Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1782: Total defeat!

Water Dragon Curse (98)!

Sen shouted in his heart.

Then, the special dragon shape that had just condensed suddenly exploded, and countless water lines flew in all directions, and the final target was Celine in the air.

Looking at the entangled water lines, Celine frowned.

She had never seen this magic.

However, judging from the complexity of the magic circle, the power should be quite good.

Thinking this in her heart, Celine still followed the idea of ​​not letting Sen's attack hit her. The dragon wings behind her fluttered, and with the blessing of the holy light wings, Celine almost turned into a beam of light.

However, those water lines did not mean to let Celine go, and continued to entangle Celine, strands and strands, like thin wisps of tobacco floating in the wind.

It seemed to float very slowly, but in fact, countless water lines woven into a huge net that covered the entire stadium.

No matter where Celine flies or how long she flies, as long as she does not leave the stadium, she will be trapped.

After noticing this, Celine stopped trying to dodge and instead roared a photon roar, flying towards the waterline behind her.

Who knew that when the photon roar reached the waterline, the waterline gently dodged Celine's photon roar in the airflow it created.

Seeing this, Celine's eyes focused, single-target magic doesn't work, then let's do group damage!

Celine raised her head and roared, and a white magic circle suddenly opened. A thick white beam of light shot out from the magic circle, aiming directly at the area around Celine.

And in the process of falling, the beam of light turned into countless rays of light, scattering in all directions.

The effect of Judgment of Light (97) can be said to be immediate.

The waterline, which the photon roar could not deal with before, fell apart in the countless rays of light.

But some of them dodged Celine's attack and took advantage of Celine's attack to wrap around her.

At the moment of wrapping, Celine didn't think that the small amount of water lines that remained could have a huge impact on her, but Celine, who has always been cautious, still tried to fly high in the sky and try to break these water lines.

However, Celine didn't expect that when the water lines wrapped around her body, they suddenly tightened.

In just a moment, a strong force came from these seemingly weak water lines, firmly controlling her in place and pulling her towards the sea surface.

Moreover, during this process, more water lines stretched out from the sea surface and continued to wrap around Celine.

No matter how Celine used her elemental rule power to wash, the water lines on her body not only did not decrease, but increased, so much that Celine was pulled to a position less than 100 meters away from the sea surface.

Sen was not feeling well either. This magic was continuously and massively consuming her elemental rule power.

The more Celine struggled, the more Sen consumed.

Seeing Celine being pulled closer to the sea surface, Sen's eyes flashed, and while maintaining the water dragon spell, another water-blue magic circle opened.

The sea surface around Celine began to surge, and a force that made the dragon's heart palpitate was rapidly gathering.

High-pressure water flow (83)!

Celine recognized this magic.

In this restrained situation, this magic was enough to break through her defense.

But Celine's expression was calm.

Sure enough, Sen still had something to gain by being able to enter the eighth round.

It was a rather foolish idea to want to win this battle easily by playing around.

Fortunately, she had the ability to make up for this foolishness!

Sen, who noticed the expression on Celine's face, felt a tightness in her heart. She realized that the dragon was going to use the lost magic.

She hurriedly accelerated the output of the power of elemental rules, trying to make the high-pressure water flow faster.

Finally, the high-pressure water flow accumulated enough power in Sen's expectant eyes.

However, just when the high-pressure water flow was about to be launched, a huge white magic circle enveloped the sky above the stadium.

The familiar white light once again occupied the eyes of all the dragons present.

When the light gradually faded.

A series of dull sounds echoed on the battlefield.

The dragons looked in the direction where the sound came from, but saw that the battlefield, which was originally on the sea, had moved to the land stadium.

On the stadium, Celine grabbed Sen's dragon tail and kept hitting him left and right, front and back.

And Sen still had the power of elemental rules on his body.

But at this time, it was also being consumed by Celine's brutal actions.

As for Sen, she had already lost control of her body after being beaten again and again, and could only let Celine do whatever she wanted.

In the audience, Ayisha and Aola frowned.

They certainly knew what happened between the two dragons, and they also knew that it was normal for Sen to be beaten like this.

However, as Sen's sisters, how could they be reasonable?

Even if Sen was wrong, they would still stand by Sen.

If even they didn't stand by Sen, who else could stand by her?


With a loud bang, Sen lay powerlessly in a shattered pit, his dragon wings broken, his dragon scales shattered, blood gushing out of his mouth, and it was obvious that his internal organs were injured.

The power of the elemental rules on his body was completely dissipated.

Of course, Celine was not uninjured either, and her sacred dragon armor had been broken.

Obviously, the high-pressure water flow finally hit her, and there were broken dragon scales on her abdomen.

However, Celine's breath was very stable and she was not seriously injured.

After throwing Sen aside casually, Celine glanced at Ayisha and Aura in the audience, and then flew towards the area where Witt and the others were without looking back.

As for Sen, the referee sent her to Ayisha and the others.

At this time, Sen had already woken up.

Her eyes were still looking at Witt and the others. When she saw that Witt still didn't look over here, but was fully focused on Celine, her eyes dimmed instantly.

"Should we leave now, or go deal with them?"

Hearing what Ayisha said, Sen was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the other party in astonishment.


"You are my adopted sister. Even if we think you did something wrong, we still think that we should do other things. We will still risk our lives to help you.

She beat you so badly. If you want revenge, we will definitely support you."

Sen looked at Ayisha and Aola in a daze, and then sighed.

"Sister, I want to go back..."

"Don't fight?"

"I lost, I lost miserably, how can I have the face to fight."

"Then go back. It just so happens that I suddenly remembered that bastard. I originally planned to kill him if I met him by chance, but now, I suddenly want to find him out.

Second sister, you are the best at this. Help me find him!"

"You finally figured it out. I have advised you to do this a long time ago. You have been too lazy to find it. Don't worry, leave it to me..."


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