Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 195 Linsda's Problem!

When rock dragons travel, they will walk day and night for about three months, then rest for half a month, wake up, and continue their journey.

Therefore, Werther and the others will stay in this plain for half a month.

However, he was used to the daily routine that was changing all the time around him. Now that it suddenly stopped, Werther was not used to it.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't come up with any result, but fell asleep without knowing it.

On the morning of the first day, because he didn't get the answer he wanted, Werther didn't have much appetite. He ate twice as much food as Antawana and Linstar put together, and then he stopped.

Antavana naturally noticed something was wrong with Werther's state.

But she ignored it and continued to practice her magic in the corner.

She would also have this situation sometimes. She had no appetite and didn't want to do anything. She just wanted to sit quietly for a while.

It’s only natural for dragons!

As for Linstar, he didn't notice Werther's condition at all, he was also thinking about things.

Moreover, he seemed to have the answer.

However, every time his eyes became firm, the next second he would look sad again, pick up the enchanting pen, and continue to create explosions again and again!

As for Werther, he did exactly what Antavana thought. After eating, he walked to the side and lay down alone. He did nothing but lay down quietly.

After a while, Avery and the others came again.

However, after seeing Werther's condition, he wisely did not go over to say hello, but directly took the group of young dragons to continue to experience the feeling of flying.

As for Hess, who followed, he went to find Linstar.

However, he felt that something was wrong with Linstar's state today. In the past, the Engrave Magic Circuit exploded twice, but today it continues to explode.

He had always been stubborn, so of course he took the initiative to ask, but Lin Sida shook his head and was unwilling to say anything. The magic circuit of Engraved was still exploding all the time.

Time passes little by little!

Werther, who had been emptying his mind, finally regained focus with his distracted eyes.

Patting his head, Werther smiled bitterly.

"Why do you think so much? It's pretentious!"

After muttering something quietly, Werther was about to get up, and then his attention was attracted by an explosion.

After being stunned for a moment, Werther looked doubtfully in the direction of Linstar.

Although his mind was empty, it didn't mean that Werther couldn't hear what was going on outside. However, he was never in the mood to pay attention!

But now that I think about it, Lin Sida blew up too frequently today!

With this thought in mind, Werther walked towards Linstar.

Werther did not conceal his steps, so Linstar quickly noticed Werther walking over.

He subconsciously wanted to cover up his "results" today, but then he was embarrassed to find that his "results" today were a bit big and he couldn't cover them up at all.

When Werther walked up to Linstar, he naturally noticed the pile of discarded scales and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

"Did you draw these today?"

Linstar swung his tail uneasily, then lowered his head and nodded gently as an admission.

Seeing this, Werther couldn't help but frown.

Then, he randomly took a few pieces from the pile of discarded dragon scales.

Without even looking carefully, Werther understood the problem.

After placing the scales in front of Linstad one by one, Witte was not angry. He just said as usual: "You have something on your mind, right? If it's about carving magic circuits, your level won't be this bad. ”

Linstar lowered his head and said nothing.

Werther sighed helplessly, and then said: "It seems we need to have a chat!"

Hearing this, Linstar's body trembled, and then he raised his head and looked at Hess beside him.

Only then did Werther notice that Hess did not leave. Instead, he stared at them with wide eyes and full of curiosity.


Werther raised his paw and rubbed his eyebrows.

"Hess, you..."

After a pause, Werther said helplessly: "Forget it, just listen if you want to!"

With that said, Werther looked at Linstar again, thought for a moment, and then asked: "Are you afraid of me?"

Linstar did not expect that Werther would ask this. After being stunned for a moment, he quickly shook his head.

Seeing this, Werther chuckled.

"Since you're not afraid of me, it's easy to handle. I want to know, what are you worried about?"

Seeing that Linstar still didn't speak, Witte continued: "Problems always need to be solved. If you don't speak, I have no way of knowing your problem.

And I don’t know your problem, so how can I help you?

If this continues, I won't have any problems, but for you, it will be a kind of torture.

I have watched you grow up, so I can’t say that I know you very well, but I know you somewhat. "

As he spoke, Witte looked at the few dragon scales in front of Linstar and sighed helplessly.

"You lack the courage to face difficulties. Once it goes beyond your capabilities, you will subconsciously choose to escape, but this is not what you want.

So, whenever I ask you to continue, you continue.

But there is obviously a problem with my 뀘 formula.

껥You are used to relying on me to make decisions, but now you can't even make an insignificant decision. Maybe, I need..."

"It's not an irrelevant decision!"

Werther was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Linstar, who still lowered his head but refuted him.

"A very important decision?"

Linstar nodded slightly.

"For you, it may not be a very important decision, but for me, it is a very important decision. If I say that, it means that I have failed you. trust."

Witte looked at Linstar, who still had his head lowered, with a smile on his face.


If trust is so easily betrayed, it's too cheap.

For some things, you think it's my trust in you, but in my opinion, if you don't choose Yu's trust, it's not trust, but a command.

It turns out the root is here!

Listen, Linstar, if you still choose to persist after hearing these two words of order, then I will doubt whether you are a giant dragon.

As a giant dragon, he can compromise and give in, but he will never accept orders!

That is a bondage to a free soul! "

Hearing this, Linstar was stunned for a moment, and finally raised his head. He looked at Werther, his originally hesitant eyes finally firmed up.

"Witt, I don't want to learn magic circles anymore!"

As soon as these words came out, Linstar's eyes lit up, and he felt as if all the restraints had been removed, and his whole body felt relaxed.

And when Werther heard this, he also laughed!


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