Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 162 The traces gradually emerge!

Antawana almost listened to Witt's narration with a frown on her face the whole time!

Then, she looked into the jar, still attacking the mutated Grabidramon on the inner wall of the jar tirelessly.

"So, this thing is the Grabidramon infected by these black soils?"

Witt nodded.

"To be precise, it should be the power contained in the black soil. The soil is also like this because of that power!"

Antawana seemed not to hear Witt's words, and then asked: "So, this power comes from the Great Icefield?"

Witt nodded helplessly.

"The Moon Shadow River has never had floating ice. Even if the temperature in other places upstream is lower, it is not lower than the Great Icefield. Therefore, these floating ice must be from the Great Icefield."

"Is the cold wave caused by an unknown dragon fighting with an unknown existence?"


Witt corrected Antawana's wording.

"The floating ice was created by the aftermath of the zero-degree cold current. Since the strange beast was affected, it is not difficult to imagine that the unknown existence may have used this power.

In addition, don't think it is incredible.

It is not impossible to change the climate of a large area. The power at the rule level can do it.

We are quite far away from the ice field, so the rules are not enough. The most likely one is the power of the law. The unknown dragon may be a legend!

Of course, I didn't see it with my own eyes, so I can't guarantee that it is accurate, but it should be fine in general!"

Antawana was silent for a moment, then sighed.

"Although it is a little incredible, but you have put it in front of me, I have no reason not to believe it. Then, is there no way to contain this kind of power?"

Witt shook his head.

"Of course not. Although this power can make the elements go crazy, if they are washed by a large amount of elements in a short period of time, they can't bear it, and..."

As he said, Witt took the black soil that was left in the cave before, observed it carefully, and said with a smile: "There is good news, that is, the elements have the ability to purify themselves.

The soil inside has shown signs of recovery.

This means that even if you are injured by this power, you will not necessarily be affected as thoroughly as this Grabi dragon beast.

In addition, as I just said, this power has the effect of corrupting mental power.

So, the change of this Grabi dragon beast may be related to this. Compared with mutation, I think the word "degeneration" is more suitable to describe the condition of this dragon beast.

Although dragon beasts have no wisdom, they also have their own thoughts.

After being affected by this power, they will become beings who only know how to kill, and even their own thoughts will not exist. This is a kind of degeneration."

Hearing this, Antawana patted her head.

"Okay, although I don't really want to know so much, I still appreciate your detailed explanation.

However, compared to whether they should be called mutations or degenerates, I am more concerned about whether these guys affected by this weird power can appear in the Meteorite Valley!

Damn, why didn't I stop you from giving this place this unlucky name!"

Witt looked away awkwardly, and then put both crystal jars into the scale space.

This power is a bit weird. Who knows if the body of the bone dragon will be affected by this power, uh... although this bone dragon has been dead for an unknown period of time.

But it's also just in case, isn't it!

As for whether the mutant... no, it should be the degenerate Grabi dragon beast can survive in the dragon scale space, it is also an experiment done by Witt.

"It will definitely appear. After all, this place is close to the Moon Shadow River, but at least, there is no need to worry in the short term.

In addition, I will always pay attention to the situation over there.

But in this case, you should stay in the cave. Linsda is not on guard during his sleep."

Antawana nodded.

"It can only be done this way!"

As she said that, she yawned and walked in the direction where she slept, but soon she stopped and turned to Witt and said, "By the way, try not to put those dangerous things in the cave in the future."

After that, Antawana left, leaving Witt alone, standing there awkwardly.


In the blink of an eye, four months passed quickly!

In these four months, Witt and his friends did not spend it peacefully. It can be said that they were in constant trouble.

The first and second months were relatively quiet, but in the third month, the herbivorous dragon beasts began to migrate south on a large scale due to food shortages.

Some predatory dragon beasts also migrated south, but some predatory dragon beasts stayed.

As Witt expanded his hunting range, these predatory dragon beasts also began to expand their hunting range.

During the hunting process, the two sides had many conflicts over prey, not to mention that for predatory dragon beasts, Witt was a more worthy target.

Of course, the only difference between them and herbivorous dragon beasts for Witt was that they were more difficult to hunt, but they could also serve as food.

In the fourth month, Witt discovered traces of the existence of that strange power in the surrounding area of ​​the Moon Shadow River for the first time.

This is certainly not good news!

Those fallen dragon beasts are not like good children. They will only stay in one place and follow the principle of "I will not offend dragons if dragons do not offend me".

Their malice towards normal dragon beasts is obvious.

Those fallen dragon beasts will fight each other, but once normal dragon beasts appear around them, they will unite.

By the way, the fallen Grabi dragon beast that stayed in the Vit Dragon Scale Space has been alive.

Of course, it was originally dead, but when Vit put the part of the preserved rotten soil into the crystal jar, it became lively again.

This shows that as long as there is that power, the vitality of these fallen dragon beasts will become extremely tenacious!


"What's the situation?"

Antawana looked at Vit who had returned to the cave from the wind and snow, walked out of the hiding place, and asked.

Witt shook his body, shook off the snow on his body, and then said: "Not very optimistic, I found traces of that power near the Meteoric Dragon Valley, but I didn't find the real owner.

Has Linsda not woken up yet?"

Antawana shook her head, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

Witt was more optimistic.

"Don't worry, it's almost time!

Besides, compared to those fallen dragon beasts, I am more worried about the food problem. When I just explored, another dragon beast settlement disappeared.

The temperature is getting lower and lower, and almost all the dragon beasts have left.

It's a pity that those fallen dragon beasts can't be eaten!"

Hearing this, Antawana couldn't help but roll her eyes at Witt.

"This joke is not funny at all!"

Just when Witt was about to say something with a smile, some strange sounds came from the depths of the cave.

The two dragons looked at each other, and both saw surprise in each other's eyes!


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