Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1830 Beat him up first!


Isn't this the dragon's nest!"

As he spoke, the dragon with only half of its head floating above the lava fell on Witt with a strange look.

"Just tell me, you are the dragon that invaded the dragon's nest!"

As he spoke, the strange look on his face became even more intense.

Speaking of which, shouldn't he be even angrier in this situation?

Witt's heart skipped a beat, and he realized that this volcano was the owner, but he didn't blush, and he was still pointing at the other party angrily.

"Don't change the subject, you just attacked me, either here or outside, I'll give you three seconds to think about it!"

While speaking, Witt continued to rub his lower back.

But when the dragon came over, there was no killing intent at all. He had sensed it and dodged it!



He was used to city-state activities and forgot to go out into the wild. He needed to let go of his breath.

Instead, his waist was hit hard. No matter whether it was reasonable or not, he would beat him up first!

Thinking this in his heart, Witt's eyes were fierce.

Noticing the fierce light in Witt's eyes, Hels knew that this was really not worth talking about.

However, there was no need to talk about it.

This dragon obviously came to seize his lava volcano.

Originally, he saw that he had hit the other party hard, and this volcano was only a memory for him, so it was no big deal to lend it to the dragon temporarily.

But now...


If you want to steal his volcano, then you have to see how strong the other party is!

With this idea, Hels sneered, then drilled out of the lava directly and flew towards the crater above.

At this time, Hels revealed his true appearance.

A bipedal upright dragon, covered with red diamond-shaped dragon scales all over the body, the dragon scales were large and convex, and looked very ferocious.

Above the thick and long dragon tail, nearly half of the area is covered with dark red rock layers.

Around the joints of the wings, there are dark red rock layers and rock thorns.

On the head, two thick dragon horns are bent forward, and the upper ends of the bent dragon horns are slightly bulging, like two hammer heads close together.

Seeing the shape of the dragon horns, Witt's face turned black.

No wonder it hurt so much, but there was no wound.

Moreover, this dragon is a new species, similar in size to a red dragon, but has some characteristics of the Rock Pool Dragon, such as the rock layers covering the dragon tail and wings, and the iconic dragon horns of the Rock Pool Dragon.

In terms of strength, it is okay. After coming out, the aura on the body is revealed, and it is a legendary mid-level.

But if it is only a legendary mid-level...


Witt also sneered, and then chased after the other party.

The volcanic terrain has nothing but suitable battlefields.

Soon, the two dragons were flying in the air in a rather spacious volcanic valley, facing each other.

At this time, Witt finally recovered.

Looking at the dragon opposite, Witt smiled grimly.

"Hehehe... you're dead!"


Why does he feel a bit like a villain, when he is obviously the victim who was hit.

It seems that he really needs to change his laughter as Celine said.

Hmm... next time, be careful next time.

He was still in the mood to think about things. Obviously, Witt was quite confident in this battle.

Facing Witt, Hels on the other side frowned.

Because he just measured it carefully, and then he found that there was a "window" on Witt's chest, and the two extreme powers of relative nature were so straightforwardly displayed.

Miscalculated, this dragon seems to be a little bit unusual!

Just when he thought so, Witt's voice sounded, pulling his attention back.

With his eyes fixed, Hels made up his mind to run away first, and once he found something wrong, he would run away without saying anything.

On the contrary, judging from the breath, the other party did not have too much special lava breath unique to the Rag Lava Volcano Group. Not only was he an outsider, but he had just arrived not long ago.

With his familiarity with the underground lava channel, it was easy to get rid of the other party.

With this idea in mind, Hels took the lead in moving.

A very strong aura suddenly burst out from Hels' body, and a layer of bright yellow lava quickly seeped out of his body.

Then, a fiery red magic circle emerged.

In just a moment, the lava armor (78) was added to his body, and his speed was not much slower than that of Ao and the others.

Witt was not surprised by this.

Like the gold dragon, the rock pool dragon is friendly to the elements of fire and earth, but the properties of these two elements are similar and can be easily integrated, which has a bonus for lava-type magic.

It is faster and more powerful, but it is limited to lava-type magic.

Although this dragon is different from the rock pool dragon, it has obvious characteristics of the rock pool dragon. The lava that just seeped out of its body shows that it has inherited this characteristic of the rock pool dragon.

This racial talent is nothing to say.

After the lava armor, Hels began to chant the elemental amplification magic.

But Witt was not going to give the other party a chance.

This was not a negotiation, but a real battle. Although neither side showed obvious killing intent, they basically wanted to at least severely injure the other party.

Equally equipped with Lava Armor (78), Witt's chanting speed is even faster than his opponent's.

When Witt started chanting Fire Element Amplification (65), Hels realized that his chanting speed was far slower than Witt's and that he could not continue with this magic.

So, he decisively stopped chanting Element Amplification and switched to Lava Eruption (73).

Due to his racial characteristics, he was able to chant faster for Lava magic, but since he had previously changed the magic, it took some time, so Lava Eruption must have come after the opponent's Fire Element Amplification.

Fearing that Witt would interfere, Hels flew toward the ground in the opposite direction while chanting.

After the fire element was amplified, Witt opened his mouth and exhaled a white flame and lava without saying a word. The extremely high temperature made Hels' heart jump.

Fortunately, he had already realized that Witt had the power of extreme high temperature, so he was not too surprised by the appearance of this power.

Seeing the white flame and lava breath shooting towards him, Hels suddenly stopped.

At the same time, several lava pillars suddenly erupted from the ground in the opposite direction. In the volcanic area, the response speed of lava eruption is very fast.

The lava pillars suddenly appeared to block Witt's breath and at the same time blocked Witt's sight.

When the white flame and lava breath broke through the lava pillar formed by the lava eruption, Hels had already disappeared on the battlefield.

Witt stopped breathing and looked at the ground in front of him.

On the ground, bursts of white smoke had already risen, and the edges of the lava pits formed by the lava eruption were rapidly expanding. However, in the blink of an eye, a huge lava field appeared in front of him.

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