Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1638 Gold coins are not easy to earn!

"뀖Three thousand three hundred and twenty-four...뀖Three thousand three hundred and twenty-four...뀖..."

"No, when are we going back? I can't wait to see what kind of grand event this Ten Thousand Dragons Feast is like!"

Seeing that he didn't stop him, Werther didn't know when "뀖" would go, so Claude hurriedly asked.

Hearing this, Witte showed a flattering smile.

"Immediately, we can leave immediately. However, these are thirteen thousand three hundred and twenty-four gold coins. I have tried so hard to collect ten thousand and three hundred and four gold coins.

Sure enough, the best way to get rich is to look for relics..."

Regarding his wealth, Werther remembered clearly that he could not have one less, not one more, uh... more than one.

As far as treasures are concerned, "more" is the only error Werther allows.

Unfortunately, gold coins cannot give birth to children. This kind of error has never appeared, which often makes Werther regretful.

"Okay, okay, the treasure has been doubled several times, I understand your excitement.

However, if you don't have anything else to do here, honestly, let's just hurry up and get it done.

There are not many days until the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, and I still want to go shopping. "

"Easy to say!"

With that said, Werther stood up.

"But you have to do it one by one, otherwise I won't be able to bear it. Besides, I have to send Moxi back first."

Seeing the three dragons nodding, Werther flew towards Moxi very briskly.

I just had an unexpected harvest, and even the sea breeze blowing around me had a sweet smell.

Seeing the back of Werther leaving, the three dragons looked at each other, and then couldn't help but laugh.

It didn't take long for Werther to arrive at the island.

At this time, the mass of water element surrounding the island has completely disappeared. The plants that originally lived on the island have completely died, leaving only bare rocks and soil.

Moxi lay down in a depression and fell into a deep sleep.

This is a deep sleep, the kind that doesn't wake up no matter what.

Of course, there is no need to wake up.

Taking a deep breath, Witte began to use space jump.

What is the situation of the legend belt? For this point, refer to the scene when 놛 was a child and used as bait to help Boredia deal with Zachary.

Jacques opened the space rift, Boredia walked back and forth, walked back and forth by himself, and then fell asleep from exhaustion.

Of course, this is related to Boredia's strength.

놛놅 is much stronger than Jacques. Jacques helps 놛 complete the space jump and consumes 놅the power of space, which is enough for 놛 to travel back and forth hundreds of times.

Moreover, judging from Werther's current perspective, Jacques didn't spend much thought on space at all.

My understanding of space back then was not even comparable to that of Werther today.

In other words, with the space perception of the legendary position, if you take the two legendary masters back and forth once, who will be worthy?

Nowadays, both Moxi and Olidorf are legendary in strength, and their own energy reserves are far lower than Witte's own.

And Werther also has a very deep understanding of space.

Therefore, it will not happen that one of the four dragons is taken with him to jump from the Sky City to the Eternal Night Forest for such a short distance, and then collapses into a deep sleep.

Of course, I am definitely tired, after all, I am making a legendary leap.

When he brought Moxxi here before, Witte made two long-distance space jumps at the cost of 80% of his own space power, and Moxxi's own energy reserve. The difference was too big and could not be ignored.

But now, Witte needs to perform about ten times, at the cost of 80% of his own space power reserve, to make long-distance space jumps.

Fortunately, after each time, with the stigmata, it only takes a day to recover.

Calculated this way, twelve days is basically a round trip.

So, in fact, Olidolf was right, Werther was just lazy.

However, gold coins are a good medicine for Werther's laziness.

Not to mention more than 10,000 gold coins.

If you were given more than 10,000 gold coins for one and a half months somewhere in the Dragon Realm, Werther would be able to do it forever!


Muttering, Werther lay down directly on the spot.

놛 even moved 깊 backward so that half of 꺶's body could be immersed in the sea water.

Well, it turns out that gold coins are not easy to earn.

After more than a month of continuous space jumps, Witte now feels dizzy and dizzy. Only soaking in the cold sea water can slightly relieve him.

"You two bastards, don't just watch. Come on, Claude, rub my shoulders for me, and Olidolph, step on my back for me."

Olidolf's eyes lit up.

"Are you sure?"

"Uh... you'd better rub it with your claws!"

I felt that this guy would definitely bring bad luck to Werther, so I quickly changed my words.

"When a certain dragon got gold coins before, he didn't behave like this!"

That being said, Claude still walked over to 깊Witt놅, stretched out his claws, and kneaded 깊 on 놛놅's shoulders. However, the dragon claws were not destined to do this kind of thing, with their sharp claws. It kept slipping on Weite's hard dragon scales.

Therefore, Claude quickly changed from pinching to beating.

But this change seemed to be in line with Werther's wishes. After a few strokes, Werther felt comfortable and narrowed his eyes.

Olidolf also started beating Werther on the back.

"How does it feel?"

"It would be nice if I could beat it for a little longer!"

Hearing this, the two dragons rolled their eyes and then stopped.

"Okay, don't make trouble, get up quickly, the feast of ten thousand dragons is about to begin, and we don't even have a place to stay."


Werther was a little unhappy and clicked his tongue.

"Dragons in the city are just hypocritical. Look at those giant dragons in the wild. After they come here, they don't always hide in the forest!"

As he spoke, Werther thought for a moment.

"Billy and Antasha, which one do you choose?"


Before Claude could speak, Olidolph hurriedly shouted.

Seeing Werther looking over, Olidolf smiled awkwardly, and then said with a bitter look on his face: "If you go to Antasha's place, she will definitely test your alchemy skills.

It’s not like you don’t know her aesthetics, I will definitely be devalued as worthless.

I will stay at Billy's place first, and I will find time to visit Antasha later...at least until I am fully mentally prepared. "

Antasha is half a teacher of Olidolf.

Not going to visit would be a bit unjustifiable.

So, go ahead, but you must be mentally prepared, that is, put some armor on yourself, so you don’t want to be sprayed and your defense will be broken.

Claude shrugged.

"I can do it anywhere, everyone knows me anyway."

Mandy poked her head from Claude's chest.

"Where are Celine and the others?"

"I don't know if Celine is back. Isa is probably wandering around with Ao. Dinnet and Elise are in the pharmacy area. You can go find them later. As for Violet..."

Having said this, Witte showed a smile on his face.

"If you meet her while wandering later, I hope you can notify me quietly."


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