Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1859 A strange combination!

Celine didn't have to wait too long before Witt appeared again.

"What's the situation?"

Witt frowned, and shook his head after hearing what Celine said.

"There is no unusual elemental aura."

As he spoke, Witt's face became a little solemn.

He had just performed a space jump, but he still didn't find anything. Either the other party was very strong, or the look just now was really just his illusion.

"Do you want to leave here?"

Celine thought for a while, then asked.

Witt thought about it, then shook his head.

"No, don't leave yet. Let's rest here for a while. If the other party is really strong, there is not much difference between leaving and staying here."

Celine nodded.

"I'll listen to you."

She was not very worried. The two of them were not weak. Even if they met a legendary high-ranking person like her grandfather, they were still able to get away.

The other party couldn't be a legend.

If it was a legend, there would be no need to go through so much trouble.

Of course, all of this is still in the case that there is really a dragon eyeing them.

Although, according to Witt's perception, the probability that there is really a dragon eyeing them is as high as 90%, but it is not 100%!

Having made a decision, Witt and Celine flew towards the sand dunes below.

It just so happened that the underground space below was blown up by them, and a large piece of the ground collapsed, forming a small basin, which just happened to be their place to stay.

After landing, Witt recovered his own state.

Celine was responsible for vigilance.

Witt's consumption was not large, so it didn't take too long for his state to recover completely.

After recovering, the two dragons did not leave, but chatted happily.


"Really cautious!"

On a sand dune, a black dragon with a slightly weird appearance quietly looked at the distant west.

The reason why he looks weird is that, although this dragon looks like a black dragon, its scales are more ferocious.

And, most importantly, there are two pairs of black dragon wings on his back.

Obviously, this is a mutant black dragon.

And this mutant black dragon is observing his target. In his perception, the two dragons he regards as his target do not seem to intend to leave in the short term.

Of course, leaving or not, for him, does not make much difference.

If there is a difference, it is that if he leaves, he will have more opportunities to attack, and if he stays there, he basically has no chance to attack.

That dragon is a bit strong, and ordinary high-level legends may not be his opponents.

The other dragon is also powerful.

If they join forces, he is not a match, so although he has been staring at them all the way, he has never tried to attack.


Suddenly, the black dragon frowned and looked in another direction.

"Tsk, this nosy guy is here again!"

The dragon cursed, hesitated for a moment, and then flew in another direction.

As he left, some tiny, black, dust-like things were scattered by him and merged into the yellow sand.


The dark red claw grabbed a handful of yellow sand from the sand below, and then the claw came to a pair of golden eyes.

The mental power surged, the yellow sand flew, and a layer of tiny black particles was left on the claws. These black particles were still moving slowly on the claws.

Seeing these things, a hint of coldness appeared in the golden eyes.

"It's that guy!"

As he said, a flame surged on the claws.

After those black particles persisted in the flames for a while, they suddenly exploded. Judging from the sound alone, the power was not small.


With a cold snort, the claw covered with red dragon scales moved away, revealing a big face covered with red dragon scales.

This is a red dragon!

"This guy is here now, he must have targeted a dragon, I don't know who it is, so unlucky that he was targeted by this guy."

Hearing this, Os turned his head and looked at the blue dragon who was talking beside him.

"It can't be said to be unlucky, that guy is not weak, the dragons he targeted all ended up miserable.

But this time, the other party was not in a hurry to take action.

Even from the information we tracked, he targeted from the Continent of Life.

It has been decades, and he hasn't taken action yet, which can only mean that the dragon he targeted is not simple."

As he spoke, a familiar breath suddenly rose in the distance.

Os and Angela's faces suddenly changed.

Then, they hurriedly flew towards the direction where the breath came from.


"White Dragon!"

Witt looked at the dragon opposite with interest, without revealing a strong aura.

But Karel, who was being watched, had a sense of alarm in his heart.

A very dangerous dragon!

Realizing this, Karel quickly released his aura, both as a warning and to summon his companions.

"No harm, just passing by here."

"Just passing by..."

Witt looked at the white dragon in front of him.

At the mid-level realm of legend, the elemental aura revealed is also very strong.

When there was a high probability that he would be targeted by some dragon, a powerful white dragon suddenly appeared here. It was hard for Witte not to believe that the other party had a certain relationship with the dragon that was eyeing him.

Therefore, after the opponent appeared, Witte immediately used the space jump to stop the opponent.

And, don’t just stop.

Witte looked at the white dragon in front of him with increasingly dangerous eyes.

A legendary white dragon who is in the middle and has an affinity for the single water element does not need much strength to capture the opponent.

However, just as Witte was about to take action, his brows suddenly frowned, and then he looked in the direction behind Bai Long. Over there, two breaths were rushing towards this side.

One is similar to the dragon in front of me, the other...

"Legendary high position!"

As he murmured, a flash of thought flashed in Werther's eyes.

It's not that he is afraid of these three-headed dragons, but that his judgment may be wrong.

Judging from the speed at which the opponent arrived, these three dragons should be together.

If this is the case, then it is basically certain that these three-headed dragons are not the one targeting him.

The fact that she appeared in front of him so easily was obviously contradictory to the little boy in front of him who was avoiding cautiously. What plan did they have...

Witte really couldn't imagine what kind of plan would need to be implemented in this way.

Thinking of this, Witte took another look at the two dragons flying towards them. They had already revealed their appearance, one was a red dragon and the other was a blue dragon.

This combination is quite strange.

As 뀞zhong thought this, Witte's eyes turned to Bai Long.

"Ahead is where 놖 rests. You'd better take a detour, otherwise, 놖 can't guarantee what will happen next!"

After saying that, Werther tore open the space and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, a strange voice came from the distance.

"Wait a moment!"

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