Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1804: Millennium Agreement!

Of course Sen understands that there is no comparison between forbidden spells and lost magic. Just adding a forbidden spell can get two lost magics. They make a lot of money!

As for the news about the three-headed dragon...

Witte also said that there is no time limit for this investigation.

They can wait, learn the lost magic, improve their skills, and then explore the traces of the three-headed dragon.

Of course, they don't have to wait too long. After all, their own strength is not weak.

About a thousand years is enough for the three of them to not be afraid of the legendary high position.

When Ayixia saw that Sen had agreed, she could only nod her head. After all, the Water Dragon Curse belonged to Sen, and she mainly relied on Sen's ability to detect the news.

"very good!"

Saying that, Werther thought for a moment.

"I don't know if you have noticed, but there is a very big tree in the south of the Ten Thousand Dragons Banquet Hall, where I will teach you two lost magics.

You should also understand that it is not easy to teach lost magic to other dragons.

Of course, it is impossible to teach you in a way that damages your own spirit.

In addition, I advise you not to miss the fourth part of this Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons. The invasion of the abyss is not a trivial matter. No one knows how far it will develop in the end.

There are only advantages and no disadvantages in knowing more about the abyss.

So, see you later! "

With that said, Werther tore open a rift in space and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, Sen suddenly spoke.

"Wait a minute!"

Hearing this, Werther paused briefly, and then looked at Sen.

"Something's wrong..."

Just as he was talking, a water-blue crystal was thrown over by Sen, and Witte caught the crystal consciously.

"What's the meaning?"

Werther glanced at the crystal on his paw, and then looked at Sen again.

"Since you take the news from the abyss as a gift, we can't be stingy. This crystal stores the Water Dragon Curse, and there is still one chance to use it."

After saying that, Sen paused for a moment, and then said: "Let's go back together!"

When Witte heard this, he shook his head.

"Although it's a bit narcissistic to say this, let's put it bluntly, 놖's partner is only Celine, and it will only be Celine. You don't understand the relationship between them at all.

We were born in the same dragon's nest at the same time.

Because their hearts wandered behind each other, they met by chance, lived together, and grew together. The emotions between them are something that nothing can take away. "

After hearing these words, Sen's eyes dimmed a lot, and then she shook her head.

"You misunderstood. I didn't invite you to accompany me because of this matter... Yake, you should be familiar with this name!"

Hearing this, Witte was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Sen with some surprise.

"You actually know this name. So, the Water Dragon Curse is indeed related to 놛?


Why? "

Werther looked at Sen with some confusion.

There was obviously no need for the other party to mention things related to Yak, not to mention, after 놛 clearly expressed his refusal.

Hearing this, Sen did not reply immediately, but turned around and flew towards the place where the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast was.

Aisha and Aura looked at each other, sighed helplessly, and then followed.

Seeing this, Witte thought for a moment, and finally chose to follow.

Seeing that Witte was following him, Sen said: "The legend about the Holy Dragon Yak is not a secret in the City of Death.

They live in the City of Death. Since you are trading with them, you must go to the City of Death after traveling to Favors Continent.

As long as you go to that place, you can easily understand what happened to Yak.

Of course, there is no need to hide it from you. "

Werther's eyebrows raised.

Sen's few sentences contain quite a lot of information.

First of all, Yak is the dragon that Werther suspected of being the visitor. The other party is indeed still alive, and the self-proclaimed holy dragon lives in the city of death.

Secondly, the City of Death is actually in the continent of Favors.

Not long ago, Witte was still regretting that he didn't know the location of the settlement of bone dragons and undead dragons. Unexpectedly, now he has the answer.

at last……

Witte glanced at the three dragons with some surprise. There were actually other dragons living in the City of Death.

"You should have a token of Yak on you, a gold coin engraved with the image of 놛 and used as a token by 놛."

늀While Werther was thinking, Sen continued to output.

After hearing these words, Witte thought for a moment.

"It's because 놖 took the initiative to ask for the Water Dragon Curse!"

Sen nodded.

"The Water Dragon Curse comes from Yak. When using magic, the image of the dragon that appears is 놛. And with this image, not many dragons are known even in the City of Death.

Therefore, only dragons who have taken 누 or have seen Yak's token will be interested in this magic. "

"You shouldn't just say this!"

Witte looked at Sen and said calmly.

Sen glanced at Werther.

“Yake’s token has a special meaning.

That is the thousand-year agreement between the Holy Dragon Yakxu. Dragons who obtain tokens will have the opportunity to meet him in the City of Death and make a wish to him that is not too outrageous.

Counting from the first time you make a wish, you can go to the City of Death to see him again every three thousand years and make a second, third... or even more wish.

As long as time passes and you are still alive, you can make a wish.

Of course, being too greedy is equivalent to wasting an opportunity.

And 놖’s first wish 늀 is the water dragon curse!

This is no secret. As long as you visit the City of Death, you will listen to such legends.

Therefore, you can indeed regard these messages as a show of goodwill, but it is not that kind of show of goodwill, just to make the transaction between us more relaxed and happy. "

Hearing this, a trace of curiosity appeared in Werther's eyes.

"How long has this thousand-year agreement lasted?"

The reason why I ask this is because, in the memory left by that unreliable old father, Yinglong is one of the important components of human civilization.

His cultivation level can even reach the stage of living as long as the heaven!

What Witt was curious about was this.

If the other party can really achieve such a step, then its actual strength is definitely not a legend... This is Werther's knowledge, and it is most likely a mythical dragon.

"have no idea!"

Hearing this, a look of disappointment flashed across Werther's eyes.

However, this look of disappointment did not last long. Anyway, he had Yak's token on him. After visiting the City of Death and seeing Yak with his own eyes, he might be able to get the exact answer from him.

The only thing that made Werther feel a little uncertain was that when Sen mentioned this thousand-year promise and made a wish for the first time, he used one word - chance!

"Then what do you mean by 'have a chance'?"

"Not every dragon can win the favor of the Holy Dragon. There are many legends related to the Holy Dragon. There are unlucky ones. Even if they get the token, even if they stay in the City of Death for thousands of years, they still have no luck. See the holy dragon."


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