Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1768 The decisive moment!


After a loud noise, the sea receded and the rock forest still stood.

Elani's face became increasingly ugly.

놛 can clearly feel that as time goes by, the gravity on 놛 is getting stronger and stronger, but 놛's progress in cleaning up the stone forest is almost non-existent.

The most important thing is that it makes no sense!

At this time, Ao's position could no longer be found. Looking around, the field was full of thorns.

Moreover, it is a huge thorn that cannot be easily destroyed by 놛's magic.

Of course Alani knew what was going on.

When 놛 failed to stop the expansion of the stone forest immediately after discovering Ao's actions, 놛늀 had already fallen into the rhythm of Ao's battle.

As time goes by, 놛's chances of winning will only get lower and lower.

At this stage, the only way to break the situation is to go!

Only by going 떘 can we find Ao's location, and only by going 떘 can we break through Ao's arrangement at the minimum cost and force Ao and 놛 to confront each other head-on.

You read that right!

It's a head-on confrontation.

놛, who had tried his best to avoid frontal confrontation before, the only way to break the situation turned out to be to actively force Ao and 놛 to confront each other head-on.

This is the power of defensive attack tactics.

This is a conspiracy!

늀It requires you to use the head-on confrontation that you are not necessarily good at to go head-to-head with the head-on confrontation that the opponent is best at.

Moreover, the most important thing is that at this point, there is an opportunity for a head-on confrontation, but it has become an opportunity that may not be grasped.

After all, the rock forest on the other side is completely under Ao's control.

늀With this posture, 놛 may not be able to force Ao out.

And if you don't want to go, if you give it a while, not only will you be unable to leave in the air, but the power of the nearby rock forest will also increase by several levels again.

The longer you drag, the smaller the chance of 놛.

After realizing this, Alani's eyes narrowed, and then she took a deep breath. In addition to the lava armor she put on her body at the beginning, she once again put on a layer of sacred dragon armor (73).

"It's time for a decisive battle!"

Werther muttered softly after seeing Alani's movements.

After hearing Witte's words, all the dragons' eyes narrowed, and then they looked more seriously.

This battle actually didn't last too long.

늀Even the battle part has not progressed many steps.

From the initial duel between gravity and gravity, to Ao trying to pull Alani into the sky, to Ao giving up this idea and turning to management, and then it was a classic defensive attack battle, there were only a total of link.

The duration of each link is not very long.

Not to mention the first three, the three links together take less than three minutes.

The final defensive attack did not last long.

Erani's increasingly fierce attacks only lasted for three rounds. After three rounds, this was the current situation.

놛 is not stupid. After his strongest attack, he still hasn't cleared away Ao's layout. How could 놛 continue to try so hard.

In this case, we must fight while Ao's layout has not become stronger and he still retains a lot of physical strength and the power of elemental rules.

However, despite the short time, the dragons had no doubts about Witte's judgment.

The defensive attack does not have to be long. On the contrary, in a game like this, where there is a limit on the field, this tactic is the fastest to enter the decisive battle.

After all, no one is stupid, and the situation on the field is basically clear.

The only thing that will delay time is that you have other ideas and have not been forced into a desperate situation.

The situation faced by Erani was obviously Duan Jin's situation, and it still failed to break Ao's fighting rhythm.

This decisive battle that comes early is 놛's last chance.


After exhaling a long breath, Alani's eyes narrowed, and then she retracted her wings behind her and flew towards her face like an arrow.

At the moment when 놛 entered the austral gravity field, Alani lost control of her physical body.

At the same time, in the rock forest above, the moment Erani was affected by gravity, the Explosive Rock Spike (84) was controlled by Ao, and instantly extended towards Erani in the air.

Countless rock thorns formed a terrifying torrent, just looking at it from a distance made the dragon's scalp numb.

However, when 늀 was about to pierce through the rock thorn, Erani directly used Elemental Explosion (87), and his body instantly transformed into elements. The gravity that enveloped 놛's body was reduced a lot at that moment.

Taking this opportunity, Alani regained control of her body.

Then, with the double acceleration of Holy Light Wings (93) and Elemental Explosion (87), he avoided the torrent of rock thorns and sped away in one direction.

After closing the distance, Erani successfully captured O's position.

The spiked torrent did not continue to pursue Erani.

But a complicated earth-yellow magic circle suddenly enveloped the rock forest area - Rock Flow (93)!

Afterwards, the entire rock forest area seemed to come alive. Wherever Erani passed by, the rock thorns would suddenly come to life and launch an offensive towards 놛.

Erani relied on her superb flying skills to avoid these rock thorns.

When you really can't avoid it, use magic to fight against it.

Ao stood in the air among the rock thorns, quietly watching the smoke and roar approaching in the distance.

Suddenly, a figure wrapped in sacred dragon armor suddenly passed through countless rock spikes and appeared at the edge of the sky.

The moment it appeared, a golden fusion roar shot towards Ao.

Looking at this attack, Ao's pupils shrank slightly, and several rock spikes behind him suddenly stretched out to block Ao.

Then, another magic circle lit up at Ao's feet.

With the appearance of the magic circle, Ao plunged into the surface of the rock, and appeared again, already on the rock spikes that were stabbing towards Ailani's position.

Ailani, who had just dodged the rock spikes, was met with Ao's brutal collision.

Although Ao's collision was not magic, this thing was the attack that Ailani avoided first.

With a shake of the wings behind him, Ailani instantly disappeared.

The speed of his movement was much faster than Ao.

Compared to Ailani, Ao, who had crashed into her, looked quite dumb.

However, Ao's eyes did not show any ripples. His extremely heavy body fell heavily on the ground, but did not cause any vibration.

It was like a fish entering the sea, leaving only a small ripple on the ground.

Ao appeared again, and was next to Ailani again, and still simply collided.

However, as the rock spikes gradually covered this area and gradually shrank, this seemingly clumsy attack gave Ailani an incomparable sense of oppression!

Of course, Ailani was not only able to hide. In such a close distance, Ao could not use the surrounding rock spikes to help him resist Ailani's magic.

The powerful magic fell on Ao, and the rock layer wrapped around Ao continued to explode and regenerate.

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