and what did you do after you got back!"

"The way to go back to the past..."

Werther grinned.

"To be honest, I also want to know how to go back. It would be better if I could choose a time period. In this way, wouldn't I be able to go back to your young dragon age, and then...hehe!"

Hearing this, Antasha was stunned for a moment, then her expression suddenly dawned, and then she looked at Werther with disdain.

"I now believe that you accidentally went back to the past. Regarding what you just said, if you really have the ability to travel between the present and the past at will, you will definitely do this.

You are not in my memory, which is enough to show that you were passive in this process. "

Werther was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Antasha angrily.

"You are really a genius in argumentation!"

As he spoke, Werther rolled his eyes, then looked at Antasha and grinned.

"You just said, you want to know what I did when I went back?"

Antasha raised her eyebrows.

"If gold coins are exchanged, no need to talk about it. You know, I won't stuff it into my reverse space because of something in the future.

For me, only things that I approve will be put in.

The reverse scale space is my treasure house, and all kinds of garbage will be thrown into it. "


Werther suddenly lost interest.


"But what?"

Hearing the change in Antasha's tone, Werther became a little more interested again.

Antasha laughed softly.

"I'm a gossip, if you can't satisfy my desire to have fun today, then I'll have to have fun myself.

Although you said it without hesitation about Closier, in fact, you probably didn’t want Closier to know about it.

It sounds contradictory, but if you think about it for a moment, you will understand.

Dragons who have heard about this incident will subconsciously think that you don't care about Clothier's reaction, plus what's going on between you two dragons, most dragons will choose to shut up and wait for the development of the matter.

After a long period of time, there is no special situation between you and Clothier. Most dragons will think that neither of you care about this matter.

In the future, this matter will be gradually forgotten.

So, why don't you keep this matter a secret?

As long as you don't admit it, even if you show time magic, ordinary dragons will not associate you with time travel.

Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that you know that you can't hide it anymore.

Why does this happen?

It's also very simple. You met a dragon you met in the past, and he was related to the dragon you know now. As a last resort, you chose to confess. "

As she spoke, Antasha looked at Werther, her eyes seeing everything calmly.

"Witt, how much do you think I got it right?"


Witte had a dark face, remained silent for a moment, and then let out a long sigh.

"Okay, Celine's grandpa!"

As soon as these words were said, Antasha, Ilaya, and Donitasa all had surprised expressions on their faces.

We have known each other for thousands of years, and we all know a lot about Celine and Werther.

They all know that Celine and Witte were hatched from the same batch of dragons, and neither of them had parents.

Why did a grandpa suddenly appear on Celine's side?

"Dagua, please speak carefully!"

As she spoke, Antasha looked at Celine with wide eyes, and moved forward. It seemed that only in this way could she hear more clearly.

Celine didn't mind this.

In fact, she was also confused about this grandpa who suddenly appeared. If it weren't for the blood connection, she would think this matter was a bit ridiculous.

"Werther met my...grandpa in the past. To sum up this sentence, Werther will tell you what happened specifically!"

When Witte saw the dragons' eyes falling on him again, he started telling the story again.

Fortunately, he had actually foreseen this scene.

Antasha gossips, and he needs to give Maurice's claws to her, so he can't hide the time travel.

However, he didn't expect that this guy would actually have insight into Closier's affairs.

Antasha was right.

Werther really doesn't want Closier to know about this, and the degree of control she has over Werther's mind is amazing!

Antasha's guess just now was totally correct!

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