Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1682 No, you didn’t!

"Agnar, I suddenly have a bold idea!"

"No, you don't!"

When he heard that Witt had a bold idea, Agnar immediately retorted. At the same time, he stretched out his dragon claws, grabbed Witt's dragon tail, and flew towards the main venue in front of him.

His eyes were fixed on the sky above the main venue. He had already seen Celine.

As long as he sent Witt to Celine's side, he would have to hold back any bold ideas.


Why does Celine feel farther and farther away?

Agnar looked down and saw that the main venue was getting farther and farther away.

Realizing something, Agnar hurriedly loosened his claws, but as soon as he loosened his claws, Witt's dragon tail entangled his claws.

"I don't want you to tell Celine the news, Agnar, just be honest and follow me, hehehe..."

Agnar, who was originally ready to resist, finally chose to give up.

The threat in Witt's tone couldn't be more obvious.

In this way, Agner was pulled by Witt and flew towards the alchemy area.

Seeing the direction of Witt's target, Agner silently prayed for Mo Xi in his heart.

Just talking about Mo Xi, a bold idea came up in the next second, and then came to the alchemy area where Mo Xi was. Witt's goal was self-evident.

Witt didn't care what Agner was thinking. He just entered Billy's alchemy shop with excitement and came to Mo Xi who was sleeping.

Then, he lifted Mo Xi up with his mental power and turned to look at Agner.

"Let's go, let's let Mo Xi have some sense of participation!

Otherwise, this feast of ten thousand dragons that only happens once in four thousand years, is obviously on the scene, but spent in sleep, isn't it too miserable."

Agner looked at Mo Xi with a rather compassionate look.

Being manipulated by you like this is really miserable.

Looking at Witt who was carrying Moshi out in front, Agner shuddered for no reason, and then a look of relief flashed in his eyes.

Fortunately, he woke up, otherwise, he would probably end up like Moshi.

"Hey, why are you still standing there, hurry up!

If it takes too long, Celine will come to check the situation.

We have to roast the raw meat for him before Celine reacts!"

Agner came to his senses and hurried to catch up.

"By the way, you will help me attract Celine's attention. After finishing this, I will have to hide for a while."

"What about you?"

"You are just an accomplice. Celine will not embarrass you. Don't worry. This is enough to give you a clear answer."



Celine, who was chatting with Kailin and Ni, heard the familiar voice coming from below, and moved her eyes that were looking at the magic circle area from time to time to the bottom.

"Agnar, you really woke up. I thought that guy Witt just made up a random excuse to run away.


Your aura is not weak. It seems that you have another opponent in the Dragon King Challenge."

As a veteran who followed Witt to "conquer the world", Agnar once had the same treatment as Linsda, but he was forced to be trained by Celine.

So, Celine is very concerned about Agnar.

Seeing him break through successfully, I was happy for him from the bottom of my heart.

"I hope to meet you later. After all, I just broke through, and I don't have much confidence to fight with you. Long time no see, Kailin!


As he said, Agner's eyes fell on Ni.

"Her name is Ni. I met her when I was traveling with Witt before, but..."

As he said, Celine raised her eyebrows, and then looked at Agner with a smile.

"Agner, I don't remember you taking the initiative to ask about the origins of other dragons..."

As the voice fell, Celine's eyes swept around, and while looking, she said: "You are here to attract my attention, Witt..."

As she was talking, Celine saw that on the floating island that originally belonged to Witt, a dragon that should not have appeared here appeared at some point.

Next to the dragon, a silver claw was grabbing a crystal, trying to stick it to the floating island.

Under Celine's gaze, the claw paused for a moment, then quickly stuck the crystal to the floating island, and then quickly retracted it as if it had been electrocuted.

Celine stared at this scene blankly, and her face quickly darkened.


However, no dragon responded.

Celine's sharp eyes instantly fell on Agner.

Agner hurriedly said: "It's none of your business. Witt suddenly had a bold idea and wanted Moshi to experience the atmosphere of the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast up close.

He forced you to come over to attract your attention.

He also said that you would definitely be angry, so he planned to avoid it for a while."


Celine was silent for a while, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"You go with you to see Teacher Karen!"

After that, Celine smiled apologetically at Kailin and the others.

"There's something going on here."

After that, Celine took Agner and flew towards Karen.

After a while, Agner lay on the floating island, wanting to cry but unable to. He hadn't had time to go shopping yet!

Uh... Although you can see the scene below and even control the floating island to watch it up close, but... there is no dragon-crowding atmosphere!


"Tsk tsk, fortunately you reacted quickly!"

Muttering, a giant dragon covered in silver stared at Celine flying towards the distance above, and muttered with a look of relief.

Then, he retracted his gaze and mixed into the surrounding dragons.

As the representative of the ten major dragon nests, the dragons on the floating island are the face of the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast. As long as they don't participate in the activities below, or if there is something urgent, they have to lie on it.

Originally, Witt didn't think it was a big deal. After all, it didn't affect his participation in the various activities of the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

But, is Witt a dragon who can sit still?

It's just that he promised Karen before, so he insisted for fifteen years.

Now, Mo Xi helped him lie on it, and by the way, he could feel the atmosphere of the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast from a close distance, killing two birds with one stone!

Of course, Witt is not a formalist.

Let Mo Xi feel the atmosphere, let him feel the atmosphere. With the help of the photo stone, Mo Xi still has this memory, but it has been delayed for a few years.

But this is enough, just treat it as amnesia and recall it.

So, now he starts to enjoy his own Ten Thousand Dragons Feast!

Just as Witt was thinking this, while shuttling among the dragons, a familiar figure blocked his way.

Looking at the sharp eyes on the opposite side, Witt was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes.


Celine rolled her eyes, did not speak, and only took out a silver-white dragon scale.

Witt's face froze, and then he looked surprised.

"You must have made a mistake. The dragon scales only indicate a certain range. You might as well look around and you will definitely find the dragon you are looking for."

"If you admit it now, I will still forgive you!"



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