Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 172 Flying Dragon!

Witt lay on the corner of Squaw, his eyes full of seriousness.

He was carving a magic circle.

Linsda lay on the side, his eyes full of envy.

He also wanted to be like Witt, to be able to easily carve a magic circle.

However, when he thought of the magic circle he carved, the envy in Linsda's eyes turned into shame.

He had been with Squaw for a month, but he had not even carved a magic circuit, let alone a complete magic circle.


With a long breath, Witt stopped the enchantment pen in his hand, then took out the liquid magic core and began to complete the last step of the magic circle.

He was now carving a water-attribute defense magic circle with 14 nodes.

Of course, it was not used for hunting or anything.

The magic circle has always been a tool for Witt to practice spiritual magic.

When he practiced mental magic, he practiced according to the elemental attributes of magic, but according to the number of elemental nodes.

Because the more elemental nodes that construct magic, the more elemental nodes you need to destroy at the same time if you want to ban magic.

And if you want to ban a magic, you basically need to destroy one-third of its elemental nodes at the same time.

Of course, this is not absolute. Some magic is more stable, such as defensive magic. If you want to ban this kind of magic, you need to destroy at least one-tenth of the number of nodes.

When facing more active blasting magic, you only need to affect one-fourth of its elemental nodes to cast this kind of magic.

For mental magic, there are three difficulties.

First, remember the position of each elemental node of magic;

Second, how to accurately destroy one-third or even more elemental nodes in a high-speed attack;

Third, every additional node is a great burden on the control of mental power.

The first two are proficiency, and the third is one's own hard power.

After practicing spiritual magic for so many years, Witt started practicing the fourteen-node magic today. Witt can easily ban the magic under the fourteen nodes.

It is worth noting that Witt is more demanding on himself. When he bans magic, he does it by destroying one-third of its elemental nodes, or one-tenth of its elemental nodes.

His demand on himself is all!

This means that Witt's control of his own mental power can actually be done, accurately and accurately destroying thirteen nodes at the same time.

The magic used by the dragon beast is the origin magic, so when facing the dragon beast, Witt can only use shaping magic and dragon breath to fight the enemy.

At this time, Witt's power is fully reflected.

When Witt fought with Antawana, who was also a dragon, his terror was truly revealed.

After fighting once, Antawana refused to fight Witt no matter what.

From beginning to end, except for the dragon breath, she did not release a single magic, and when the dragon breath hit Witt's body, even a frost flower formed.

It was an all-round, no-dead-angle crush!

Therefore, when Antawana, who was practicing magic in the distance, saw Witt start to draw a new magic circle, her brows twisted into a knot.

If she had always been rational, Antawana would have wanted to give up elemental magic and learn shaping magic to deal with Witt.

But after thinking of Witt's body size, she gave up.

She had also fought with shaping magic!

As for mental magic... Antawana also tried to test Witt's attitude.

Witt was indeed willing to teach her, but when she understood the spiritual magic in depth, she gave up.

Just as the teacher said to Witt back then, a dragon, as long as he knew elemental magic, would definitely choose to learn spiritual magic.

Because if the energy consumed on spiritual magic is used to learn elemental magic, the achievement will be higher.

Spiritual magic is the orthodox magic after all.

But the question is, how many dragons can devote the same level of energy to learning elemental magic as Witt did when learning spiritual magic!


Looking at the magic circle in front of him, Witt smiled.

But soon, his face became bitter.

There is no need to worry about the magic solution for the time being, because the stock has been used up long ago. The magic solution he is using now is the latest one, and the source of the material is naturally the dragon beasts hunted by them as food.

The key point is the magic core. The liquid magic core has run out. Soon, he only uses the dragon beast crystal core as the magic core.

Let's talk about the utilization rate of the dragon beast crystal core first. The number and source of the dragon beast crystal core alone is a problem.

A suitable dragon beast only provides one crystal core.

And now he needs fourteen suitable dragon beast crystal cores to carve a magic array.

After working hard, a magic array was emptied by him.

And with his training intensity, a magic array can even last halfway.

Too inefficient!

As for asking Si Kuo for help...

Just kidding, he is a legendary peak-level earth dragon, and he is asked to deal with some silver-level dragon beasts. This is really killing a chicken with a butcher knife!

The earth dragon has no reverse scale space, so Si Kuo cannot carry so many crystal cores with him.

When he thought of this, Witt's face became even more bitter.

Witt casually handed the enchantment pen to Linsda beside him. Just as he was about to put away the scales engraved with the magic circle, he looked up and saw a small black dot flying in the distance.

Just as Witt put away the magic circle with a puzzled look on his face and was about to see what was going on, Si Kuo under him suddenly roared!


(Welcome to you and wish you a pleasant journey!)

Such as he said this, Si Kuo had no intention of stopping.

In fact, in the past month, Witt had not seen Si Kuo stop. Regardless of day or night, he was walking fast and slowly.

Of course, Si Kuo would deliberately avoid some mountains that looked relatively high or deep rifts.

Witt also asked him specifically.

And Si Kuo said that every two or three months, he would stay in one place for about half a month, and this half a month was his rest time.

It must be said that the earth dragons have really strong endurance.

And under Witt's gaze, even if Squaw didn't stop, the dragons quickly chased after him.

Yes, it's a dragon!

But it's not a giant dragon, it's a flying dragon!

It was also the first time Witt saw a flying dragon, and he couldn't help but observe it carefully.

The snout is very long, with tiny but sharp teeth, and behind the head is a purple dragon horn that extends outward like a long snout, with flashing electric light on it.

The body is like a bat, with a layer of flesh covered with purple scales on the forelimbs, hind limbs and the sides of the torso.

The body is blue-purple dragon scales.

The dragon tail behind is short and thin, only about half of their body length.

Looking at the nearby group, some of them are around ten meters long, and some are slightly longer, but not much longer, which means that their adult size is about ten meters.

After seeing the appearance of these flying dragons clearly, a name emerged in Witt's mind - Wind and Thunder Pterosaur!

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