Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1730 The second crow's mouth!

Hearing Billy's words, Dai Lin had a look of helplessness on his face.

"Although I do want to have a fight with Werther, it's only the fifth round. It's not that easy."

After a while!

The dragons looked at the two names on the battle monument, and then their eyes focused on Billy.

Ollidorf grinned.

"In Werther's words, the second crow's mouth!"

That's right, Dai Lin and Werther met in the first match of the fifth round.

Looking at the two names on the battle monument, Dai Lin was stunned for a moment, a hint of complexity flashed in his eyes, and then his eyes condensed, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Witt, let's have a good fight. I've been looking forward to this fight for a long time!"

With that said, Dai Lin stood up and flew towards the arena.

Werther stood up slowly, and his momentum also rose. For him, this battle was something he had been looking forward to for a long time.

After watching Werther leave, Billy moved closer to Celine.

"Can you just tell Werther?"

Celine glanced at Billy, then turned her eyes to the arena.

"Witt has his own judgment. I need to say more. Besides, if I want to speak for Dai Lin, then he will be really miserable!"

When the expected scene did not appear, Billy curled his lips and walked towards 굜nit.

Afterwards, Nite could now pay attention to Billy. Her eyes were fixed on the playing field.

Dai Lin is a legendary mid-level player with weak abilities in all aspects. Perhaps, he can force out more from Werther.

땤There are dragons with similar ideas, but 놊only has 굜nit.

Anyone who has any idea about the title of Dragon King knows very well that Witte, the mutated silver dragon from Desidero, and the legendary high-ranking Gangilit are obstacles to get around!

Therefore, the more Werther is exposed, the easier it will be for them to deal with him when they face Werther.

Especially since they have gained insight into Werther's true nature.

That is enough hard power!

When hard power is sufficient, the more methods are exposed, the smaller the threat.


Although they are still thinking about how to limit Werther's space rules efficiently and quickly.

But this does not prevent them from exploring Werther's other powers.

On the field, Witte and Dai Lin stood opposite each other, of course, with a long distance between them.

Witte looked at Dai Lin opposite, a smile appeared on his face.

"How do you want to fight this battle?"

Dai Lin was startled.

"Is there any choice?"

Werther smiled and nodded.

"Of course I have some choices, head-on confrontation with magic, old tactics, new tactics, it depends on which one you like."

Dai Lin recalled Witte's old tactics, and then quickly shook his head.

"Forget the old tactics, give me some heart!"

He didn't want to be like Violet, who couldn't even release a complete magic after a battle.

As for Werther's space methods...

It's quite difficult, and he hasn't thought of a good way to deal with it yet.

"New tactics..."

Werther murmured, then nodded.

"Then let's get started!"

With that said, Werther began to chant.

Although his singing speed is faster than Celine and 굜nit, his research on spiritual magic makes his singing speed far faster than that of ordinary dragons.

놊In the blink of an eye, the magic arrays that symbolized the successful activation of magic expanded around Werther.

Water element increase (65), ice dragon armor (76)...

It is said to be a new combat method, but in fact, it is just a new combat method on Witte. In fact, it is the conventional magic combat that other dragons have used before.

Of course, that's just the beginning.

After all, all magic combat, amplification and defense are all precedence magic.

If even these two types of magic cannot be completed instantly during a battle, then the outcome of the next battle is basically doomed.

Seeing Werther's actions, Dai Lin realized that Werther's new method of warfare was magic warfare.

땤This is what he is best at!

놊However, the chanting speed of this mantra is really fast.

With this thought in his mind, Dai Lin also started singing of his own.

Fire element amplification (65), lava armor (78)...

These are two current magics, and this also shows that Dai Lin, who is compatible with the dual elements of light and fire, has a fighting style with the fire element as the main element and the light element as the supplement.

By the way, he had just put on the lava armor, and on the other side, Witte had already thrown a light blue magic circle high into the sky.

In a breath, dark clouds gathered, the temperature dropped sharply, and a blade-like blizzard enveloped the entire battlefield.

Dai Lin hurriedly started a new round of chanting as he thought about Witte's next move.

The blizzard (83) has taken shape. No matter what, he must win back the viewing space, otherwise, this battle will be completely passive.

However, as soon as he opened the door and before he started singing, a figure wrapped in light blue ice suddenly appeared next to him, and when he opened his mouth, an ice roar came out (75)!

The speed was so fast that Dai Lin could only use his breath to deal with it.

Fortunately, his realm is high, and his breath is a very fast breath of light atoms.

However, the next second, Dai Lin's pupils shrank sharply.

Then, a hole was blown in the lava armor on his right shoulder, and his breath easily passed through the ice roar and penetrated the figure of Witte wrapped in the ice dragon armor.


The power of the fire element continued to flow out from the dragon crystal. The broken lava armor was only shattered for a moment, and then it was restored to its original state under the effect of the fire element rule.

But Dai Lin looked around with a vigilant look.

It was just because of the illusion, and the quality of Witte's water element rule power was far beyond his estimation.

Although his realm was only the lower legendary level, the strength of the element rule power was already inferior to his element rule power.

In this way, he had to regard Witte as a being of the next level.

Moreover, it was no wonder that Witte was able to fight with the high legendary level for a while during the previous exhibition match.

Thinking of this, Dai Lin tried to chant the spell again.

At the same time, his mental power was highly alert, fearing that Witte's figure would suddenly jump out of the blizzard around him.

However, at this moment, Witte's attack came again.

He really jumped out of the blizzard, and there was only one person who jumped out.

Up, down, left, right, front, and back... a total of five figures wearing ice dragon armor, who used ice roar at the same time.

Dai Lin saw this scene, his pupils shrank, and then he hurriedly responded.

That is, he breathed out a light atom towards the figure he thought was Witte.


The light atom breath and the ice roar collided with each other and exploded directly. The two elements with different but powerful wills collided with each other, triggering a violent elemental riot.




The other five ice roars hit Dai Lin's body directly, smashing the lava armor to pieces.

It was an illusion!

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