Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1695 Are you happy?

When Violet heard Celine's words and saw the dragons staring at her with strange expressions, her heart skipped a beat and she had a bad premonition.

Slowly turning her head to look at the battle monument, her name suddenly appeared on it.

땤Her right 꿛……

Violet turned to look at Werther without tears.

"No, this is only the third round!"

Werther chuckled.

"Are you happy?

Haven't you always been curious about the gap between you and me? Now you can experience it for yourself.

I won't stay this time.

Aolidao chose close combat, but Billy's strength was too weak. In the third round, I finally came up against a opponent that allowed me to fight with all my strength.

Violet, don’t let the teacher look down upon you!

Jie Jie Jie..."


"What are you doing, Celine?"

Celine rolled her eyes and retracted the dragon's tail.

"When did you learn to laugh like this? It's so ugly. Let's laugh again."


Werther glanced at Celine angrily, then stood up and flew towards the arena.

The battles in the Wanglong Challenge were like this, and there was no time to rest. Like Gang Yilit before, he was the last one in the first round and the first one in the second round, so he fought two games in a row, with the middle There is no time to rest.

Now, the Battle Monument has given out the battle list. If Witte and the others do not play within three minutes, they will be deemed to have given up.

Verritt looked at the aggressive Werther, and to be honest, she felt a little scared.

Although she always wants to attack Werther, the pressure Werther puts on her is stronger than any dragon present. For no other reason than because he is her teacher!

"Come on, Violet, how much strength can you bring out of Werther, maybe we will decide whether we can defeat this 'big evil dragon'!"

Celine's joking words made Violet relax a lot.


With a sigh of relief, Violet glanced at the dragons helplessly.

"Although I prefer you to test the teacher's strength, but since you are unlucky, I have no choice but to do it. Everyone, wish me good luck!"

After saying that, Violet flew towards the arena, her face looking solemn.

Even though she had just returned to her full state, Werther on the other side had spent a lot of time treating their injuries, but she still didn't have much confidence.

Watching Violet come on stage, all the dragons looked strange. You are unlucky to meet your teacher in the third round. Do our blessings really matter?

Celine noticed movement around her and turned around to look, only to see Isa lying next to her with a touch of emotion on her face.

"She has grown really big. It seems that your experiences are far more exciting than what you said."

Hearing this, Celine smiled.

"Aren't you the same, but I'm curious, where is your magic?"

Isa's strength is the control of magic, but it is not 눓꽮 elemental magic, 땤 is 뀙꽮 elemental magic.

"Oh, you said this!

In fact, there is no difference. This set of magic is mine to deal with Werther.

In terms of combat skills, although I use explosive magic like Violet, I pay more attention to the luck of magic, and my speed cannot compare with hers.

When using magic to deal with Violet, if she can't match her speed, she can only suffer.

It's better to deal with Villette in the same way as Werther. After all, speed is the key point to consider when dealing with Werther. "

Hearing this, Celine looked at Isa with a little surprise.

"When did you think about it so much?"

"That's because this is the battle plan I set for her. Otherwise, would she think so much?"

늀At this moment, O's voice sounded.

Isa's expression froze, and then she swung the dragon's tail behind her and struck towards Ao's head.

Ao calmly took Isha's dragon tail.

The movements were slow, but there was a sense of being in control. Rather than saying that he had taken Isha's tail, it was more like Isha stuffing her tail into Ao's crotch.


With a chuckle, Ao let go of Isa's tail.


Isa was furious, then thought about it, lowered her head, and took out Aoli Dao's dragon scale.

"I hope Ao meets Celine, I hope Ao meets Celine..."

Aulidao looked at this scene, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Well... I don't remember my ability to fulfill wishes."

The dragons laughed.

Celine looked at Isa funny.

"Okay, okay, if I meet him, I will definitely beat him up for you. The battle is about to begin. You don't want to miss this!"

Hearing this, not only Isa but also other dragons also stared.

In fact, as Celine said, today's Werther, in their eyes, is a "big evil dragon" waiting to be conquered. The more they understand, the better their chances of winning.

The previous battle between Werther and Ollie gave them a lot of information.

For example, when playing with Witte, there is no need to pay attention to the three-in-one shaping magic array, because Witte has already mastered the rules of strength and speed.

Werther like this cannot be treated in the same way as before.

In the past, Werther, who had not changed his form, and the dragon with a stronger physical body, could still have a close combat with him. Now when fighting Werther, I believe no one wants to let him get close.

After all, the rules of speed and strength are not only applicable in the battle dragon form.

At least, Claude and Ollido, who also practice the rules of speed and strength, will not change their forms when fighting.

Vitt grows very fast. If they continue to look at Vitt with the old eyes, they will definitely lose miserably when they meet him later.

Therefore, the dragons are not optimistic about Violet.

Because the current Vitt is quite unfamiliar to most of them.

They know Vitt's various abilities, but it is unknown in what form these abilities will be exerted.

In addition to Celine and her group of dragons, other dragons are also very concerned about this battle.

After all, Vitt is too high-profile!

They remembered this dragon in an exhibition match.

Although the other side of the exhibition match showed obvious let-down behavior, it is undeniable that this dragon still has the strength to fight when facing the legendary high position.

This alone attracted the attention of other dragons to Witt.

Including Gang Yilite!

This dragon, who had just broken through to the top of the legendary level, looked at Witt in the field with a solemn look in his eyes.

After two rounds of battles, only this dragon could pose a threat to him.

On the other side, Sen stared at Witt on the field.

Ayisha and Aura behind her had helpless expressions on their faces.

This is really trapped!

By the way, is the attraction of this dragon really that great?

Uh... Although they also think Witt is handsome and an ideal type, if they were in his place, they would definitely not be able to do such a entanglement.

So, they actually knew that it was Sen's possessiveness that was at work.

The only way to wake her up was a miserable defeat...

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