Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1704 Ao's opponent!

"See, I told you, my elemental rule power recovers very quickly!"


Hearing what Witt said, the dragons were speechless.

You really don't regard other dragons as dragons, and other dragons don't have elements?

Uh... well, it's not that exaggerated. After all, the audience seats are not like the stadium. They are in a closed state. The area emptied by Witt will also recover.

It's just that the various elements are not as abundant as before.

However, in this situation, there is really no one more suitable than Witt to treat the dragons.

Seeing that the other dragons stopped talking, Witt began to treat Gekai and Seros. Let's not talk about Gekai. After Witt started to treat Seros, he began to absorb the surrounding elements.

He still has to prepare for another round of competition.

But his speed of absorbing elements is not as fast as Witt. Whether the elements can be fully restored before a round of battle is another matter.

However, these are only considered in the first few rounds.

In the later rounds, the intensity is increased, and the opponent is likely not in full condition.

Therefore, the entire Dragon King Challenge has been one game after another, with no chance to rest.

The battle on the field is still going on. The dragons around Vitt are basically focusing on Ao and Celine. Now it depends on whose dragon scales will work first.

Finally, after the battle between Seiros and others, the two battles ended. Celine and others have a result. The dragon scales on Ao's claws dimmed.

Noticing this, Ao raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that the next battle is mine."

As he said, Ao and the dragons looked at the battle monument. Sure enough, Ao's name had appeared on the battle monument, and the one who appeared before him was his opponent-Aixia!

Seeing this, Ao was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at Celine with consciousness.

The matter of the three-headed dragon depends on Isa, and Isa basically talks to Celine about everything, so Ao knows it very well.

"Celine, I didn't expect that I snatched your opponent."

Hearing this, Celine smiled.

"Since you snatched my opponent, then help me deal with her."

At this time, Seros opened his eyes and looked at Ao.

"Don't have too much psychological pressure because of Ollidofu's dragon scales. Bad luck only means that your opponent is strong, but it doesn't mean you will lose."

Hearing this, Ge Kai also opened his eyes.

"Haha, thank you for the compliment!

But it is true that if I had used the Lost Magic earlier, the ending might have been different."

"Well, thank you for your comfort."

As he spoke, Ao flew towards the arena with a solemn look on his face.

Ayisha, a spirit dragon, is the one with the strongest aura among the three dragons. He is good at elemental manipulation. Specifically, he is similar to Isa, and is also very good at magic manipulation.

It's just that the principle is different. The other party is the manipulation of elements, while Isa is the perception of magic. The former is more of a talent.

In addition, the other party is still a legendary mid-level.

Although he is not far from the legendary mid-level, he has not reached that level after all.

In addition, although he is friendly to both the elements of light and fire, he is also good at the element of light, and his fighting style is defensive counterattack.

The offensiveness shown by the opponent in the first two rounds made him quite afraid.

On the other side, Ayisha's face was not very good.

Although Ao was a legendary, his aura was very strong. The first two rounds of fighting were very simple, which made her a little unsure of Ao's direction of cultivation.

As for Ao being the dragon of Witt's side...

For Ayisha, this is not something worth paying attention to.

She and Aola have different personalities.

For her, love and affection are the most boring things at the bottom. If Sen hadn't shown too strong possessiveness, she wouldn't want to care about this matter.

In contrast, fierce fighting is her pleasure. When standing on the battlefield, winning or losing is her only concern.


Accompanied by two muffled sounds, Ao and Ayisha stood on the battlefield, which was divided into two parts, north and south, by the Starry Night River.

Obviously, this is a land duel between dragons (element-affinity dragons).

Both sides are the type of dragons who are ruthless and don't talk much. As soon as their eyes met, they began to prepare for each other.

Element Amplification (65), Layer Solidification (79), Dragon Armor (90), three magic circles expanded from Ao's feet, one bigger and more complicated than the other.

The khaki light climbed up the golden dragon armor, and a rock flower bloomed on the foot. The ferocious petals wrapped Ao up and turned into a khaki dragon armor.

Then the khaki light on the dragon armor suddenly compressed. The dragon armor, which originally looked bloated, was compressed and thinned a little, but the light on it became much more condensed.

Even the foot of Ao collapsed a little invisibly, which shows that this set of dragon armor is not light.

Watching this scene, Witt was numb.

These guys hid deeper than one another, and Ao was even more excessive, hiding a rule.

Originally, he thought that Ao's comprehension of the elemental rules would be the solidity of the body and the gravity of the body, but he didn't expect that Ao actually comprehended a third elemental rule, the pressure of the body.

Heavy pressure is different from gravity. Gravity is more about restricting the opponent's movement, while heavy pressure should be called mass compression.

Put on a solid, overweight dragon armor, and then hit it!

This is a typical method of increasing physical strength through elemental power. Other elemental dragons cannot play this game, only elemental dragons can use this tactic.

Needless to say, this is to deal with him.

To be honest, if Witt was just watching the fun at the beginning, now he is praying that Ollidolf's dragon scales can exert their own power as much as possible.

Let these guys hide their strength and expose them one by one in front of him.

Anyway, he belongs to the hexagon, as long as the opponent is exposed, he has the power to solve it.

Witt is afraid that it will suddenly come during the battle.


On the field, as the first person to know Witte, Ao guessed what Witte would think when he used all his strength, but he didn't care about that.

Ayisha is very strong. If she doesn't use all her strength, she will lose!

If she loses, then she will lose the dragon.

First win Ayisha, then there will be a chance to fight Witte.

On the other side, Ayisha, after sensing the aura on Ao, a flash of understanding flashed in her eyes.

Elemental rules are generally understood according to one's own combat habits, and these three elemental rules are perfectly matched with defensive counterattack tactics.

"Very strong, but unfortunately, you met me!"

Ayisha murmured, but the corners of her mouth were grinning, and then she stepped hard on the ground, and a khaki magic circle quickly unfolded...

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