Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1841 Life and death are just a matter of seconds!

Seeing Brent approaching again, trying to block his space jump position, this time, Witt's spearhead was aimed at Brent.

In his golden eyes, a brilliant golden light suddenly burst out.

The golden time dial appeared in Witt's eyes, and the pointer that was still turning suddenly stopped.

Brent, who had already moved to Witt's front, was about to attack, but his body suddenly froze.

Brent was stunned for a moment by this sudden change.

Then he consciously released the virgin in his body, trying to break free from this inexplicable bondage.

The difference in realm made the time stop have a very poor effect on him. The virgin only slightly burst out, and the time stop was broken.

However, at this time, Witt had already completed the most important magic in the plan - virgin surge (105)!

In just a moment, Witt's appearance changed drastically.

The dark red lava armor turned bright yellow after the energy surged and Witt completely released the restraint on his body temperature.

Then, a fiery red magic circle emerged, and the terrifying energy fluctuations made Brent's face change suddenly.

However, when he unconsciously wanted to dodge, he realized that the distance between him and Witt was too close and he couldn't dodge at all!

However, he was at least a legendary high-ranking person. He opened his mouth and a magic circle suddenly unfolded. The rich power of the rules of the fire energy gathered and turned into a red torrent.

It was Flame End (98) against Flame End, but this time, Witt's Flame End was blessed by the energy surge.

In just the moment of collision, Witt's Flame End had an absolute upper hand, suppressing Brent's Flame End and rushing towards the opponent.

At this time, Ben finally reacted to the sudden change.

Unconsciously, he rushed towards Witt.

However, after the suppression of Flame, Witt threw another card, and in just a moment, the fire element within a radius of nearly 700,000 meters with Witt as the center was instantly emptied!

As for why the distance was so precise...

There was no way. After the battle, they were only 700,000 meters away from Witt's volcano. Witt did not forget that a new life was being born there.

However, this was enough.

The fire element was instantly emptied. Except for Witt who was prepared, the magic used by Ben and Brent at this time suddenly dropped in power.

Even those low-level magics, such as the fire element amplification (65), were directly ineffective.

Brent's Flame was also affected by the fire element dispersal.

As a result, Brent's Flame was completely suppressed, but he at least avoided the head, which was a vital part. Witt's Flame hit Brent's chest.

The lava armor, which was also affected by the fire element dispersal, exploded in an instant, and the Flame pressed Brent and hit the ground heavily.

At this time, Ben, whose speed was affected by the fire element dispersal, rushed to Witt's side.

But Witt ignored the other party's intention.

A fiery red magic circle suddenly appeared, and bright yellow flames ignited all over his body. Witt turned into a fireball and fell on Brent, who was struggling to get up.

With a huge and heavy body, great power, and the explosion of the element surge (77), Brent once again came into contact with the ground at a negative distance.

Witt stepped on Brent's body, and the ground around him collapsed directly. His body sank deeply into the ground, and a large mouthful of blood mixed with broken internal organs spurted out of his mouth.

Is this the end?

How could it be!

Witt had clearly taught Violet before.

In a real life-and-death battle, once there is a chance, you must never have thoughts like "I think these powers are enough". What you think in your mind is always that these are not enough!

Therefore, on Witt's chest, a stream of blazing white flames gushed out, and Witt's entire dragon was wrapped in this flame.

Cracks began to appear in the space around him, and the high temperature that seemed to melt everything on earth appeared again after a long absence.

And this time, even the space could not bear this power.

A magic circle burning with blazing white flames immediately unfolded from Witt's mouth, which was not very clear.

Extreme high temperature, flame out!

The original fiery red torrent of the power of the fire element rule was completely transformed into a torrent of blazing white divine flames.

And this time, in order to avoid accidentally missing the target, Witt aimed directly at the opponent's chest.

And driven by the survival instinct, Brent not only chanted the Lava Armor (78), but also forcibly moved his body.

Then, without any reservation, he injected the power of the element rule in his body into the lava armor.

At the same time, his dragon body began to roll with all his strength.

The blazing white flames bombarded the lava armor, and the lava armor melted and collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally broke through the lava armor and fell on half of Brent's dragon body.


A roar full of fear and pain spread to who knows how far.

But Brent was at a high level of Legend after all. Even so, he still forcibly overturned Witt who was standing on him, blocking the subsequent damage from Yan Jin.

After taking off again, Brent had lost half of his body, and the air was filled with the smell of burning flesh and blood.

"Save me!"

Seeing Witt in the distance, the golden eyes hidden in the blazing white flames looked at him, and Brent hurriedly asked Ben for help.

However, Ben, who was originally hesitant because of the blazing white flames on Witt, flew away without hesitation after hearing this.

To be able to make a high-level legend desperately send out a call for help, it must be feeling the breath of death.

A middle-level legend actually made a high-level legend feel the breath of death.

Whether it is outrageous or not is no longer important. The important thing is that he definitely does not want to become like Brent. That little bit of treasure is not enough for him to take such a risk.

Seeing Ben leave without hesitation, Brent also realized that he was abandoned.

Before he could complain, a magic circle representing the Element Explosion (87) appeared on Brent's body.

Even though he lost half of his body, he was still able to use magic so quickly. It shows how powerful the vitality of a legendary high-level dragon is.

However, he did not notice that there was another voice chanting in his chanting.

The magic circle representing the Element Explosion just appeared and then disappeared like a bubble.

Brent, who was in the state of running away, was a little overwhelmed by this sudden change. When he reacted and was about to continue running away, a familiar feeling of restraint forcibly restricted him to the spot.

Time stopped!

Witt, whose whole body was burning with blazing white divine flames, appeared in front of Brent.

Without the slightest hesitation, nor did he hold back his own strength just because Brent was in a bad state—Extreme High Temperature·Big Red Lotus Killing Flame (96)!


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