Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 168 The Wanderer of the Dragon Clan!

"The dragon's wrath, the rock formation erupted...Witt, what is this?"

Hearing Linstar's words, Witte sighed helplessly, then looked at the two dragons and said viciously: "From today on, you two must memorize information about one kind of earth dragon or flying dragon every day!"

Seeing the two dragons' expressions turning bitter, Witte explained: "There are three types of dragons, giant dragons, earth dragons and flying dragons.

The origin of dragon magic: dragon breath and flight.

Although the earth dragon and the flying dragon are not as good as the giant dragon in terms of bloodline concentration, after all, the dragons also have their own origin magic. The earth dragon is angry, and the flying dragon is very fast!

Uh... there is no doubt that among the three origin magics of Feilong's speed, the only one is not offensive!

It should be caused by blood concentration.

However, Feilong's talent in magic is quite good, and his growth rate is much faster than that of the giant dragon Earth Dragon.

Of course, correspondingly, their life span is not long.

You can see this for yourself later. "

As he spoke, Werther's eyes turned to the rocks beside him.

"The dragon's anger caused the rock formation to erupt, and its power was quite good. The result of the rock formation's eruption was a rock flower with this shape!

땤Rock formations erupt, 껩only rock dragons can do that. "

Hearing this, Antawana and Linsta looked at each other, and then flew upwards. After a while, they flew back.

"Really rock formations erupted!"

"It really looks like a flower!"

Witte Antawana turned to look at Linstar at the same time. The latter turned his head in embarrassment. Well, he didn't understand the point.

Shaking his head helplessly, Witte looked at Antavana and said: "Now that it is confirmed that these traces were left by a rock dragon, then our luck will come!

The rock dragon is also known as the wanderer of the dragon clan, and the titanosaurus has two completely opposite personalities.

From the time a Titanosaurus is born until it reaches the end of its lifespan and dies, during this long life, in some cases, it will only move once, and that is when it is looking for a dragon life mate.

Rock dragons, on the other hand, are natural wanderers. They don't like a cookie-cutter life and like to wander around, from birth to death.

It's just that when the dragon was a young dragon, he wandered with his mother, and when he became an adult, he wandered on his own.

In addition, they are not lonely wanderers. If they encounter a dragon city-state, they will stay for a while. After enough rest, they will continue to wander. "

Hearing this, Antavana finally understood what Werther was thinking.

"You said, we just need to follow this rock dragon?"

Werther nodded, then shook his head.

“Not only 놆 follows!

It is originally the safest way to go to Ziyu City along the Moon Shadow River and Xingye River.

However, the changes in the ice field and the appearance of the fallen dragon beast made this road somewhat troublesome.

Who can tell how far those fallen dragon beasts will develop.

껩Maybe just like the rock flower next to us, all were killed by the passing dragons, 껩Maybe they will grow stronger and occupy a place. "

Yes, when Witte was inspecting the rock flowers, he noticed that there were corpses of fallen dragon beasts around, but that energy had been removed and no longer had the ability to infect.

It was obvious that they were targeting entities they shouldn't be targeting.

"If there were no traces of this rock dragon, I might still take a gamble, but now that I have found traces of the rock dragon..."

At this point, Werther laughed uncontrollably.

"눒We are rock dragons for travelers. We don't mind being accompanied by dragons. In fact, we are called the mobile dragon nest. That's why I say, our luck is really good!"

As long as you follow these footsteps, you will definitely find the rock dragon.

As long as we find the rock dragon, we can reach the dragon city-state, and arrive safely. The ability to become a rock dragon is very strong! "

But Antavana was not blindly optimistic. 땤놆 asked calmly: "What if we can't catch up?"

Hearing this, Werther pointed to the rock flower next to him.

"The residual earth element on it is so strong, which means that it was not left here long ago.

Although this area was also affected by the cold wave, it can be seen from the thickness of the snow that it was affected by the cold wave relatively late.

땤Over there in the Fallen Dragon Valley, 놆began to be affected by the cold wave four and a half months ago.

Looking at the footprints again, the snow was stepped on.

This shows that this rock dragon passed by here only after the snow had passed. In terms of time, it was only about two months at most, or maybe even shorter.

After all, it seems that after passing by, there is no more snow here.

Although 놛's size is 꺶, 놆's walking speed on the ground is definitely not as fast as ours by flying.

Even if 놛놆 travels day and night, we 껩 will definitely be able to catch up.

What's more, don't forget that Yanlong is traveling, wandering, and simply rushing, so the speed must be slower. "

Antavana nodded, confirming Witte's analysis.

"Last question, don't you want to go to Zicheng?"

Werther was stunned for a moment, of course he understood what Antavana meant.

Understanding each other and the lives of the two, Werther gradually learned about Antawana's past experiences. On the contrary, Antawana knew about her past and future plans.

Following the Moon Shadow River and the Starry Night River, you will definitely be able to reach Ziyu City. Similarly, you will definitely be able to reach the Starry Night Plain from Ziyu City.

However, once we follow this rock dragon, we may not necessarily be going to Zicheng City, but maybe a distant and unknown dragon city-state.


Sighing, Werther chuckled.

“Safety is most important!

Things that have happened since 놘 City, Starry Night River, Starry Night Plains and the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons, but 놆, the prerequisite for these things to be accomplished is alive!

For myself, I can take the risk, even if I die on the way, then it’s my own choice.

It's different with you. I can't decide your future at will just because of myself.

The city is a place that I must go to, but it is not a place that you must go to. All you need is a stable environment for growth, and any dragon city-state can do this!

As long as you survive, everything is possible!

not to mention……"

As he spoke, Werther knocked on the top of his chest.

"There's another one here!"

Hearing this, Antavana couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Don't you forget that we, the two dragons of Desedero, also said that you are not going to take us back?"

Hearing this, Werther smiled and shook his head.

"Okay, this is my fault, I'm sorry, but I still choose the safest rock dragon.

Winters once said that time is not very important to us. We have a small amount of time to do what we want to do.

But the premise of all this is to be alive! "

Antavana looked at Werther blankly for a few times, and then looked away.

"You, the leader, have the final say!"

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