Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1899 We are just freer!

Celine looked at the piles of golden objects in the treasure room in front of her, and she didn't know how to comfort Witt for a moment.

She felt deeply for Witt's pain.

It was so easy to find a relic, and all the signs showed that there was crystal inside, but when it was really opened, any crystal was possible, but there was no ordinary crystal with a flocculent structure inside.


Too painful!

It hurts just thinking about it!

For dragons, there is only one kind of treasure, which is the bond deep in the soul and an irreplaceable existence.

Nasha and Oti looked at the two dragons with sad expressions, and they didn't know what kind of expression they should put on for a moment. Their enthusiasm for treasure was far less than that of Witt and Celine.

They were very happy, and they were just a little disappointed, but what did Witt mean by his expression of betrayal by an old friend?

After a long time, Celine reacted.

Witt's passion for treasure is much higher than hers. If he doesn't care, he will be sad for several days or even several months.

Thinking of this, Celine walked to Witt's side, raised her paw, and gently placed it on Witt's shoulder.

"At least there are some gold coins, right!"

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly stood up.

"Yes, there are gold coins, I have seen it just now, none of you can move, I will count them myself!"

With that, Witt jumped in directly.

Seeing this, Celine's face changed slightly, and she hurriedly said: "Hey, trap..."

"There is a crack on the wall next to it. The three gold coins were sucked out from that crack before, which means that the things inside have also been affected by the storm.

If it is still there, it means that there is no trap here.

However, if you encounter such a treasure room in the future, you may not be able to come in casually like this. The best way is to always have a set of space transfer devices.

This thing needs to be customized in the alchemy shop opened by a more famous alchemist in the city-state.

Although it is more expensive, or it may require bartering , and even more, the space stone used as the material is likely to be prepared by yourself, but this thing is a disposable item, and it will always be wrong to carry one with you.

Like the behavior of directly storing it in the space when encountering a treasure room, it is gambling with your life. It may not matter once or twice, but if you walk by the river often, you will never get your paws wet.

You can gamble countless times, but if you lose the bet only once, your life will be gone.

Otherwise, you can use it. After I count the number of gold coins, I will make one for you. "

Hearing this, Celine looked at Witt who was jumping up and down in the treasure room speechlessly.

What a good dragon master!

Even in this situation, he didn't forget to teach them.

Just as Celine was thinking this, she suddenly froze, because Witt, who was just looking for gold coins, suddenly rushed towards her, and then...

Witt grabbed Celine's claws and then carefully checked them, not willing to let go of every gap in the dragon scales.

Celine's face darkened after she reacted.

"What are you doing!"

Hearing this, Witt said as a matter of course: "I'm checking your claws. I just saw your claws step into this treasure room. I'm sure the gold coins will be stepped on by you and embedded in the gaps of the dragon scales."

Hearing this, Celine's claws immediately hardened.

"Get out!"

As he said this, he bent his claws, and the dragon claws quickly clenched into fists, then punched Witt in the face, and then turned and left.

Witt was punched, and looking at Celine's back, he subconsciously raised his claws and tried to keep her.

"Don't go, I haven't checked yet..."

As he said that, Witt suddenly tilted his head, and a white light flew past. On the wall inside the treasure room, a burn mark appeared, which was the trace left by the light atom's breath.

After avoiding the light atom's breath, when Witt looked up again, Celine was already out of sight.

Seeing this, Witt sighed with regret.

"Let's check it out later!"

Hearing this, Nasha and Otti were also speechless.

Then, Otti turned around and walked outside. Anyway, there was no treasure she wanted here.

However, after just a few steps, Otti stopped and turned his head to look at Nasha, who was suddenly lying on the ground.

"What are you doing here?"

Nasha waved her paws casually.

"Nothing, I'm just curious, how many gold coins can I find?"

Hearing this, Otti rolled his eyes, said nothing more, and turned to walk outside.

Nasha always showed interest in strange places, and in her opinion, these things can be described in two words-boring!

After Otti left, Nasha looked at Witt who was busy inside and suddenly chuckled. 、

"Fellow countryman, let's chat!"

Hearing this, Witt stopped moving and replied casually: "What's there to chat about."

Nasha looked up and thought.

"There's really nothing to talk about, but I'm quite curious. Logically, even a giant dragon from the earth should have the same attitude towards treasure as you do."

"Every dragon has its own nature, which I think is quite normal. But you, you come from the starry sky, why do you seem so weak!"

Hearing this, Nasha's face darkened, and then she said with discontent: "What does strength have to do with coming from the starry sky? The dragon race is the top race, and this world is the world of the dragon race.

Let's put it this way, the dragons in this world are among the best even in the starry sky.

The only thing that is different from us is life span."

"Life span?"

Witt paused for a moment, and then continued to look while asking: "What do you mean?"

"The natural death of a dragon begins with the decay of its soul. This is the law of this world and the law of the starry sky. The dragons in the dragon world are subject to the laws of both, and their souls decay earlier. , faster.

The life span will naturally be shorter.

Of course, if the strength is constantly improving, reaching the myth and becoming the highest, the life span is beyond the theoretical limit, very long, but who can live forever!

So, the difference between the star dragon and the dragon world dragon is that we have one less layer of restraint and are more free.

As for strength...

Hehe, the star beast that can destroy the world is still as small as a bullet and weaker than an ant.

Who hasn't been weak!

From an ant to a strong man galloping in the starry sky step by step, this is the law of this starry sky. "

"What do you think of this world?"

Nasha was silent for a while.

"The star dragon is a wanderer in the starry sky, an observer of the world, in the world, and outside the world. I should have a home in this world, but..."

As she said, Nasha smiled bitterly.

"Who made me be picked up by that careless guy!"


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