Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1741 I want to learn!

Linstar didn't know what Witte was thinking, but after hearing Witte's comfort, he felt better.

He stood up and was about to leave the arena when he suddenly felt that the dragon's tail behind him was a little fluttery. He turned around and saw the miserable state of his own dragon's tail.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Linstar looked at Werther quite speechlessly.

"Did you do it on purpose?"

Witte's eyes drifted and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"How is it possible? I tried my best to control my power so that you wouldn't be beaten to death, so I wouldn't have the energy to target your dragon tail.

Besides, I will give you so many emeralds...

No need!

Okay, the battle is over, we have to leave quickly so that Uranos can repair the field and prepare for the next game. "

With that said, Werther turned around and flew towards the audience.

Linstar looked at Werther's back and curled his lips.

I don’t believe a word of what Werther said, that guy definitely did it on purpose!

Thinking this in his heart, Linstadt didn't stay on the field anymore, he got up and left with Witt.

After the 땤놇Witts left, there was a violent tremor on the field, and a rich 꺱 yellow elemental power covered the lava field.

However, in the blink of an eye, the land battlefield returned to its original state, and the starry night river that had stopped flowing was also dredged.

After hearing the commotion, Witte turned his head and glanced at the arena, and then cast his eyes on the huge figure in the distance, with an inexplicable look flashing across his eyes.

What a pity!

Afterwards, Werther continued to fly towards the audience.

After landing, Witte felt that something was not right in the atmosphere. He glanced around and saw that all the dragons were staring at him, especially Aoisha.

"Uh...what's wrong?"

Ao looked at Werther with burning eyes.

"The lost magic of the fire element?"


Witte nodded, and then continued: "One hundred and five nodes, called elemental surge."

"I want to learn!"

With Werther, there is no need to be polite. Just say what you want. He knows that Werther will not refuse.

This is also true.

Werther was startled for a moment, and then looked at Austria with a bit of laughter and tears.

"Just learn it. What I originally planned to teach you is not only the lost magic of the fire element, but also the earth element and the natural element. I collected one of them, plus ice burial..."

Werther glanced at the dragons.

"Basically, except for Violet here, everyone can learn one or two."

The lost magic of natural elements was also left to 놛 by Cocoon. The reward given to 뀘 was two legendary dragon crystals with lost magic. Witte only studied the fire element.

I haven't had time to study the natural element one yet.

However, considering that Cocoon knows that Werther comes from, and that after his next rebirth, he will still be with Werther, there is a high probability that this lost magic of natural elements was given to him by that guy with the help of Werther. .

The dragons' eyes suddenly lit up after listening to 누Witt's words.

Lost magic is not easy to deal with.

If he didn't know Werther well and knew he couldn't joke about this kind of thing, most dragons would just think he was crazy when they heard that Werther had the lost magic of water, fire, earth, and natural elements.

Chiara Hermus looked at each other, a look of envy flashing in his eyes.

Kotlin paid attention to the gazes of the two dragons, thought for a moment, trotted directly in front of Werther, and said with a stern face: "Werter, look at how many of our old friends we have..."

As he said that, 놛 also winked at Werther.

Werther looked at Kotlin amusedly.

"Don't worry. If you want to learn, then come together. After the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons, I will stay in Sky City for a long time. Anyone who wants to learn can come to me."

As he said that, Witte glanced at the dragons.

"All dragons can do it."

Kotlin was stunned for a moment.

“It’s all OK!

Werther, did I hear you correctly? That is Lost Magic.

What are you..."

Werther chuckled.

"Let's get to know each other. The stronger you are, the happier I will be. After all... this world is getting more and more dangerous."

After saying that, Witte paused, and then said with a smile: "If it weren't for the fact that it takes a lot of time to learn the Lost Magic, which would affect your performance in the Dragon King Challenge, I would have taught it to you long ago."

The dragons were silent for a while.

If it were other 놛dragons, 놛people might think it was just a casual comment, but if it were Werther, what 놛 said must be what he thought.

Celine glanced at Werther, and then said: "I have a lost magic of light element here. If you want to learn it, you can come to me."

Werther looked at Celine in astonishment.

Celine noticed Werther's gaze and said with a smile: "I can't teach you the magic that grandpa taught me, but I can teach you the other one."

Werther's heart skipped a beat.

"Did you learn it when you went to Remière?"

Celine nodded, and Werther showed a clear look on his face.

This should have been taught to Celine by Celine's grandmother, Elvis's partner Beverly.

Although he is also a sacred dragon, he was originally a lone dragon who wandered into the Sea of ​​Light. He joined Rimi El after following Elvis.

It is not too weird to master the lost magic of light elements other than Remiel. It may be inherited by blood or come from ruins. Of course, the probability of the former is higher.

After all, when Beverly joined Remiel, she had just become a legend.

With such strength, it is difficult to obtain lost magic from the ruins.

Unless luck goes against you.

However, none of this matters anymore.

With Celine's promise, now all dragons can really obtain the lost magic.

To be honest, all the dragons felt unreal.

Olidolf looked at Werther with a strange expression.

"To be honest, I don't even know if you are unlucky or lucky. You have so many lost magics that ordinary dragons will never get in their lifetime."

Werther smiled.

"Don't blame you, I don't even know it myself, but none of the lost magic in me is easy to obtain. Well... there seems to be one, but I shamelessly begged for it.

Just be grateful to me! "

As he said that, Witte glanced at the dragons, suddenly his face became solemn, and then said in a deep voice: "By the way, don't you think you are a little far away from me?"

The dragons reacted, then looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and all moved closer to Werther.

Werther has made that level of commitment, even if he is unlucky, accept it!


"My dragon scales!"

Kailin doesn't need to learn lost magic from Werther, so she still stays away.

However, the situation in Nilin's space made her expression suddenly change, and she couldn't help but exclaim.

The dragons looked at it, and just in time to see it, Kailin took out a scrapped dragon scale.

"No, I didn't even come close!"

Werther's eyes lit up.

"Look, this problem is not my problem. You all leaned over and everything was fine. But Kailin, who didn't lean over, was unlucky. This shows that the unluckiness is only your own problem!"

Kellyn glared at Werther.

"You are still in the mood to say this, but you don't even know what I mean..."

Just as she was talking, Kailin's eyes glanced at the war monument in the distance.

Okay, now I know!

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