Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1610 He is coming...

"Where to go now?"

Walking into Antasha's alchemy shop, Celine turned to look at Werther.

The so-called three streets in the Alchemy District are actually a matter of order. The first one is close to the main venue, and the second one is just outside the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

Antasha and the others have just arrived, and the fact that Werthers were able to meet Antasha means that they have thoroughly visited the alchemy area.

"Next to it is the magic circle area, let's go there and have a look!"

With that said, Werther continued to fly towards the northwest.

When Celine saw that Werther had no intention of going back, a look of helplessness appeared on her face. However, there was no hesitation in her movements.

After a while, before flying too far, Celine's face suddenly changed.


"What's wrong?"

Hearing Celine's shout, Werther, who was flying in front, was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Celine with a puzzled look on his face.

Celine's face was not pretty, it could even be said that she looked panicked.

Noticing this, Werther hurriedly flew back.

"What happened?"

Celine glanced at Werther, then lowered her head.

"놛...here he came..."

"Who's coming..."

Just as he was talking, Werther suddenly reacted and his eyes narrowed.

"Your father?"

Celine nodded.

"I just received... Grandpa's notice. This is the same place that welcomed you that day."

Celine lowered her head and spoke in a low voice.

Her eyes were full of complex colors, joy, anger, expectation, overwhelmed...etc., all kinds of emotions appeared in her eyes in turn.

Among the many emotions, the most common one is the solution!

She originally thought that when she grew up in Desidero, with teachers who cared about her, friends she played with from childhood to adulthood, and such rich and colorful experiences, she would never be like her parents.

However, when she really had to face her father whom she had never met before, she realized that he was not like that at all.

I originally thought that I would be calm and calm, but at this moment, I have become overwhelmed, even...

She subconsciously wanted to escape.

Seeing Celine's changing mood, Werther silently stretched his head.

With his head on his head, Witte said with a smile: "Calm down, there is no need to go to those 놅 in 늂, 놛Since there is no 놊had 눕now 놅龙눃꿗 before you, then 냭 will come 놊 will 눕 appear, also 놊 depends on 놛, 땤It’s up to you.

Be brave, now you seem to know Celine.

놖I know 놅Celine. If you want to see her, you can meet her. If you want to see her, you can meet her.

One has some blood relationship with the dragon 놅mo눃땤껥.

That guy Elvis is innocent and knows nothing.

But 놛 absolutely 놊 will know everything.

Unless 놛 is stupid 놅. "

With Werther's comfort, Celine calmed down a lot. Then, her eyes fell on Werther's face and she asked with a smile: "What if I want to beat him?"

"Then let's go together!"

"놛 is a high-ranking legend, so his strength will be weak."


Werther sneered.

"놖 knows the rules of light element dispersion. If we really get into a fight, 놖 might lose, but 놛 shouldn't even think about feeling comfortable!"


Why haven't I heard you mention it before?

When you went back in time, the reason why you went to the Sea of ​​Light was probably because of this rule!

So, is it to deal with 놖놅? "

Werther's face froze and he laughed a few times.

"How is it possible? It was just a coincidence, and then I realized it at once. Don't worry, this is used to deal with you. If I use this to deal with you, isn't that what I mean?"

Celine glanced at Werther, then flew towards the northeast.

Does she still know Werther?

This is used to deal with her. As long as she discovers it before the battle begins and suddenly brings it to her during the battle, there will be excuses later.


"Since it was discovered in advance by 놖, you should know what to do."

Werther hurriedly followed Celine.

"Just relax and know that if you want a hearty battle, you will fight with all your strength, but you will win in this way."

Although he said this, Werther sighed deeply in his heart.

To be honest, 놛 is 놊what do you think? Celine and Dinnit are fighting with all their strength.

Celine Dinnit is very strong. If they limit their own strength, they will lose. If they use all their strength, it is difficult to control the situation and they can easily be seriously injured.

Therefore, Witte prepared the light element dispersion rules.

As for Dinnit...

Witte also grasped Dinnit's idea. Until now, Dinnit has not made it clear whether he wants to participate in the Dragon King Challenge.

In addition, the balance between his own dragon soul and dragon crystal has been broken, so Witte did not understand the rules of natural element dispersion.

Well now, the light element dispersion rules are also in vain.

Fortunately, Werther was mentally prepared after learning that Elvis was Celine's grandfather.

Werther didn't say it, but Celine said it on behalf of Elvis.

I just didn’t expect that 놛 would spill the beans at this time!


After clicking his tongue, Werther sped up a little and followed Celine.

Seeing that Celine's eyes were still a bit nervous, Werther changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which, how did you receive this news?

It was the same before, how did you contact us?

I wanted to ask you originally, but I forgot about it because I have been busy recently. "

Hearing Witt's words, Celine's scattered thoughts came back.

"You are talking about this, it's Billy's new invention, the remote communicator..."

Speaking, Celine threw a dragon scale to Witt.

Witt took the dragon scale curiously, and after studying it carefully, he figured out the principle behind it.

This is a legendary alchemical item, the core of which is a composite alchemical magic circle that can transform sound and information flow back and forth.

The way it is used to transmit information is the highlight of this item.

Billy actually set his sights on the law of creation. Of course, it is not the law of creation itself, but the existence state of the law of creation.

The law is unique!

Therefore, there is only one law of creation that can be felt anywhere in the dragon world.

Billy, with the help of the rules of creation, transmitted the information flow to the creation The area where the creation rule is located is not restricted by any other rules.

Then use the marking method to find this information flow.

In this way, long-distance calls can be realized.

In theory, this method can realize long-distance communication within the dragon world.

But theory is just theory. The dragon soul containing a huge information flow may be assimilated by the law. The information flow contained in a few words, even if it is wrapped by the power of the creation rule, has persisted for a long time in the face of the law.

The farther the distance, the longer it takes to find this information flow.

This limits the scope of use of this device.

But even so, for this legendary alchemy item, Witt has only one evaluation-a genius idea!

Anyway, I didn't expect this.

It's right that this guy broke through to become a legendary alchemist when he became a legend.


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