Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 198 Treasure Hunting Team!

"How is it?"

Witt looked at Avery nervously, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Hearing what Witt said, Avery raised his mouth, revealing two rows of fine and sharp teeth, and then said confidently: "I can sense it very clearly!"

Hearing this, Witt smiled immediately.

"Okay, then I'll leave the exploration of the ruins to you!"

And Antawana, who was behind Witt and the others, looked around expectantly.

Well, she was indeed a little bored.

She had long been accustomed to being accompanied by danger. In the past few years of meeting Witt, that feeling rarely appeared. She thought she was accustomed to a peaceful life.

But it turned out that she would also miss that kind of life that she once hated so much.

Thinking of this, Antawana flew in front of Witt.

"Do you need to do anything?"

After hearing what Antawana said, Witt looked around, thought for a moment, and then said, "Go and check the powerful dragon beasts around.

By the way, look for the location of elemental fluctuations. You don't need to do anything special, just remember the location."

Hearing this, Antawana nodded and flew away.

After watching Antawana leave, Witt turned to look at Avery and said with a smile, "Then, let's start too!"

This time, we came to explore the ruins.

Linsda's strength is too weak to follow the exploration of the giant dragon ruins.

Jones and Lil both have their own things to do, only Avery followed.

But it's enough.

The trap is not actually for the dragons, but for those dragon beasts that accidentally break into the ruins.

With Avery here, we don't have to worry about traps and the like.

And magic circles and alchemical creations are aimed at dragons.

But Witt is better at these two aspects.

Even if Witt's strength may not be enough to deal with these things, his existence can prevent things from developing to the worst.

After all, most magic circles and alchemical creations are triggered.

Identifying these things in advance can avoid a lot of trouble.

In addition, don't think that all dragons are like this just because Witt has made considerable achievements in magic circles, alchemy and potions.

In fact, most dragons, like Celine, Ao, and Isa, have no interest in this kind of knowledge and are only interested in magic and fighting.

Therefore, magic circles and alchemical creations will be transported in large quantities to the dragon ruins.

Of course, Avery's role is not limited to dealing with organs and traps. Those with platinum strength can more easily sense subtle element fluctuations.

And these are what Witte and Antawana can't do.

Like now, Witte is in the air, standing on the ground, and can't feel the element fluctuations emitted from the rocks under the soil.

But Avery can feel it in the air.

At this time, they determine the specific location and scale of this giant dragon ruins through Avery's induction of the elemental fluctuations below!

Witte holds a scale, ready to record the information Avery has explored at any time.

As time goes by, this giant dragon ruins is gradually unveiled by Witte and others.

It was not until dusk that this exploration was completely completed!


Back on the back of the Scout, the dragons gathered together.

Witt carefully observed the information on the scale in front of him, while Avery and Antawana waited quietly on the side.

Although Avery was an adult dragon, he didn't know much about dragons, magic circles, and alchemical creations.

Antawana was even less so.

Therefore, only Witt could do this kind of analysis!

After waiting for a while, Witt took a long breath, then took another scale and enchantment pen, and then looked up at the two dragons.

"Next, I want to talk about today's harvest. The harvest is really a lot, which will be of great help to our exploration of the ruins tomorrow.

First, the area occupied by the ruins!

The ruins are in the shape of a triangle, with a length and width of 5,000 meters each. Among the dragon ruins, this is a small ruin.

Here, I want to explain that the dragon ruins are divided into two types, glory ruins, treasure ruins and mischief ruins!

Among them, glory ruins are the least common in the wild.

This type of ruins is generally in the dragon's nest. The dragon who once made great contributions to the dragon's nest built the ruins for himself before his death, in order to show his glory.

Therefore, such ruins are generally large ruins, and there is basically no danger.

Of course, without destroying .

Next is the treasure ruins.

This type of ruins is the most dangerous of all dragon ruins. There are a large number of magic circles and alchemical creations in it. The purpose is only one, to keep all the dragons that invade the ruins!

In terms of scale, there are large, medium and small ones.

As for the last prank ruins, they are made by some bored dragons.

Although the purpose is to have fun for themselves, dragons with different personalities have different ways of having fun.

The gentler dragons will at most make you look shabby.

The more ferocious dragons may play pranks to kill you.

However, they will not be bored and spend a lot of effort to build a large ruins just for a prank.

So, most of these types of ruins are small, and in a few cases, medium-sized ones will appear.

And what we encountered was a small ruin.

Basically, it is the latter two. "

Speaking of this, Witt paused, then looked at the two dragons, and said helplessly: "There is definitely danger, but danger also means gain!

The magic arrays in the ruins are basically alchemical magic arrays, not elemental magic arrays, because only alchemical magic arrays can play a longer role.

The materials of alchemical magic arrays are refined gold, mithril or copper. Except for copper, the former two are more precious.

In addition, alchemical creations are mostly mechanical puppets or elemental puppets.

Mechanical puppets have alchemical magic arrays, and the elemental cores of elemental puppets are magic items. No matter which kind of puppet, they are of great benefit to us.

And these are our goals.

It can't be obtained without going deep into the ruins.

As for whether to go deep into the ruins, it depends on the specific situation!


Speaking, Witt pointed to the points in the shape on the scales that represented the ruins.

Then he drew on another scale.

Some of these points were discovered by Antawana, and some were discovered by Avery.

After drawing these points, a magic circle appeared on the scales, and those points were the element nodes on the magic circle.

"This is an incomplete magic circle, and the nodes are not complete. We need to determine the function of this magic circle, which will determine whether we continue to explore or give up!"


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