Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1834 Two hundred years of silence!

Back in the volcano, Witt first tried to locate the volcano.

The most important thing about exploring the lava veins is to have a clear starting point, and all subsequent exploration behaviors should be centered on this point.

In this way, Witt can do it, in a short time, to find out the lava veins of the entire Lager lava volcano group.

In order to get this point, Witt made a huge sacrifice-a gold coin!

Witt has mastered many ways to leave points.

Elemental marking, spiritual marking, time marking, space marking, magic circle marking, and even alchemical items can be used as markings.

However, the lava veins flow with condensed elements, and the rich elements will interfere, or even erase most of the markings.

Among the many element marking methods, elemental marking and spiritual marking are directly invalid, magic circle marking and alchemical item marking will be interfered, and space marking and time marking are limited in range.

Finally, Witt made a painful decision for him, that is, to use the dragon blessing on the gold coin as a mark.

This thing can be used as a cross-continental mark, with a wide range and no interference.

It is perfect for fixing points.

However, the disadvantage is that this gold coin must be placed in this volcano.

This is simply to kill Witt.

If it is not about revenge on those two guys, and Vergo took his revenge because of the gold coin, Witt even wanted to let those two guys go.

Compared to letting him put a gold coin in a place where he can't take care of it personally, ordinary hatred is no longer important.

However, since he chose to pay this gold coin, Witt naturally had to leave enough treasures.

Therefore, he spent a whole year to fully exert his legendary alchemist's strength and built this volcano where the gold coins were stored into a fortress that even the legendary high-level could not easily break through.

In the fortress, the resistant 02, 03, and 04 were all taken out by Witt. If the dragon dared to steal his gold coin, even if Witt was far away from the sky city at this time, it would be enough for him to rush back.

After finishing all this, Witt was extremely painful and selected a flying dragon gold coin with the worst appearance and the lowest value, and carefully placed it in the heavy alchemy magic circle.

Only then did he reluctantly bid farewell to the gold coin and began to explore the underground lava veins.

The first time he left was so nervous.

Witt had just entered the lava vein for a few minutes, and then he couldn't wait to return to the volcano and checked the entire volcano's security system several times.

After confirming that even the smallest dragon beast could not enter, he started the second exploration.

Compared with the first time, the second exploration was much more normal.

Witt left for a few days and identified several nearby locations where he could return to the ground.

Then, Witt began a century-long exploration of the lava veins.

Such a long and concentrated exploration made Witt quickly familiar with the entire Lager lava volcano group.

There is no doubt that this is a volcanic version of the Sea of ​​Light.

It is the best place for lone fire dragons to practice.

There are already thousands of fire element dragons living here, and most of them are legendary or above.

Only the dragon clan will have this inverted pyramid-shaped distribution.

The birth rate is low, the more honest, the stronger, and the harder it is to die.

In this process, Witt also witnessed the cruelty of the wild and the violent temper of the fire dragon.

In the past hundred years, Witt has experienced no less than 굛 attacks, most of which were attacks without reason to vent their own emotions, and the goal was to kill him.

But Witt is not an ordinary lower-rank legend. In addition, he is more cautious in character. He did not let go of any dragon that had the intention to kill him.

He gave them all freedom.

In fact, in the past hundred years or so, he spent two years chasing a dragon that attacked him.

In the end, he forced the other party out of the Rag Lava Volcano Group. Of course, this was not the end of the chase, but the beginning of the hunt!

As mentioned before, without the blessing of the volcanic environment, the other party died more miserably.

Therefore, in a hundred years, Witt not only explored the underground lava veins of the Rag Lava Volcano Group, but also made a great reputation in this area.

The dragons who are more informed know that a mutant silver dragon that is not easy to mess with has come to the volcano group.

However, when the dragons in the Rag Lava Volcano Group were ready to see what kind of storm this mutant silver dragon could stir up, the dragon disappeared.


After collecting the gold coins and most of the arrangements, Witt turned his attention to the volcanic lava below, and then he went in.

After a hundred years of busy work, he finally got familiar with this area.

Then, the next step of the revenge plan can also begin, which is to improve strength.

The underground lava vein is the area with the richest elements in the Lager lava volcano group, but it is also the least suitable area for cultivation.

The fire element of the lava vein is in a state of high-speed flow at all times.

This state is not suitable for perceiving elements.

In addition, the lava vein has been regarded as a highway by the fire dragons living here. Who would sleep on the highway?

The place that is really suitable for cultivation is the lava area around the lava vein.

Therefore, outside the Lager Lava Volcano Group, it is actually very rare to see fire dragons. Most of the fire dragons are underground in their own territory, practicing in the lava area close to the lava veins.

This is why when dragons are traveling in the lava veins, they can feel the spirit of other dragons.

After entering the lava area around the lava veins, Witt did not waste any time and went directly into a deep sleep.

Needless to say, the benefits of deep sleep, while efficiently absorbing the energy of the elements, can also free up the spirit to comprehend the rules of the elements and organize the magic knowledge.

This sleep, another two hundred years!


After a long breath, Vergo opened his eyes, and then frowned.

Still no breakthrough!

His talent is also good. He is more than 7,000 years old this year. He is just one step away from the legendary high position. However, he has been kicking for hundreds of years and still can't kick it out.

"Still no breakthrough?"

Hearing the voice from the side, Vergo turned his head and looked over. His brows were slightly relaxed and he forced a helpless smile on his face.

"Yes, still no breakthrough."

"You are too impatient."

Hearing this, Vergo looked at his partner, and the helplessness on his face became even worse.

"How can I not be impatient? I see that you are about to give birth. Although, even if you break through, your strength will not increase too much, but the title of legendary high position can make me feel a lot more at ease."

"They may not come back."

"But it is possible, isn't it..."

As he said this, Vergo couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in his heart, which made his face a little ugly and hesitated.

"Or, let's go back to the Sky City!"


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