Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1873: The Continent of Fevers!

Looking at the crack at the end of the yellow sand in the distance, Cady stopped his narration, then looked ahead and said: "That's the Eye of the Abyss over there."

Werther looked at the Eye of the Abyss with interest.

"I wonder if there is really a treasure inside that can drive a dragon crazy, as the rumors say."

Hearing this, Celine glanced sideways at Werther.

"Don't move around, 놖 will be watching you. Although 놖 is quite interested in the legendary dragon, 놖 doesn't want to see Kram for this kind of thing."

"Haha, don't worry, 놖 is not that stupid."

Witte laughed twice and explained slightly palely.

Celine glanced at Werther.

Not that stupid, but greedy enough!

However, Celine did not say this directly, she just gave Werther a look and let 놛 experience it for herself.

Cady did not interrupt casually during the exchange between the two dragons.

놛I have noticed before, 눁After not seeing each other for more than a thousand years, the relationship between Werther and Celine has developed in an unusual direction, but this is not surprising.

The origins of the two dragons are not a secret to Long Yuyan, who first met Werther.

It is only natural that things will develop in this direction.

Seeing that the two dragons had almost finished talking, Cady smiled and replied: "Don't tell me, there is really some news about the Eye of the Abyss.

That is...

Kram seems to have really entered the deepest part of the Eye of the Abyss. "

Seeing the look on Cady's face, you guys came over quickly to gossip, Werther and Celine looked at each other, and the former gave a dry laugh.

"Where did you get this news?"

"Of course I heard about it!"

Cady replied matter-of-factly.

"Then how much information do you have...?"

"An alchemist I know well told 놖. 놛 said that 놛 had accidentally seen it once. A huge, 놛 just glanced at it and felt a suffocating black shadow entering the Eye of the Abyss."

"Then what?"

"Then there is no more. The alchemist is also a giant dragon, and he is not weak at all. Just a glance can make him feel suffocated...

I want to ask, besides Cram, who else can be around this city of stars. "


After the words fell, there was a silence.

After a while, Werther said: "We are here, so can we just go in?"

Cady pouted.

This topic-changing technique is beyond bad.

However, 놛 did not continue talking. Werther and Celine were obviously not interested in this.

"Just go in."

While talking, the three dragons had already arrived in the sky above the Eye of the Abyss.

Looking down from 껗, in the boundless sea of ​​sand, a long and narrow crack like a squinting eye is embedded in the surface.

No wonder it is called the Eye of the Abyss.

Werther looked at the crack below and thought to himself.

Suddenly, a faint light flashed in the crack below, and then, a giant dragon covered in aqua crystals flew out from below.

Seeing the Wittes, the other party was obviously nervous.

However, after seeing that the Wittes did not make any movement, the other party nodded towards the Wittes and then flew in the direction of the City of Stars.

So fast!

Obviously, 놛 is still a little wary of the Wittes.

However, at this time, Werther's attention was focused on another issue.

"Speaking of which, since the Eye of the Abyss is a two-way transmission, what does it look like on the other side?

It can't be like this, it's a crack! "

Hearing this, Cady shook his head.

"There is a 껚 valley over there, a very ordinary 껚 valley. The only special thing is that there will be frequent spatial fluctuations in that 껚 valley. If it is true, you will not be able to make mistakes."

"That's it..."

As he spoke, Werther flew downwards, and at the same time, a trace of expectation appeared in Werther's eyes.

After a long absence, 놛놚 went to a completely unfamiliar continent.

Behind Werther, Celine and Cady quickly followed.

As Cady flew, he said: "After you get there, don't move around, listen to 놖's command, and don't accidentally pass it back.

In that valley, there is only one direction to leave. "

"I know, I know!"

After the words fell, the light in front of his eyes dimmed, and Werther and the others suddenly entered the Eye of the Abyss.

On the Sekent Continent, under the endless yellow sand, there are thick rock formations, which are also important conditions for the formation of the Eye of the Abyss.

Werther's curiosity is still very strong.

During the descent, don’t forget to explore the rock walls on both sides.

Of course, the most important thing is that Werther still can't forget the treasure under the eyes of the abyss.

After a thorough investigation, Werther gave up.

The space here is not stable, and the space cannot be used casually.

땤Moreover, the space where the rock walls on both sides are located is connected to the unstable space below. If you attack the rock walls on both sides, it may indeed affect the teleportation space below.

After giving up, Werther began to concentrate on his journey.

Just after Werthers reached a certain level, Werther suddenly noticed that the surrounding space became active.

The surrounding space fluctuates in a way that 놛can't understand.

Before Werther could respond, his eyes flashed, and the dim underground cracks were instantly replaced by the vast blue sky.

Werther subconsciously flew forward, and then the dragon's tail sank.

Turning his head to look, he saw that 놛's tail had been hugged by Cady, and Celine's tail had also been stepped on.

"I know that if you use this teleportation space for the first time, you will definitely run around. Fortunately, I have been prepared."

Saying that, Cady released the dragon tails of the Wittes.

Then, he glanced left and right.

"This way!"

Werther and Celine looked at each other, both dragons were a little embarrassed.

Afterwards, the people hurriedly followed Cady.

After flying a certain distance, Cady stopped, then turned to look at the Wittes, with a smile on his face.

"Okay, now you have finally arrived at the Feifus Continent. What do you think?"

After chatting with the Wittes for a day, Cady was in a much better mood.


The holy mark on Werther's chest slightly absorbed the surrounding elements.

"Earth element and water element are relatively strong, followed by natural element, then light. The concentration of wind element is also good, and the three elements of dark, fire and thunder are relatively small."

As he spoke, Werther looked into the distance.

Although the concentration of various elements is different from that of Fast Continent, the climate conditions are similar.

In addition, at a glance, compared to the Fast Continent, the Fevers Continent is flatter. There are 껚, but not much, and the area of ​​​​the forest has also been greatly reduced.

The smell emitted by plants is completely different from that of Fast Continent.

Looking around, there are all kinds of plants that have never been seen before.

In addition, the various dragon beasts on the Fevers Continent are obviously larger than those on the Fast Continent.

The similar yet different continental style made Witte even more hopeful!

Although there are all kinds of things, traveling in such a continent is quite nice...

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