Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1848 What is coming will eventually come!

In a large shed, dozens of flying dragons gathered together, their expressions showing unconcealable sadness.

However, the five-headed flying dragon located in the middle is very chatty.

Coren was still chatting with Avery and Jones about the past. Even though hundreds of years had passed and some topics had been discussed more than once, they were still chatting enthusiastically.

Occasionally, he would glance at Alva and the others, and a trace of regret would flash through his eyes.

But soon, he would hide these emotions again and continue to joke with Avery and the others.

Alva occasionally participated, but most of the time, he was still narrating something from another silver-winged flying dragon nestled next to him.

That was his partner. The feelings he once dared not express, but with the help of his friends, he finally expressed them. Then he realized that they were going in both directions.

But even now, while Alva is happy, he still blames himself for not having enough courage at that time.

If anything, they would be able to spend more time together.

However, as time went by, Colon and Alva would always fall asleep unconsciously during the communication process, but he would not sleep much before waking up again.

In front of Avery and the others, the mental power of the two dragons suddenly became intermittent.

Looking at Colum who was dozing off again, Avery's eyes flashed with anxiety.

The situation deteriorated much faster than he expected. When Column and the others sent a dragon to bring them over, they just thought it was another party or something.

After all, they have attended this kind of party more than once.

But this time, seeing that something was not right about the two dragons, he quickly contacted 깊Witt.

However, just after he contacted Witt, the situation of the two dragons deteriorated rapidly.

Perhaps, their dragon souls have long been decayed, and the only thing that makes them reluctant to leave is that an old friend of theirs has not arrived yet.

Although the news was just sent out, he still hoped that Werther would come here immediately.

He knew that Werther had such ability.

The only problem is that Werther doesn't know what's going on here!

Suddenly, a space fluctuation came from not far away. After Avery noticed the space fluctuation, his anxious heart finally relaxed.

If Werther had not rushed, his mouth might not say it, but his heart would definitely blame him.

However, it was also his fault for not realizing that something was wrong immediately.

Mainly because he didn't expect that the situation of the two dragons would worsen at this point in time.

On the other side, a space crack appeared in this huge shed, and then, a silver-white dragon emerged from inside.

"What's going on..."

Just as he said this, Werther's brows furrowed even deeper. Before he could get out of his eyes, he had already noticed that Colon Alva's mental power was as strong as the wind.

Without saying any more words, Werther opened his mouth and a ball of white life came out.

The flames fell on the bodies of the two dragons. The breath of Colon Alva's body was slightly more stable. He had closed his eyes and slowly opened them.

With extremely complicated thoughts, Werther walked up to the two dragons, lay down gently, and forced a smile on his lips.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on with you two guys? Didn't you agree that you can live for a thousand years? It's only been a few hundred years, how come it's like this!"

"Ah, it's Werther. I feel relieved when I see you. Hahaha, I'm sorry. It's my first time and I have no experience. I didn't even have time to inform you.

To be honest, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to see you. "

Hearing Column's words, Witte grinned.

"Who can do this kind of thing for the first time? How long ago, and he was still joking."

Column smiled silently through the beating white flames.

"That's why I'm joking at this time. This is the last chance. Don't feel sorry for us, Werther. The world is becoming more and more dangerous. We who leave at this time are lucky.

As an old friend, you should bless us..."

Coren's voice became lower and lower. He could clearly feel that the rich life force was injected into his body. However, the weakness coming from the depths of the dragon soul made him unable to even open his eyes. 깊.

When the words fell, Kelun had already closed his eyes tightly.

"Hahaha, this guy is one step ahead of me after all. He is so stubborn that he will make a joke before he dies..."

As he said that, Alva's eyes flashed with emotion.

"If I remember correctly, I seem to be older than him."

Having said this, Alva felt a sense of fatigue coming over him. He quickly looked at Witt, and then said solemnly: "Witt, the most correct choice we have made in this life is to get to know you!"

Werther looked at Alva with a complicated expression.

"To be honest, I kind of regret it..."


When Alva heard this, he couldn't help laughing, but his laughter became lower and lower until he completely calmed down.

His partner, the silver-winged flying dragon, who had been leaning against him, reacted, gently opened his wings, held Alva in his arms, and then...

Her mental power suddenly weakened and then dissipated rapidly.

Her movements were so straightforward that Werther didn't even have time to stop her.

"She broke her own dragon crystal..."

Avery's tone was full of complexity. They really didn't expect that Alva's partner would accompany him to leave.


Witt let out a long breath.

"I think they still have hundreds of years."

Avery smiled bitterly.

"The lifespan limit has always been only a theoretical limit, but how many dragons can actually live to the lifespan limit!"


Witt looked at the three dragons who seemed to be sleeping soundly, and then he turned around to look at the other dragons around him.

"I will deal with their bodies. Do you have any objections?"

Of course no!

Even if they had any objections, their opinions were insignificant when facing the giant dragon of Witt.

A ball of flames spewed out of Witt's mouth. This was his old friend, and he wanted to send him off personally.

The body was annihilated in the fierceness, and the dragon soul was free!


Returning to the Sky City, all kinds of noisy sounds entered his ears, but Witt did not feel the ease and joy of returning home as before.


Witt sighed and turned to look at Avery and Jones.

"You go back first, I want to walk around."

After that, Witt walked towards the tenth block without waiting for Avery and the others to say anything.

Since it is a place to relax, it must be to go to places that can relax him. Lei's food may be a good choice.


Without saying too much, Witt walked out of Lei Long's restaurant.

Lei was out today, and his food did not taste as good as before.


"What about the Sky Arena? Maybe fighting can cheer me up again..."

Muttering, Witt walked towards the Sky Arena.

In the store, Lei watched Witt leave and shook his head helplessly.

After all, we are young!

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