Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1844: For gold coins, what is the bottom line?

Witt and Violet were lying on the ground with their heads facing each other, with three gold coins in front of them.

Both dragons were staring at each other.

It seemed that whoever looked away first would lose the ownership of the three gold coins.

Time was passing by little by little...

This was not the passing of a minute or a second, but the passing of days and months, day by day, and no one was willing to give up the three gold coins.

Finally, Witt couldn't help it!

Violet was still looking at Witt, and suddenly, she saw the golden light in her teacher's golden eyes jumping like a flame.

A hot breath came, and while looking at it, she felt that her dragon soul was about to burn.

Subconsciously, Violet's eyes moved slightly.

Then she responded.

Not good!

Looking again, sure enough, the three gold coins on the ground were gone. Witt laughed and straightened his neck.

"Look away first, they are mine!"

Violet was furious.

"No, you must have cheated. I just saw a flame from your eyes, a golden flame, which is affecting me!"

Witt stood up and glanced at Violet.

"Golden flame?

What nonsense are you talking about? Just ask a dragon. The flame I control is the blazing white divine flame. Where does the golden flame come from?

It's obviously your spirit that can't hold on and has a feeling. How can you blame it on me?"

As he said, Witt looked to the side.

"Okay, the gold coins have finally been distributed. There are some other collections here. Do you want any more?"

Hearing this, although Violet still felt something was wrong, she thought carefully and realized that she had never seen Witte use the golden flame. Although she was still angry, she could accept her fate.

The gold coins were all collected by her teacher in the Ni Lin space, and they would definitely not be taken.

After hearing Witte's next words, Violet raised her neck.

"Yes, of course!"

"No, what do you want these for?"

"I like to throw them for fun!"

After spending so much energy, she finally got the part she deserved. Violet's mood did not improve because of the gold coins.

Seeing this, Witte raised his eyebrows and said nothing more.

Who let the last three gold coins be obtained by him cheating with the golden holy fire!

So, give the rest. Don't think it's just three gold coins. It means that Violet hasn't defeated him after all.

As for the harvest this time...

This is not the level that Vitt would wake up with laughter in his dreams. This is a number he dare not even dream of.

One hundred and thirty thousand, seven hundred and one and a half gold coins!

What is the concept?

Vitt has worked hard for so many years, plus cheating and deceiving, and only collected eighty-one thousand, three hundred and eight coins, and this is the result of earning two thousand coins from Phoebe.

Killing a legendary high-ranking person, he got the gold coins that he dared not dream of for more than a thousand years. This overwhelming wealth made Vitt think about changing his job and becoming the evil dragon that blocked the road.

To be honest, when he thought about how much he had taken and Violet took one-tenth, he wanted to rob Violet. One-tenth was worth tens of thousands!

Did Poredia really have so many gold coins?

Thinking of this, Vitt looked at Violet with a little more in his eyes.

Violet was also very clear about how many gold coins she had gotten. Seeing Vitt staring at her from time to time, she was also a little flustered.

Her teacher was good at everything, but when it came to gold coins, his bottom line was super low!

When she thought of this, Violet calmed down completely.

"Teacher, I suddenly feel that these things are useless to me. My share is not for you. I'll go to Vergo first. We have divided so much, and I don't know if it's born."

With that, Violet got up and flew towards the volcano, even using Lei Liuyun.

She knew very well that she couldn't stay alone with the teacher anymore.

After a while, his teacher will convince him.

Witt watched Violet leave, and the strange emotions in his eyes gradually subsided. Then, Witt slapped himself hard.

"What's the point of thinking about these things now? I should have robbed them directly at the beginning!"

Well, it turns out that Witt is not thinking, but constantly lowering his bottom line.

Fortunately, now Violet has left.

No matter how low Witt's bottom line is, he will not rob his students in front of other dragons.

He collected all the things and flew towards the volcano.

Brent has been killed by him, and the two dragons will not come back to kill him. In fact, the two guys will probably run to hide somewhere else.

But then again, he was busy dividing the gold coins just now, and he didn't have time to understand the situation of the battle on Violet's side.

He didn't even observe Violet's condition carefully.

I'll have to ask later.

As he thought this, a layer of white flames appeared on Witt's body, and the armor-like structure on his body, which was melted from dragon scales, broke apart, revealing the silver-white skin originally hidden under the dragon scales.

However, soon, under the effect of the fire of life, the dragon scales on Witt's body grew again.

"You actually killed Brent!"

Vergo and Phoebe looked at Werther in astonishment, with huge waves in their hearts.

Although Werther had already stated before, Brent's life was worth fifteen hundred gold coins to him.

But saying it and doing it are completely different things!

At this time, Vergo suddenly responded.

No wonder there were so many gold coins there, so much so that Brent's reverse scale space was taken away in one fell swoop.

땤Witt, on his part, nodded casually.

"Correction, it's me, Violet is just responsible for holding back the helper Brent called."

With that said, Werther looked at Violet.

The meaning behind the words is, you don’t have anything, how can you have the nerve to take so many gold coins?

The fundamental purpose is still thinking about Violet's gold coins.

But Violet seemed to be deaf and did not respond at all.


After entering her reverse scale space, there is no reason to go anywhere.

There was a hint of complexity in Phoebe's eyes, and when she looked at Werther, in addition to fear, there was more disbelief.

As an opponent, she knows better than anyone how strong Brent is.

Unexpectedly, the other party was so frustrated!

Suddenly, a flash of nervousness flashed in Phoebe's eyes, and at the same time, a strong elemental wave erupted from her body.

It’s time to give birth!

Realizing this, Violet stood up on her own initiative.

"I'll go up there and keep watch."

Werther walked towards the lava on the side.

"I will guard that side of the lava veins, so you can rest assured."

With that said, Werther disappeared into the lava.

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