Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 19: Witt's Breath

"Winter, what do I need to do next?"

"Witt, you need to rest!"

After hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, and then walked towards the purple flower in front of him.

At this time, the Papillon was still swallowing nectar. Seeing Witt coming towards him, he immediately flapped his colorful wings.


Listening to this protesting cry, Witt ignored the other party's meaning, but walked to the purple flower on his own, and then... rest?

Of course not!

Witt flapped his wings and flew up!

And the Papillon that was protesting against him was for his training goal.

Of course, it was not to catch up with the other party in speed. For him, that was not a goal, but a luxury!

What Witt had to do was very simple, just like the other party, hovering in the air!

This can be easily done by other dragons that fly with the help of magic, but he can't!

Just flying consumed a lot of his energy.

Winters looked at Witt, imitating the Papillon, trying to hover in the air. After a moment of hesitation, he finally said nothing.

She couldn't stop a giant dragon from trying to become stronger!

Celine and the others were still feeling the magic elements.

At this time, it was not only Celine who was surrounded by the corresponding magic elements, but also Billy and the others.

And, as time passed, those magic elements became more and more!

As for Witt, as the flight time increased, his body gradually became exhausted.

But he still persisted.

Suddenly, Witt felt a pain in his back, and his wings were difficult to flap, and then he fell straight down.

Just when he thought that he would be greeted by a hard land, a claw caught him steadily, uh... well, Winters' dragon scales are much harder than the ground!

Although he was shocked, Witt still looked at Winters with gratitude.

"Thank you, Winters!"

Looking at Witt whose back muscles were twitching unconsciously, Winters sighed.

"Witt, I don't object to you training in this way, but you have to ensure your own safety. In addition, training is not achieved overnight. I look forward to the day when you become stronger, but it will definitely not be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!"

As he said, Winters put Witt on the ground.

At this time, Witt noticed that Celine and the others had woken up and stared at him upright with fighting spirit in their eyes!

Of course, Witt knew that this was not hostility!

As I said before, dragons are proud, they disdain to bully the weak, so when they have fighting spirit towards you, it means that they recognize you!

For this recognition, Witt didn't know how to respond for a while.

Fortunately, Winters started!

"Okay, little guys, now is not the time for you to fight. It's not far from noon. I hope you can use your own dragon breath before noon!

Even if they may only be as thick as your little claws!"

"No, Winters, I don't think they will be as thick as my forelimbs!"

Billy raised his claws, full of confidence!

"Really? I'm looking forward to it!"

As he said that, Winters changed the subject.

"Witt, how do you feel now? Can you stand up?"

Witt didn't answer, but he showed with his actions that he could still stand up.

"Very good, then, we can start now!

You have just seen what the magic elements look like, so now what you have to do is to use your spirit to find the magic elements in your body, which is the basis for you to use the breath!

By the way, the magic elements in the dragon's body are stored in the dragon crystal, and the dragon crystal is located on your head!

If you find it, raise your claws to signal!"

As soon as the voice fell, Celine raised her claws. She felt the magic elements last night, and after feeling the magic elements, the dragon crystal in her body responded!

"Very good, Celine!"

Hearing this, Celine's eyes flashed with pride.

At this time, Dinnett also raised his claws.

Following closely was Ao.

However, what surprised the dragon was that the fourth one was not Billy, but Witt!

Yes, he also found his dragon crystal.

It was in his head. The volume may be only as big as a fingernail, but he can really feel the magic elements contained in it!

There are two types, one is the fire element and the other is the water element!

On the other side, Billy looked at Witt's raised claw in astonishment, and then hurriedly began to look for it seriously.

Soon, he raised his claw.

"Hey! Man! I swear, if I had looked for it seriously from the beginning, I would have been faster than you!"

Hearing this, the dragons rolled their eyes and ignored this clown.

Winters seemed to be relieved, and then continued: "Then, let's start the second step, in the middle of your chest, in the middle of the lungs.

That is the key to the dragon's ability to use the dragon's breath, the elemental lung!

Please raise your claw if you have found it!"

According to Winters, Witt probed his spirit into the chest cavity, and the scene in the chest cavity came into his mind.

The strong heart pumps the bright red dragon blood into the blood vessels, flowing to the whole body. The strong lungs efficiently extract oxygen from the air and transport it to all parts of the body.

Uh... Although he didn't see any oxygen, the knowledge of another world told him that the air was full of oxygen, which was indispensable for life.

In this regard, Witt reserved his opinion that this world was magic!

Soon, he found the elemental lungs in Winters' mind, but they were not flesh and blood organs, but two spaces located in the body.

Witt's spirit could not get close to the two spaces, but he could feel the completely different breaths coming from the two spaces.

One of the spaces exuded a high temperature that melted everything, and the other space was cold enough to freeze everything!

Witt didn't know if this was normal, but at least the location was fine.

Moreover, when he saw the two spaces, Witt suddenly had a strong feeling in his heart, that is, to introduce the magic elements in the dragon crystal into them!

Witt thought so and did so, but he consciously chose the fire element and the space that exuded high temperature.

As the elements were mobilized, Witt's spirit was consumed in an instant.

Moreover, he directly exited the state of inner vision!

In the outside world, Witt, whose spirit suddenly became weak, opened his mouth involuntarily in the stunned eyes of Winters and the other four little dragons.

Blazing white flames escaped from the corners of his mouth.

One second!

A dazzling white light flashed, and a dragon scale on Winters's chin emitted a stream of green smoke!

And Witt fell to the ground, panting violently!

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