Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1770 Top 8 to Top 4, first game!

Vette watched the two dragons leave, his eyes full of expectation and helplessness.

Needless to say, he was looking forward to it. Every battle that followed was worth looking forward to.

Helplessly, in this situation, whether Ao played alone or not, and whether he faced Leanderei, it actually didn't make much sense.

Or, in other words, this was a good result.

The only eight dragons left on the field were Vette himself, Celine, Gonite, Antawana, Sen, Ao, Leanderei, and Gangilite.

None of these dragons were weak.

Antawana didn't mention it much, not because she was weak, but because she was weak in the previous battle.

Antawana was a little older than Vette and the others. Although the age difference was almost the same as that of dragons of the same age, Antawana's strength was not inferior.

Before finding Ao and the others, she was Celine's permanent opponent and spent most of her time sparring with Celine.

At that time, she was the dragon that chanted only slightly slower than Celine.

So, would her magic chanting speed slow down because of the appearance of Genit and the others?

Of course not!

Fast and slow are always relative.

If Antawana had not followed Linsda and left the Sky City for a while, her strength would not have been as far away from Celine as it is now.

Let's talk about Sen.

Although Witt was very disgusted with the other party's attempt to control him, the problem was that the other party had the ability to affect his mental power.

You know, Witt's mental power has been tempered by two extreme powers since he was a child. After the legend, there is also a golden holy fire that can burn the soul.

His mental toughness far exceeds that of dragons of the same level and age.

But even such a Witt almost fell into Sen's trap.

Sen's mental power is definitely a mutation, the strongest power that the opponent has, and so far, Witt has not seen her use this power.

Among these dragons, no matter who Ao faces, the outcome is uncertain. Of course, when facing Sen and Antawana, the chance of winning is higher, and when facing Celine and Genite, the chance of winning is lower.

But the difference is not that big.

In the case of losing against anyone, it is naturally best to face Sen and Antawana, but if not against them, Leandere and Gangilite will have the best result.

These two are strong enough to mark their Dragon King Challenge, the best match.

If facing Witt, then Ao will be miserable.

In this case, Witt's advantage of learning everything and mastering everything will be revealed. No matter who he faces, he will have the advantage and the ability to restrain the opponent.

Ao is no exception.

Ao's fighting style pulls the dragon into the magic close combat he is best at.

Coincidentally, this is also what Witt is good at, and he is better at this kind of fighting than Ao.

The magic is powerful, and the strength and speed rules are added. There is no shortcoming in strength and speed. Various recovery magics are available. There are many dragon crystals in the body, which shows super endurance.

If it is really bad, time will flow backwards directly, and all consumption will be instantly reset to zero.

For Ao, facing Witt is pure torture. It is okay for ordinary competitions, but in the Dragon King Challenge, this is definitely not a good way to exit.

All dragons face a problem when facing Witt. If the burst is not strong enough and Witt can't be killed in one set, it means the battle is lost.

Even with such a range, Witt, who has the power of time and space, can't hit him.

All of this, all gathered together, becomes a word-realm crushing!

If Witt can't do this, he will be invincible.

Of course, group fights don't count!

Rustle... Rustle...

Just before the battle started, when Witt's thoughts were flying, a slight friction sound came from behind Witt.

When he came back to his senses, Witt didn't even need to look back to know who was behind him.

"If you have anything to ask, just ask directly."

Isha's expression froze, then looked at the battlefield, and asked with a little expectation: "Can Ao win?"

Hearing this, Witt shook his head.

"Leandre is very strong. His strength and speed are governed by special rules. He is a battle maniac who feels uncomfortable if he doesn't fight. His combat experience is beyond words.

Even if Ao was in his prime, he probably wouldn't be able to defeat him."

"Then... will the battle be exciting?"

"Of course!"

For this question, Witt affirmed without hesitation.

"Ao's injuries have been completely recovered. He only has a little power of elemental rules, but this only affects the duration of the battle, not the battle itself.

So, this battle may be short, but it will definitely be exciting."

Hearing this, Isa's expression eased a little. Seeing Witt looking at him, she rolled her eyes at him.

"That's fine. This guy attaches great importance to those face-saving things. He may not say it, but if he leaves the stage too ugly, he will definitely be depressed for a long time."

"Then you should thank me."

Seeing Isa looking at him with some doubts, Witt smiled.

"After all, if he met me, he would definitely be depressed for a long time."


Isa rolled her eyes, said something, and turned to Celine.

Witt grinned, then turned his eyes to the stadium.


O breathed out slowly.

This is his exit battle, even if he loses, he still has to fight beautifully!

His eyes were fixed, and then Ao raised his head and looked to the opposite side.

That's right, Leandre is not in the air either. Likewise on the land battlefield, he has made it clear that he is prepared for a head-on confrontation, and he is not even prepared to use magic.

After all, facing a dragon with a fast casting speed, it is a basic operation to increase the distance between the two parties.

In this way...

The moment Ole Andre's eyes met, the two sides immediately took action.


Ao stepped on the ground fiercely, and a 꺱 yellow magic circle instantly enveloped the entire place. Then, explosive rock thorns (84) instantly stabbed out from the ground, aiming directly at Leandre.

Leandre grinned, and without dodge or dodge, he spread his wings and flew towards Ao quickly.

The opening three-piece suit no longer works in this fight.


Accompanied by a series of rock shattering sounds, Leandre simply ignored the incoming rock thorns and allowed these things to fall on him and then shatter.

땤Not even a single dragon scale fell off Leanderre's body.

There was an uproar.

As soon as the game started, Leandre showed the surrounding audience that although he lay down all the way, his strength was not much weaker than the dragon that fought all the way.

On the contrary, his strength is even stronger!

However, the Explosive Rock Thorn finally affected his speed and gave Ao some time.

When Leandre was halfway through flying, a magic circle spread across the entire field instantly, and a huge force tried to pull him to the ground.

But although he was already flying close to the ground, Leandre seemed not to be affected in any way by this force.

Only his golden eyes burst out with intense brilliance.

"This power...is powerful enough!"

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