Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1750 The battle continues...

Of course, Witt must be simply bungee jumping with the space rift.

Every time he appears, he will take away a large number of free elements.

By the time Seros discovered Witt's actions, more than half of the elements on the field had been absorbed by Witt.

After realizing that the remaining elements were enough to support his normal use of magic, Seros slowed down his offensive and restrained the earth binding.

Facing Witt, who can travel through space freely, the restrictive effect of the earth binding on Witt is worth his investment of a lot of elemental rule power to maintain.

Without Seros's interference, Witt also successfully turned the field into an elemental vacuum zone.

With the isolation of the elemental shield, it is difficult for the elements in the field to enter the field.

Although Seros had felt the feeling of the surrounding elements being extracted by Witt when Witt was treating the dragons with all his strength before, this was his first experience of being directly extracted into an elemental vacuum zone.

It was very uncomfortable!

But there was nothing he could do. Since he had failed to stop Vit from extracting the elements, he could only wait and attack, looking for a chance to end the problem once and for all.

It was definitely better to continue the high-intensity attack.

Vit, who had the ability to jump into space, was too flexible, and his elemental rule power would be used less and less.

Of course, the Thunder Wings (92) still needed to be maintained.

Without the Thunder Wings, he would only be a target in the face of the extremely flexible Vit.

On the other side, Vit saw that Cyros had changed his tactics and sighed secretly.

Cyros liked to travel and had left Sky City early to explore the world. The other party had a lot of combat experience.

In any case, he would make the most favorable choice for himself.

It was basically impossible to take advantage of Cyros in this regard.

There would be no result if he continued to drag it out.

Witt's eyes fixed, and his body began to change. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a war dragon.

When he saw Witt's transformation, Seros's face became solemn.

He knew that Witt was ready to fight with his physical strength.

Not daring to be arrogant, Seros's body began to expand, and soon, his body reached more than 800 meters... Well, it was also very big.

After all, he was only more than 500 years older than Witt.

However, after revealing his true body, Seros was no longer restrained.

Although shrinking the body will have a great impact on the strength of the dragon, there is still a strong sense of restraint like a fat man wearing a tights.

This feeling will only gradually adapt with the passage of time, but it will not disappear.

Therefore, when the dragon is fighting with all its strength, it will use its true body.

On the other side, when Witt transformed into a war dragon, his body also expanded. Soon, a huge body of nearly 1,100 meters appeared.

Although Seros had seen Witt's true body in the exhibition match at the beginning of the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, the oppressive feeling when he really faced it still made his scalp numb.


What on earth did this guy eat to grow up!

Seros was full of helplessness.

He is obviously bigger than Witt!

However, thinking about this, Seros did not panic on the surface.

Although Witt is big in size, in fact, he is not much weaker in strength. At most, the difference in strength makes him easily lose control of his body when facing Witt's attack.

While comforting himself in this way, Sairos looked at Witt more vigilantly, and the lightning on the dragon wings behind him became more and more intense.

On the other side, after Witt completed the transformation in form, he looked at Sairos with an aggressive look, like a predator staring at its prey.

"Siros, are you ready!"

As he spoke, Witt raised his dragon claw and waved it in front of him.

As Witt moved, a space crack suddenly appeared in front of him.

Hearing Witt's voice, Sairos subconsciously glanced at Witt.

His attention was also relaxed for a moment.

At this time, the space in front of Sairos suddenly cracked, and a huge dragon claw stretched out from the cracked space, wrapped in a fierce momentum, and slapped Sairos.

But no!

Sairos has a head.

Seros (right) was not at all surprised by the sudden appearance of the dragon claw. He opened his mouth and exhaled a lava breath containing the power of the law.

The breath landed on Witt's claw. Although it could not block Witt's dragon claw with the power rule, it also bought him some time.

Then, Seros and Seros (left) quickly followed with their breath.

The power of the two breaths combined just blocked Witt's dragon claw.

At this time, a space crack suddenly opened behind Seros, and a sharp dragon tail pierced out from it, aiming directly at Seros.

But Seros was obviously prepared for this.

The dragon wings behind him fluttered, and his figure moved away from the original position.

Witt's dragon tail missed.

Helplessly, Witt could only retract his claws and the dragon tail.

The space rift can be broken, and once the space rift collapses, in order to maintain the stability of the space rift, he needs to consume a lot of space rule power.

Witt reacted quickly and retracted it just when Cyrus was about to attack the space rift.

However, when Witt noticed that Seros did not chase him, a hint of helplessness flashed across his eyes.

This guy is really cunning, he sees the rabbit and then throws the eagle.

The idea of ​​luring the opponent to attack is definitely useless. Witt can only completely give up this idea.

Then, an elemental magic circle unfolded from under him.

He needs to save the power of elemental rules.

So many elemental dragon crystals have always given him the confidence to use the elemental vacuum zone tactics.

Elemental Explosion (87)!

With a light shout, Witt's body instantly turned into an element. The next second, his huge body came behind Seros.

As for his attack...

What kind of attack is needed? After leaving the elemental state, Witt directly controlled his body to crash into it.

When the difference in size reaches a certain level, the dragon body is the best weapon.

Facing the direct collision with Witt, Cyrus, who was originally prepared to take the opportunity to deal with Witt, chose to retreat without hesitation.

If he was hit, he would be injured, but he would definitely lose control of his body.

Facing a dragon like Witt, once he lost control of his body, he would have to pay a huge price to get it back.



Have you asked his opinion?

Witt looked at Cyrus who was about to retreat, and a strange luster flashed in his golden eyes, and an invisible force gathered in Witt's eyes.

Under the influence of that force, the golden light in Witt's eyes turned into a golden dial.

On the dial, the pointer slowly and firmly turned, showing the eternal law of change.

And at this moment, the pointer suddenly stopped!


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