Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1819 Plans for the next thousand years!

"You're here!"

Celine looked at the sudden appearance of Werther, and was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile.

When Werther saw Celine and the others, he was also stunned for a moment.

"Why are you here?"

Hearing this, Celine looked at Werther in confusion.

She also thought that it was the Agnars who told Werther that they were here.

"You're not here to find us?"

At this time, Violet also appeared behind Werther.

"That's not true. I broke open my warehouse because of this guy. I came to take a look at the situation."

"Anything valuable?"

"No, they are some alchemy materials. The most precious fine gold has been stolen by this guy. I just got it back."

"That's it?"

"Uh...that's it."

Celine rolled her eyes, then turned and walked towards the laboratory.

"We think your place is spacious enough, so we'll come here to chat for a while, and then we'll go to the Morton Mountains and Thunderstorm Plains later. Violet, do you want to come with us?"


As she spoke, Violet trotted towards Celine and the others.

Seeing Celine obviously protecting Violet, Werther said helplessly: "I'm not going to punish her, okay, since you are going to take her with you, you have to take responsibility.

I remember when Lei Ji came, let him go to the Lei Sea to understand the surge of thunder. "


After the words fell, the door of the laboratory was closed. It was originally a place for serious experiments, but now it became an entertainment place for Celine and the others to chat.

Werther gently patted the wall of the laboratory.

"Thank you for your hard work. You did something you shouldn't have done."

Afterwards, Werther went to the warehouse to take a look.

Walls, no problem, doors…

"How miserable!"

There were deep scratches everywhere on the door, and in each scratch there was an exposed magic circuit. In a corner of the door, there was a hole only a few centimeters in diameter.

"Tsk, tsk, you are so persistent!"

Can you not be persistent? Violet doesn't understand magic circles and alchemy. She can find a gap without magic circuits in this metal door full of magic circuits. You can imagine how difficult it is.

땤With those few centimeters of holes, it will be easy from now on. She is an elemental dragon. Let alone a few centimeters, even if it is smaller, she can get in.


Witte sighed, and then took out some of the remaining alloy from the reverse scale space when the laboratory was built, and plugged the scratches and the hole on the door.

After finishing the metal door, Witte walked towards the teleportation array.

놛I don’t want to get close to Celine at this time.

Celine just mentioned Thunderstorm Plains, which means she hasn't given up yet.

In order to repel the abyss, the Boredians jointly razed the western mountains of the Morton Mountains to the ground, creating a thunderstorm plain.

Don't forget, that area also includes the big mine back then.

땤There is a crystal mine in that big mine.

With that big cemetery there, it's easy to find the location of the big mine.

During the more than two thousand years she spent in the Sky City, Celine did a lot of digging, and if she still goes now, isn't it because she doesn't want to give up!

Of course, Ru꿷's thunderstorm plain has long since recovered. Ru꿷 is a large forest with good scenery and no powerful dragons and beasts.

For Long Yuyan of the Sky City, it is a good place to relax.

When Celine is no longer interested in that place, she can go for a walk and see how well Mandy controls the Beater 00.

With this idea in mind, Werther returned to the shop and chatted with the Agnars for a while.

The main thing is to understand where the dragons will go after they come back.

Xingchen did not leave. After coming back, he went back to 놛's room to sleep.

Antawana and Linstar went to the Evernight Forest, a feast of ten thousand dragons, where they saw many dragons that were as talented as them.

The two dragons continued to practice.

The Billys returned to the City of Eternal Night, and they are still with Ilaya. Betty is with him, and Antasha is trying her best to find traces of Maurice...

In short, after the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, everyone returned to their original life trajectory.

After chatting for a while, Lisven came with gold coins and materials.

Werther chatted with the Agnars and started working for the rare occasion.

Getra offered to help, but unfortunately, this time Lisven asked Werther to come by name. Werther still had this kind of professional ethics.

After finishing the work, Werther first went to Antasha's place to check on the progress (there was basically no progress), and then went to Avery's place for a walk.

Avery is home.

This time it was no coincidence. It was Avery who left the burden of the tribe to his son Fula.

Werther also led him for a short time back then.

This naughty little guy back then has now grown up to be the head of the clan in his own right, and he is the most promising of Avery's children.

He is also the fifth legend among the Avery tribe, in addition to the four dragons who brought the tribe out that year.

As for why Avery handed over the tribe to Fula at such a young age...

In fact, it is because 놛 is still young and 놛 still wants to go further.

The reason for leaving it to Fu La was to prevent myself from getting caught up in the trivial matters of the clan and to concentrate on practicing.

Of course, if Fla can train a patriarch, he can also concentrate on cultivation, which is the way of survival for the flying dragon clan.

When chatting with Avery, it is natural to mention Colen and Alva.

When talking about the two dragons, Witt also said that he made a decision during the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, that is, he was going to settle in the Rag Lava Volcano Group near Black Stone City for a while.

Of course, not now!

Now, Witt plans to go out for a walk and see old friends.

After that, there are still some things that he needs to complete in the Sky City, such as understanding the rules of wind and thunder element dispersal.

After all these are done, he will go to the Rag Lava Volcano Group.

In this regard, Avery said that he would bring him and Jones at that time.

The old friend is about to leave, and he can't be absent!



Walking out of Avery's tribe and talking about Colen and Alva again, 놛 was not in a good mood.

He let out a long breath and sorted out his mood a little.

Then, 놛 went to Ileya's shop again.

Just as he said to Avery before, 놛 planned to go out for a walk, so 놛 was going to ask 놀 and Betty about their ideas to see if they wanted to go out for a walk.

However, just as 놛 was about to go, 놛 suddenly felt that a gaze fell on 놛.

The opponent's strength was very strong. Just by looking at him, 놛's dragon scales exploded instantly, and his face changed violently.

However, before 놛 could find the source of the gaze, the other party looked away.

After 놛 responded, he subconsciously looked in the direction of 녢罗, but saw that the other party still had his eyes closed.

But Vitkov was sure that even if it wasn't Luo, it was related to Luo.

Because the dragon that cast that gaze was definitely not a legend!

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