Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1836 Let’s go and kill him!

"What the hell, dare to come here and make trouble, get out!"

Accompanied by the scorching mental power, this message was transmitted.

At the beginning, the other party was still unscrupulous, but when the mental power of the other party came into contact with the mental power of Witt, it quickly shrank back.


With a sneer, Witt left a mental power and then swam upwards.

A moment later, on the crater, Vergo stood there with an embarrassed face. After all, the dragon in front of him was played by the other party, and the other party was much lighter than the other party.

Phoebe's eyes flashed with confusion.

First, judging from the breath, this dragon is very light, and its strength seems to have just reached the middle legendary level. She didn't understand why Vergo was so confident in this dragon.

Second, judging from the expressions of the two dragons, Vergo's relationship with this dragon doesn't seem as close as imagined.

In this case, Vergo actually came to this dragon.

On the other side, Witt sneered at Vergo, and when he saw that the other party didn't speak, he walked around the two dragons and looked Vergo up and down.

"Speaking of which, this is our first meeting, don't you have anything to say?"

"Haha... hello!"

"It's not good. I think I was arrogant at the beginning, and a dragon made a big pie and controlled me for hundreds of years. Then, I finally got the strength, spent about a hundred years, and harvested a bunch of junk.

What do you think of this dragon?"


Vergo looked up at the sky, his face became more embarrassed.

"You deserve to be beaten!"

But the next second, he continued: "But, I just made a joke, I didn't expect that there would be a dragon who really believed it, um... so, do you believe it?"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, you just said... you deserve to be beaten?"

"Uh... I think this dragon is very face-conscious, if possible, can you compensate it in other ways?"

"Other ways..."

Whit was walking slowly, suddenly stopped, and then grinned.

"I only like gold coins!"


Virgo opened his mouth. Although he had made a decision before, it was really painful when it came to this point!

Phoebe on the side was still a little confused about what happened.

But after listening to this wave, she basically understood that Virgo and this dragon not only had no friendship, but also had a little grudge against each other.

Moreover, if she remembered correctly, Virgo liked gold coins.

Thinking of this, Phoebe raised her eyebrows.

"There are some gold coins here, but I don't know how many gold coins you need to forgive you this time and be willing to help?"

Upon hearing this, Witt was stunned.

Virgo was also stunned.

Before Witt could speak, Virgo couldn't wait to ask: "What did you just say? You actually have gold coins, then why..."

"That's why I left it here, and I'm going to use you occasionally."


Virgo opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but looking at Witt with shining eyes, he didn't say anything after all.

At this time, I was thankful that I could keep the treasure ruins. Why would I need gold coins? A treasure ruins must have more gold coins than Phoebe has.

Vergo could only comfort himself in this way.

After Witt responded, he suddenly realized a problem.

Since Phoebe would keep some gold coins with the intention of using Vergo, would Celine also keep some gold coins with the same intention?

Celine has traveled for nearly a thousand years, so it is impossible that she would not gain anything!

The more he thought about it, the more Witt felt it was possible.

After all, she knew her own business. Many times, Celine could not control herself. If there were gold coins, she would not be able to resist the temptation of gold coins.



I have to ask Celine next time I see her.

"How about it, how much do you need?"

Phoebe saw Witt thinking, so she asked again.

Witt was pulled back to his thoughts by Phoebe's voice, and then he raised his hand and stretched out a finger.

Seeing this, Phoebe frowned.

"Isn't this... a bit too much?"

Hearing this, Witt's eyes widened immediately.

"A lot?

You left that thing behind, but you have been deceiving me since the young dragon period, and until I entered the young dragon period, I still firmly believed in it.

This thousand pieces are more?

Five hundred pieces are used to forgive you, and five hundred pieces are exchanged for your lone dragon. It's a great value, okay!"

"Ah, um... oh, it sounds like it's not much."

As she said this, Phoebe's eyes flashed with a strange look, and then she turned her head to look at Vergo.

Vergo was also stunned for a moment, and then silently lowered his head.

You realized that Witt might be very strong, but he didn't seem to understand the world of lone dragons, um... especially the price of lone dragons!

Witt didn't notice that Phoebe and Vergo were different. He was overwhelmed by the 1,000 gold coins.

He only earned 10 gold coins from so many forbidden magic circles.

He got 500 gold coins for just one favor.

Not only that, forgiving Vergo was not just a thought or a word!

He earned 500 gold coins with just one word. It was a huge profit!

"Here are 1,000 gold coins. Click on them."

"Of course I'll click on them."

While muttering, Werther sent Phoebe over and counted the gold coins several times. After making sure that none was missing, Werther was satisfied and put them away.

Then, Werther's face changed instantly.

He smiled and trotted to Vergo.

"We are talking about integrity. We have already collected the five hundred gold coins. Let's pay it forward. A legendary high position, right?"

Vergo was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"눕Fa, where are you going?"

"Of course I'm going to find a legendary high-ranking position to kill 놛. Don't worry, you're not far from a legendary high-ranking position. She's a legendary high-ranking woman. Plus a 놖, 놖 dares to pat her chest and guarantee that 놛 will never run away!"

"Wait a minute... when did 놖 say that he wanted to hunt down a legendary high-ranking person?"

"Eh, isn't it?"

When Witte heard this, he was startled for a moment, and then took a few steps back with a look of alarm.

"The one who chased me just now has a high spiritual power. Isn't he a legendary high-ranking person? He is chasing you. When he sees that he has ulterior motives, isn't he going to kill him?

I can tell you that when you get gold coins in 놖놅꿮떚, there is no reason to spit them out.

Therefore, whether I kill the other party or take you in to take refuge here, the price is 500 gold coins and there is no possibility of refunding it!

Or rather, you don’t want help from 놖, you want help from 놖눕꿛.

Then this price is no good, the legendary high level is still more expensive, at least add a thousand more! "

In a life and death battle, Werther will definitely use his ultimate power.

Therefore, for Witte, it is easier to defeat a legendary high position than to kill a legendary high position.

In particular, 놛 is now in the middle of the legendary rank.

Facing Gangyilit again, Witte was not weak at all.

The mental power of the dragon just now is not even as strong as Gangyi's. It seems that it is a wild road, so it will be easier to kill.

Werther said categorically, but Vergo and Phoebe couldn't laugh or cry.

Especially Phoebe.

One thousand five hundred gold coins...

I must have killed that guy without thinking that in the eyes of the dragon in front of me, it was only worth fifteen hundred gold coins.

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