Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1787 The long-awaited battle!

Facing Celine, Witt did not dare to be careless and directly chose the sea field, which was the most advantageous to him, as the starting point of this battle.

Similarly, Celine did not dare to covet the field below.

Whether it was the land field or the sea field, it was Witt's territory with the two elements of water and fire.

The most suitable field for her was the sky.

After the two arrived at their respective positions, Witt's eyes met Celine's.

The two most familiar dragons did not say anything after meeting on the field.

The moment their eyes met, they began to chant.

Needless to say, Celine still had the old four sets of high configuration, light element amplification (69), sacred dragon armor (73), holy light wings (93), and great light magic (94).

The movement on Witt's side was much bigger, and his body quickly expanded to a huge kilometer.

Under the rules of strength and speed, his body shape changed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, he transformed into a war dragon form with strength, defense, and speed.

Then he began to use his own magic set of four items.

Water Element Amplification (65), Fire Element Amplification (65), Ice Dragon Armor (76), and Lava Armor (78).

Facing Celine, one layer of defense is not enough!

Facts have proved that Celine's chanting is really fast.

With two forbidden spells of nine nodes or more, he still finished the pre-war preparations before Witt's lava armor was used.

Of course, this is related to the fact that it took Witt a little time to change his form.

So, when Witt used the lava armor, a beam of white light shot out, and Witt had no time to respond at all, and it hit his head heavily.

Aurora (82)!


With a loud bang, a large piece of the ice dragon armor that had just wrapped Witt's head was shattered.

But Witt didn't even blink, while restoring the ice dragon armor, he finished chanting the lava armor.

At this time, a huge white magic circle had already enveloped him.

Judgment of Light (97)!

Celine has comprehended three types of light element rules: explosion, annihilation, and judgment!

Each of them is an attack rule that other light element dragons mainly practice, but Celine has comprehended three of them, which shows her awakening in the offensive aspect.

Light explosion, enhances the destructiveness of light elements.

Light annihilation, enhances the destructiveness of light elements, is used in conjunction with the destruction rule that Celine has comprehended, and is quite powerful.

The destruction rule that Celine has comprehended is not a direct attack type, but an auxiliary force that fully enhances the destructive characteristics of Celine's magic. It has strong direct damage and a certain armor-piercing power.

The Judgment of Light can amplify Judgment and Judgement-type light magics alone, and the Judgment Field is enough to suppress the opponent.

Of course, Witt is too far away from Celine now, and has not yet felt the existence of the Judgment Field, but he can clearly feel the amplification of the light element by the Great Light Art.

Looking at the Judgment of Light that instantly formed and descended in the sky, Witt knew that he must not be hit.

If he was hit, he would lose a layer of armor directly.

Thinking of this, a golden dial appeared in Witt's eyes. The hands that were originally rotating normally suddenly accelerated. The Judgment of Light that seemed to be unavoidable was as slow as a turtle in Witt's eyes.

Not to mention dodging, even walking step by step is enough to walk out of its attack range.

Of course, during this process, Witt's time rule power will continue to be consumed, so in order to save the time rule power, Witt shook his wings and quickly flew away from Celine's magic range.

Then, he appeared in the sea below Celine.

After Witt released the time acceleration, in just a moment, Witt noticed that Celine's eyes fell on him.

It's Celine who deserves it!

With a sigh in his heart, Witt had already opened his mouth, and the zero-degree cold current instantly gushed out, aiming directly at Celine.

When Celine noticed that Witt instantly left the attack range of the Judgment of Light and appeared below her, she realized that this was Witt's time acceleration.

The power of time!

With a sigh in his heart, Celine, with the blessing of the Holy Light Wings, turned into a beam of light and easily avoided Witt's breath.

But at this moment, a space crack suddenly opened in front of her.

Witt's dragon claws grabbed her fiercely.

Running in both directions, when she realized that this was Witt's attack, the dragon claw was less than one meter away from her.

At this distance, for a dragon of this size, being attacked would only take a moment.

But at this moment, Celine opened her mouth, and a breath of light atoms surrounded by the black destructive rule power instantly spurted out.

The lava armor of the Vit Dragon burst instantly.

At the same time, the space crack was affected.

Not wanting to waste more space power to maintain the stability of the space crack, Vit had to honestly retract his penis.

But Celine's back, a space crack appeared again, and a thick dragon tail stretched out from it, smashing towards Celine fiercely.

Sensing the attack from behind, Celine was about to dodge, and an invisible force controlled her.

Time paused!

Realizing this, Celine quickly burst out the elements in her body and broke free from the control of time suspension.

But she lost the opportunity to dodge Vit's dragon tail and was hit hard.

Fortunately, there was the Holy Dragon Armor to support her, and Vit's dragon tail was not attached with any magic in pursuit of speed, but pure power.

Celine was just hit and fell a little, and there was a little pain in her back.

Apart from this, she was not affected too much.

However, it was okay for one time, but if it happened more times, the Holy Dragon Armor would definitely not be able to bear it.

Thinking of this, Celine did not hesitate to launch the Judgment Field of the Light Judgment.

Although there was an additional big consumer of elemental rule power, when Vit attacked through the space rift, there was a moment of stagnation due to the existence of the Judgment Field, which gave Celine the opportunity to respond, and these elemental rule powers were not wasted.

On the other side, after Witt's chances of attack were destroyed by the Judgment Domain, he knew that such means would be useless against Celine.

Since small moves are useless, then big moves will be made!

Witt flew forward fiercely, and the space in front of him instantly cracked. When Witt left the space crack, he was already facing Celine head-on.

Without any hesitation, he directly blew a lava breath.

The breath was so fast that even Celine had no time to use powerful magic to deal with it.

The fact is that facing Witt's breath, Celine had only the light atom breath to deal with it.

When the two full-strength breaths collided with each other, because the strength of the two dragons was at the same level, the breaths collided fiercely and instantly set off a huge elemental riot.

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