Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1766 Battle between air and ground!

The competition was about to start, and Celine also opened her eyes. She was quite cautious about her companions' competition.

However, when she noticed that Elani was not in the right state, and her eyes were looking this way from time to time, she immediately realized something.

Turning around, I saw Werther staring at Elani greedily.

Celine's face darkened.

The dragon's tail slapped the back of Werther's head.

"Take your eyes away, what about the game? What is this, off-field assistance?"

Werther, who subconsciously asked "Why", lost his temper instantly when he heard this, and quickly put away his little thoughts.


Werther turned his head sharply and his eyes fell on Billy.

"I heard it, you were the one who laughed at me just now!"

Billy turned and walked away.

"I just suddenly remembered that there is something else going on with Antasha. I'm not laughing at you. I won't talk about it anymore. It's urgent!"

Before the words could be fully finished, Billy disappeared among the dragons.

Witte rolled his eyes, then turned to look at the arena.

There is a game to watch, so he is too lazy to care about it!

Even after Billy turned his head, he slipped back quietly.

Arena 껗!

After not being able to feel the gaze of the mutated silver dragon, Alani was finally able to face the golden dragon below with her whole body.

He is also quite familiar with Ao.

After all, this dragon takes the difficulty of the 눓 elemental pro-놌꾫 dragon to the extreme.

As for Gang Yilit, I can't see the opponent's tactics for the time being. So far, no dragon has been able to make Gang Yilit use tactics. Basically, they are crushed by strength.

Looking at Ao below with a solemn expression, Erani suddenly started to move, spreading her wings, and her huge figure instantly rose into the sky, and at the same time...

Great Light Technique (94)!

On the other side, Ao stepped on the front fiercely, an earth-yellow magic circle lit up, and the smoke that had just risen instantly fell on 눓껗.

Big 눓 bondage (90)!

Both sides had a tacit agreement not to use the opening three-piece set, but to directly use domain magic.

As for the result, it was naturally a match, and no one could do anything to win.

Ao knew that the opponent was good at long range, so he used the gravity field first, hoping to pull the opponent down.

And Elani knew that Austria wanted to pull him down, so she flew high into the sky.

There are three ways to deal with gravity tactics. The first is to know the rules of gravity yourself; the second is to land directly first, but then you need to confront it head-on; the third is to fly high into the sky and set up your own area to offset the influence of gravity. But it needs to be fast!

Erani has no elemental affinity and is a magic dragon himself, so the only choice he can make is the third one.

Under the Great Light Technique, even though she was flying very high, Erani still felt the pull of the giant ball below.

Fortunately, this force is not big and is still within his tolerance range.

Then, Erani started the necessary preparations for light element amplification (69), fire element amplification (65), light wings (75), and lava armor (73).

Since he needed one more element to increase, even at high altitude, Erani did not dare to use magic of the Holy Light Wing (93) level.

Facts have proved that his choice was quite correct.

When his lava armor had just condensed and formed, a large earth-yellow magic array lit up in the sky where he was.

Although Ao's magic singing speed is not as fast as that of Cylin and 굜nit, it is still at the same level as Antavanna. After all, they are all dragons that grew up in the shadow of Werther's spiritual magic.

Improving your singing speed is a required course!

Even now, dragons like them are still increasing the speed of magic chanting, hundreds and thousands of them acting as one, and they have never been interrupted.

Of course, it's not about dealing with Werther now.

After all, that guy no longer used spells, but directly used the element dispersion rules to attack the elements themselves. This cannot be solved by relying on speed.

껣The reason why they persisted is entirely because they have realized the benefits of chanting spells quickly.

Fight against other dragons and always be the first.

This alone is enough for them to continue working hard on this path.

As for O's singing speed not being as fast as Celine's 놌굜nee, it's not because he doesn't work hard enough, it's just because the 눓 element reacts slower than other elements.

This is also why Celine is faster than 굜nit, and the light element is the fastest among the eight elements.

In short, Ao's slowness is only compared to Celine's 놌굜nit. For other dragons, his singing speed is still a dimensionality reduction attack.

While Erani was getting ready, he had already completed the comprehensive strengthening of his own defense and launched an air attack.

The earth-yellow magic circle covered the sky of the arena.

Then, an extremely large meteorite formed from the magic array and launched a full-coverage attack downwards.

눓Eight Elements Eight Node Forbidden Spell - Meteor Falling from the Sky!

Alani knew that Ao was very fast, but he still underestimated it. Seeing the huge meteorites densely packed above his head, he hurriedly spread his wings, and his huge body shuttled through the gaps between the meteorites in an extremely flexible posture.

Of course, there are some that cannot be avoided.

In this case, he could only choose to use his breath.

A huge meteorite suddenly lit up with a red light, which quickly turned into yellow, orange, and bright yellow... until a golden flame suddenly broke through the surface of the meteorite.

The meteorite exploded, and Airani rushed out of the golden flames, and then continued to dodge other meteorites.

Fortunately, the meteorite falling from the sky is not a continuous magic.

After the gathered elemental rule power was exhausted, the magic circle collapsed and turned into light spots all over the sky.

But Airani did not have much time to rest.

After the meteorite fell from the sky, he immediately aimed at Ao below, and opened his mouth to form two magic circles, one white and one red.

Flame Roar (75), Photon Roar (75)!

The two roars were ejected one after another, and then merged into a golden energy column during the fall.

Previously, Candice had also used a similar trick.

He used Photon Roar and Dark Roar.

In fact, this is basically a trick that dragons who take the route of element fusion must know.

As the same roar series magic, the resistance of roars of different elements in the fusion process is much smaller than other magic.

In addition, there are not many element nodes in the roar series magic, only seven.

For legendary dragons, this can basically be done, and the two roars are used almost at the same time in a very short time.

This can greatly increase the success rate of the fusion of the two elemental magics, and at the same time maximize the power of the fusion of the two elemental magics.

Looking at the golden energy column coming from the other side, Oko didn't dare to do nothing like when facing Eaton, just relying on the defense applied to his body in the early stage.

There is an essential difference between these two dragons.

That is, Ailani is a legendary mid-level...

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