Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 203 The mechanism hidden at the entrance!

Chapter 203 The hidden trap at the entrance!

In addition to the space, the most important thing to pay attention to is the traps here, which are so dense that it makes people shudder.

Avery was flying in the air like them at this time.

It was not because he was showing off, but because there was no place to land.

There were pits every few meters, full of spikes, and the flashing cold light made the skin tight just by looking at it.

There were almost black traps on the surrounding stone walls, and the huge arrows shot out from them were bent, broken, and scattered all over the ground.

Some were even nailed to the wall, and even part of the trap was damaged.

But Witt understood that this did not mean that the quality of the ruins was not up to standard, and because of the long time, the elements in the stone wall had almost disappeared.

In a few hundred or thousand years, there might be a complete ruins here, not ruins.

In addition to the spikes and arrows, there are many other traps.

But they have been damaged by Avery's magic.

In the end, the traps in this space are just appetizers, and the magic arrays and alchemical creations behind are the main ones.

However, Witt's face showed a strange look.

He suddenly remembered that the ruins were almost broken, so could the magic array inside really work normally?

Witt expressed doubts!

"Do you want to put all these away?"

At this time, Avery flew over, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

Although they are all good things, they are too many and too complicated to look at. It is really annoying to put them away. It will be even more troublesome to put them away.

After hearing this, Witt nodded without hesitation.

"Of course!"

"But this is..."

Witt glanced at Avery, and then said: "The stone boxes you use to store things, even if they are protected by magic circles, are better than these alloys!

What's more, you also ordered some alchemical items from me, and these can be used as materials."

Avery slapped his head!

"I almost forgot about this. By the way, your magic circles are very useful. When you go back, give me another batch."

Hearing this, Witt's face suddenly showed a smile.

"As long as the materials are in place!"

After the voice fell, Witt and Avery smiled at each other.

Antawana, who was quietly sorting out the metal arrows below, looked up at the two dragons, rolled her eyes, and continued to sort them out.

However, whether it was intentional or not, she made a lot of noise while sorting things out.

Hearing the noise coming from below, the smiles on the faces of Witt and Avery turned into embarrassment.

"Well, let's start sorting out too!"

Avery nodded and flew down. Witt wanted to follow, and glanced at the entrance from the corner of his eye, then he stopped thoughtfully.

"You guys sort out first, I'll see if there are any hidden but untriggered mechanisms here!"

After that, Witt flew towards the entrance.

He always felt that there was something wrong with the design of the entrance. The entrance was 10 meters long, but the thickness of the rock was only 10 meters.

There must be a mechanism here.

The entrance can be said to be the most important position. Witt hopes that when he encounters danger and wants to leave, he will find that the entrance is blocked.

Flying to the entrance, Witt stretched out his claws and began to feel the surface of the rock.

Don't think that the dragon's claws are indestructible, and it is just a weapon. In fact, the perception of the dragon's claws is weak. What the eyes see, the claws can feel.

Of course, the most reliable is mental power.

But now they have entered the ruins. In addition to direct contact, mental power is the easiest condition to trigger the magic circle.

When Witt arranged the trigger magic circle, there was a part that as long as the strange mental power was sensed, the magic circle would be activated.

So, Witt did not use mental power to detect.

In addition to direct contact and mental triggering, there is another more advanced triggering method, which is recognition!

Everything in the dragon world has a real name.

Just like when Witt and the others were born, they would call out their real names.

These names can be simple and unique.

When your strength is upgraded to legend, as long as a dragon mentions your full name, you can sense the other party's position.

Therefore, the full name of a dragon is only known by the dragon waiting for your birth.

In general, they are the dragons closest to you.

Everything has a real name, so what are the manifestations of these real names?

Ancient dragon language!

Therefore, magic spells will be in ancient dragon language.

When you say "fire" in ancient dragon language, the fire will respond to your call, which is the original form of magic.

And using the real name as a medium to activate the magic circle is recognition.

Identification is also the most important component of mechanical puppets and elemental puppets. With this part, puppets can be arranged and alchemical creations can be made.

In addition, identification is also the fastest way to trigger the magic circle.

Therefore, this type of triggered magic circle will basically appear in the entry position, and it will not have the desired effect.

Of course, there is another reason. It is actually very difficult to make an identification trigger magic circle. There is no dragon nest behind it, and there is no knowledge of this part in the inherited bloodline. If you study it alone, it will be quite difficult.

Therefore, identification trigger magic circles are rarely seen in dragon ruins.

Since there is an identification trigger magic circle, where did the alchemy puppets in the ruins come from?

The answer is simple, buy, exchange, and rob!

On the contrary, it is likely that they made it themselves. Alchemy puppets are also a complex knowledge system.

And the knowledge system is inherited. Without inheritance, it will take hundreds or thousands of years to study alchemy puppets independently. Don't even think about it!

Alchemy, magic circle and potion!

This is the confidence that Witt can be sure that he, a young dragon, can thrive in the dragon city-state.

This is the wealth left to him by Desidero, and all he needs is a stable environment where he can use what he has learned!

The fingertips slid across the surface of the rock, and the subtle rustling sound sounded like a soothing feeling of inner restlessness.

Witt emptied his mind and focused most of his attention on his fingertips.

Suddenly, his claws paused.

Witt's eyes shifted over, and his pupils almost shrank.

This allowed Witt to vaguely see that there was a slightly detectable gap at the location where his fingertips touched.

"Found it!"

Muttering, Witt's claws gently applied a little force, and the gap was indeed a little bigger.

Seeing this, Witt retracted his strength again, and he was basically sure that there was something here.

As Vitt's strength increased, the lower half of the seemingly intact rock separated and fell off, revealing the part sandwiched between the rocks.

Mithril magic circle!

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