Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 17 Magic that Vita can also use

Chapter 17 Werther can also use magic

"깊Understand magic, learn magic, and then you can defeat magic!"

After hearing Winters' words, Werther's enthusiasm for magic had just dissipated, but it burned up again!

He does not know magic, but if he has enough understanding of magic, then he will naturally have the means to deal with magic!

Even if it is just a method, it is better than knowing nothing at all!

Seeing that Werther was passionate about magic, Winters couldn't help but smile, a little ferocious!

"Yes, that's the expression!

Witte, I look forward to your performance, and even if you can't learn other magics, there is one magic that you can definitely learn!

Because that magic is engraved deep in the dragon's bloodline!

No matter how mutated your bloodline is, as long as you are still a dragon, you can learn this magic! "

Hearing this, Witte's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Winters, tell me, what kind of magic is that? What do I need to do to learn it?"

“Dragon Breath!

And, you don't need to do much because it's your instinct! "

"Dragon Breath!"

Werther repeated this magic name, his eyes getting brighter and brighter!

Of course, it was not because Winters told him that he could learn this magic, but when he heard the four words "dragon breath", an astonishing picture appeared in the back of his mind!

A familiar figure stood in the starry sky. It was his father, and opposite his father was a small and terrifying creature with the size of a star.

Starry sky beast!

For no reason, the name of the giant beast appeared in the depths of his mind.

Compared to the giant starry sky beast, his father's body was so small, so small that he had no doubt that the starry giant beast only needed to take a breath, and his father would be like a mote of dust in the air. It is inhaled into the body.

However, in a second, he saw the golden lines on his father's body begin to light up, and blazing white flames were like flowing clouds, floating from the corners of his father's slightly opened mouth.

Then, the father suddenly opened his mouth, and a blazing white sticky flame shot out, instantly piercing the body of the starry sky beast.

The terrifying heat made even the starry sky distorted.

From his angle, he could even see through the hole the void behind the starry sky beast, as well as the charred, carbonized flesh and blood in the hole.

Is this the dragon's breath?

Just after Werther came up with this idea, the picture in his mind disappeared. I don't know if it was an illusion. After finishing breathing, his father seemed to look at him!

"Werther? Werther!"

Winters's voice brought Werther back from his thoughts. Noticing the concern in Winters' eyes, Werther felt warm in his heart, and then said softly: "I'm fine, it's just that my father's use of the dragon just appeared in my mind. Breathing scene!"

Hearing this, not only Winters, but also the eyes of the other four little dragons were attracted.

In fact, Witte's father, in the minds of these little dragons, 껥 has become synonymous with 깊mysterious, a unique and alien dragon!

"Can you describe it?"

Victor nodded, and then began to describe in detail.

Of course, it was impossible for him to describe all of that scene, as that would only make Winters think that he was just thinking!

Therefore, in Witte's description, the battle venue changes from the starry sky to the plains, and the opponent changes from the giant beast in the starry sky to an adult Bussdramon.

Uh... Although he doesn't know how tall an adult Bussdramon is, an adult has a body of dozens of meters, let alone an adult.

After listening to 깊Witt's description, Winters raised her paws consciously and gently scratched her chin, which meant that she was thinking.

However, the five little ones had to stay away from Winters to avoid being hit by the falling flames.

"The description of your father's breath matches his bloodline. The blazing white and sticky flame should be the red dragon's lava breath.

Although the normal lava breath should be red, your father is a mutant dragon, so it is normal for the flames to be of different colors!

It instantly penetrated the body of an adult Bussdramon and formed a transparent hole with charred edges. This shows that the nature of your father's lava breath should be penetrated by high temperature!

Of course, the possibility of possessing fire poison cannot be ruled out.

Hmm...it's a very powerful breath! "

After hearing Winters' analysis, Witte let out a silent sigh of relief, and then felt a sense of joy.

"Will my breath be like this?"

However, Winters shook his head.

"This is not necessarily true. After all, although you are half of the alien dragon blood, you are actually a pure silver dragon, which means your mother is also very strong!

The offspring of two equally powerful dragons will randomly inherit the abilities of one of their parents.

The same goes for breath! "

Although Witte was a little disappointed, he then asked curiously: "What does the silver dragon's breath look like?"

"The breath of a silver dragon is called the breath of 꽮prime. Each breath of a silver dragon will express different 놅꽮elements, but at least it will have the effect of more than three 놅꽮elements.

Among them, water element is a must. After all, the silver dragon itself is a water element. "

"It doesn't sound as cool as mine. The breath of the crystal dragon is called crystal breath, which sounds much better than the breath of water element!"

Hearing Billy's words, Winters' eyes flashed with a strangeness.

"Billy, although I don't want to interrupt your imagination, I have to regretfully tell you that among all the dragon species, the breath with the least power is the crystal breath.

Because, among all the breaths, only the crystal breath is not a pure magic breath!

Of course, so far!"

Hearing this, Billy wailed, and then hugged his head.

"Winters, can I pretend that I didn't hear it?"

"Of course, as long as you want! "

Pause, Winters noticed the eager eyes of the other three dragons. With the blood inheritance, they certainly knew what their breath was.

However, they wanted to hear Winters' evaluation more!

Seeing this, Winters had no choice but to compromise.

"Okay, I was going to take you to practice breathing, but since you want to listen, I'll say a few more words!"

Hearing this, the five little ones instantly became excited.

Unexpectedly, breathing was the first magic they learned.

"I know you are very excited, but please listen to me!

There are two kinds of green dragon breath, poisonous breath and natural breath, both of which are quite difficult breaths.

The breath of the gold dragon is similar to that of the red dragon, and it is also lava breath, but the lava breath of the gold dragon contains two magic elements, fire and earth.

As for you, Celine, the Holy Dragon's Light Atom Breath is the fastest and most penetrating breath of all dragons except for some special dragons. "

Speaking of this, Winters looked down at the increasingly lively dragon cave and chuckled.

"Okay, next is the time to learn how to breathe, but this place is obviously not suitable, let's go outside, leave this to these little dragons, they will help us get everything done!"


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