Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1808 The last project!

Mo Xi is here!

With his personality, he naturally wouldn't go to Vitt to argue.

However, he didn't go to Vitt, but Vitt found him.

First, he congratulated him on his breakthrough, and then he gave a long lecture on his breakthrough process and his attitude.

And Mo Xi didn't say a word to refute Vitt's lecture.

There's no way, Vitt is right!

Also, after coming out of Desidero, the other dragons except Billy not only broke through to the legend, but also walked a distance on the road to legend, while he hasn't reached the legend yet...

How can he not be anxious!

The more anxious he is, the more problems he will have.

This breakthrough was not smooth, basically because of this reason, so, facing Witt's lecture, he could only listen.

Fortunately, Witt did not forget the purpose of this activity.

After only half of the magic was taught, the formal magic teaching activity began.

Because there were many dragons to learn, Witt set some rules.

First, a dragon first learns a lost magic, and the dragons form teams according to the element type of magic they learned.

If you want to learn more, come to Witt later.

It just so happens that there is more than one dragon Witt teaching magic this time. The light element lost magic needs Celine to teach, the water element lost magic needs Ge Kailai, and the water element lost magic needs Ni.

It is worth mentioning that although Caesar came, he was not prepared to participate.

He himself has lost magic, but this magic was obtained from the Dragon Nest, and it cannot be spread without the consent of the Dragon Nest elders.

He is embarrassed to learn other lost magic from Witte and others because he has it but cannot spread it.

Even though Witte doesn't mind this, he still chooses to watch.

In addition, there are many dragons watching, not to mention Violet and Aura, they are all affinity with thunder elements.

Bu is too old.

Colen and Alva have been in silver all their lives, let alone lost magic, and there are only a few who can use high-level magic.

The unlucky ones are Avery and Jones. They are both legends and good friends of Witt. Even if they are flying dragons, they should be able to learn from them. But unfortunately, the wind and thunder pterosaurs are compatible with wind and thunder.

And Witt does not have the lost magic of these two elements.

So, they can only lie down with Violet and the others, looking at the dragons with envy.

As for Billy, Scott, and Gedra, dragons whose strength has not yet broken through to the legendary level, Witt forced them to learn.

Whether they need it or not is one thing, and whether they have it or not is another.

Even if they are not legendary, learning the lost magic is difficult, but Witt can give a death order that each dragon must master at least one lost magic.


Witt will stay in the Sky City for a thousand years. If they don't want to suffer in this thousand years, they have to learn!

Witt has said so much, Billy and the others have no choice but to learn no matter how difficult it is.

As for the lost magic, Witt finally figured it all out.

For the water element, in addition to the crystal rock dragon thorn (103) given by Lanos, the one mastered by Ni is called Exploding Rock Flow (104), which is the same as Witt's previous judgment, and is indeed a higher-level magic of the Lava Flow (93).

For the water element, in addition to Witt's Ice Burial (106), the lost water element magic mastered by Gekai is called Wave Sky (104). Although the name sounds bad, mastering this magic basically means mastering the power of the element.

The only fire element is Witte's Elemental Excitation (105).

The natural element has been mentioned before, and the one that Cocoon gave to Witte is called Life Forbidden (104).

As for the lost magic of the light element, except for Celine's Light Silence (106), the light element dragon crystal that Cocoon gave to Witte has been dealt with by Witte.

The lost magic of the light element is quite special, a healing magic called Holy Blessing (104).

For this magic, many dragons with affinity to the light element are more envious than Light Silence (106). If they can only learn one, they are more likely to choose this one.

There is a saying that the auxiliary is always strong, but the C is always changing. This is also true for learning magic.

Amplification and healing magic have always been popular.

Compared with Leander who got the Fire of Life (91) and Elemental Excitation (105), Leander who didn't get these two magics, one is in heaven and the other is in hell!

There is no comparison at all.

A healing magic of the Lost Magic level is definitely capable of changing the situation of the battle.

The specific magic teaching will not be elaborated here.

In short, except for the dragons who have no way to learn and those who are forced to learn, the other dragons are very satisfied.

Of course, learning is learning, whether these Lost Magics can be thoroughly understood and applied in battle depends on the effort of each dragon.

In this strong learning atmosphere, four days passed quietly.

Celine found Witt.

"The fourth part of the Banlong Feast is about to begin. The teacher asked us to go back as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Witt's eyes fixed.

Then he stopped the dragons who wanted to continue learning and informed them of the news.

Then, a group of dragons, like a swarm of bees, flew towards the main venue of the Bandung Feast.

Of course, Moshi and Agna were very sorry to be informed that they still had to stay on the floating island as mascots.

I wanted to refute, but looking at Witt's unfriendly eyes, I didn't say anything after all.

Gathered again at the main venue.

Witt noticed that there were not many dragons still fighting in the previous Dragon King Challenge.

Apparently, the afterglow of the Dragon King Challenge finally dissipated.


It was about the same as the "ten" he had speculated before.

While Witt was thinking about this, accompanied by a tremor, Lanos, who had been lying there since the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, made a new move.

He stood up, stretched out a claw, and slapped his face fiercely. A 10,000-meter-high earth-yellow crystal grew out from under him.

"Everyone, I host the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast. This is the eleventh one, and this will be the last one I host.

Before the fourth item begins, I will give a gift to the dragons who have come from thousands of miles away to participate in the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast and witness the prosperity of the dragon race.

Of course, due to my own race, this gift may only be effective for a dragon.

That can't be helped.

This crystal contains all my understanding of the elements, as well as some of the elemental magic I have mastered. The lowest is high-level magic, and the highest is even lost magic.

However, lost magic cannot be preserved for too long, at most only ten!

I will put this magic into this crystal after the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast is over and before I leave.


Now, the fourth part of the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast begins!"


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