Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1832 A familiar breath...

After hearing this, Witt should have left directly.

After all, he is a legendary alchemist, and most of the face of a legendary alchemist is given by the dragon.

However, Witt felt a little bit of right at this time.

It’s not right to say what’s wrong, but it’s just a little bit right.

This dragon is the type that can communicate, but only the type that can communicate. For the promise of a legendary alchemist, you have to consider it!

But this dragon didn’t mean to consider it at all, and refused it quite straightforwardly.

Of course, it can also be ruled out that the other party is really the type who is afraid of trouble, but even if it’s just for this little bit of right, Witt now wants to leave.

Witt wants to see if the other party is really afraid of trouble, or there is another hidden reason.

Thinking of this, Witt sneered in his heart.

On the surface, Witt sighed again, and then his face turned cold.

"I am too lazy to look for other dragons, so now, there are two choices in front of you, either let me go quickly, I will still help you strengthen the cave defense, or...

Don't blame me for using the most direct way to solve the problem."

Don't say Witt is domineering, let's say the dragon itself is domineering, Witt's fundamental purpose of pursuing power is to pursue the freedom of doing whatever he wants.

What's more, this dragon's attitude towards him is really a bit strange.

Witt now seriously suspects that he is lucky today, and he must have just found the entrance and exit of the previous dragon to leave the lava vein.


After receiving the information transmitted by Witt, the other party was silent for a while.

After a moment...

"Okay, I can let you return to the ground from me, but I don't want to strengthen the cave defense. I don't like other dragons to change my arrangement.

Follow my instructions."

After saying that, a guide formed by mental power appeared in Witt's perception.

Seeing this, Witt raised his eyebrows.

The dragon is skilled and bold, and Witt is also afraid that the other party will trick him, so he just follows the instructions.

After a moment, Witt emerged from the lava pool in a lava cave.

"Just leave directly."

The information transmitted by the other party's mental power is also quite simple and clear.

Witt muttered in his heart.

Is it really just a troublesome dragon?

Thinking so in his heart, Witt observed the cave slightly.

The cave is small, but there is nothing inside. The dragon is also in the cave, and it should be practicing in the lava.

There was no breath of the dragon that had hit him before, and there was no sign of cleaning.

Could it be a misunderstanding?

A flash of embarrassment flashed in Witt's eyes.

But it was done. Although he could reverse time, he could only reverse the energy in his body and inanimate objects.

It was better to remember the other party's breath, and give him some compensation if he met him in the future.

Thinking of this, Witt walked towards the front while trying to remember the other party's breath.

However, just when Witt sensed the other party's breath and was about to remember it, his steps suddenly stopped, and his brows frowned. This breath...

"Why does it feel so familiar?"

Muttering, Witt began to follow this breath and compared it with the breath in his memory.

After a moment, a huge anger suddenly emerged from Witt's body.


A roar shook the whole cave.

Then, he turned around and dived into the lava pool behind him again.

Although Witt had already thought that Vergo, who left behind the huge pit of "The Great One's Notes", was not dead.

But he never thought that the other party was actually in the Lager Lava Group.

What he didn't expect was that he just picked a dragon casually and was about to return to the ground, and he just happened to pick this bastard!

Of course, Witt didn't care about setting up fake treasure ruins.

After all, there are too many dragons in the world who play such pranks.

In the dragon world, half of the ten treasures were set up by this kind of dragon to entertain themselves.

Witt occasionally had this idea.

However, what Witt could tolerate was that the other party set up so many treasure ruins and left so many treasures, but there was no gold coin he liked.

This was what he could accept.

Therefore, after Witt finished the treasure hunt, he secretly swore in his heart that if he met Vergo, he would not kill him, but he had to beat him up!

He had been holding back his anger for too long, and he had to vent it.

However, Vergo seemed to recognize Witt. When Witt returned to the lava again, he could no longer smell the other person's breath.

A moment later, Witt flew out of the lava pool with a gloomy face.

Two dragons!

One dragon played tricks on him with treasures, and the other dragon hit his waist, but these two bastards ran away in front of him.

"Good... very good... very good!"

Witt's low voice echoed in the cave.

Bullying him because he just came to this place and is familiar with it, right? Wait!

Witt thought about this in his heart, and the expression on his face gradually converged. Then, he took a deep look at the lava pool under him.

"This isn't over yet!"

Muttering, Witt flew toward the side.

Of course, Witt did not forget what skills he had mastered.

As he flew towards the front, he carefully searched the cave, trying to find some broken dragon scales.

As long as he could find Vergo's dragon scales, the other party would escape his tracking!

As for the breath in the cave...

That was the breath of life, which was too thin. The breath tracking magic circle could still track Vergo with these breaths.

However, Witt's luck seemed to be used on "encountering Vergo". He did not find Vergo's dragon scales in the cave.

After confirming that there were no clues here, Witt stopped and flew towards the dragon he had chosen before.

It doesn't matter if Vergo has no news, the dragon must have no news.

The other party left a lava pool that contained the power of the other party's elemental rules.

That was a genuine elemental breath that could be used in the breath tracking magic circle.

Just find the dragon, beat him up, vent your anger first, and then find a way to get him to help find Vergo.

What, you are willing to help?

If you find the other party, help him, then it's up to him.


As if thinking of something happy, Witt's low laughter echoed among the group of people.


"Damn, why did this dragon run here?"

A red dragon flew out of the mouth of a dragon, looked into the distance, and his face looked a little ugly.

That's right, he is Vergo!

He recognized the other party when Witt first met him.

As for how he recognized him...

Of course, Poredia told him!

It was only after Poredia came to him that he realized that the dragon attracted by the book he left in the Sky City was a big trouble.

놊Not only was he gifted in cultivation and grew fast, but he was also extremely petty.

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