Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 214 Meteor!

With the insertion of the last magic core, the silver magic circuits on the metal cube all lit up, and after a short pause, it flew up directly.

After reaching a high altitude, a wave of energy fluctuations, like waves, spread out in all directions.

As if it had detected something, the metal cube that was originally rotating slowly stopped, and then it broke apart like flowers scattered by a fairy.

Countless smaller metal cubes flew in all directions, leaving only a square metal plate in place.

Under the metal plate was the magic circle that Witt had just embedded the magic core, and above the metal plate were eight metal cans of exactly the same size.

In the center of these metal cans, there was a cube core that emitted violent energy fluctuations.

"Skuo, how is it?"

"A very spectacular puppet army... So, what are they used for?"

"Collecting purple water chestnut pollen."


Skuo was silent for a moment, then asked with some doubt: "Is our journey boring?"

Witt's face froze, and then he tried to make Skuo understand that he was a pauper now, and he could only obtain alchemical materials through this method, not because he was bored.

"Sorry, do I need to wait for you now?"

Hearing this, Witt's face was covered with a smug smile again.

"No, they will come back by themselves!"

As he said, Witt took out another core made of earth elements.

"Every two magic hours, another core will follow this core back, stay for about ten minutes, and then start looking for materials again, day and night!

So, Si Kuo, just follow your own habits, don't worry about me."

Hearing this, Si Kuo didn't say anything else. After half a month, the steady and heavy steps started again, and the wind field around him made the ball dragons revel again.

Watching this scene, Witt's mood was also much more comfortable. Then he put the core in his hand aside and started to make another two element puppet legions.

The one just now was used to collect pollen, and these two puppet legions collected the sap of the white fruit Kro tree.

It turns out that Witt's alchemy technology is still quite good.

After Si Kuo set off for two magic hours, the core placed aside started automatically, emitting waves of special element fluctuations.

After more than ten minutes, a complete metal cube flew back and floated above the core.

Witt checked the eight metal cans.

Each can had some pollen, and there was no problem with the properties.

He checked the side with the magic circle engraved on it. The magic circle was running normally, and the energy consumption in the magic core was also within the normal range.

This composite magic circle was placed outside by Witt on purpose.

The magic circles contained in the composite magic circle are all prone to problems, so it is more convenient to put them outside for inspection.

This is why Witt asked No. 1 to stay for ten minutes every time he came back.

Another No. 1 is its name!

No. 2 collects white fruit, and No. 3 collects tree sap. Although these two have not been made yet, Witt has already named them.


Si Kuo woke up in the afternoon.

So, it soon got dark.

Witt also stopped his work, walked to the tip of the dragon's horn, and lay down.

"Squaw, I haven't heard you tell a story for a long time. Are you interested in telling one?"

"Of course, but before that, won't you tell me your adventure story?"

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly.

"Compared to your experience, our experience is nothing to talk about."

"That's not necessarily true, um... is it very ordinary for you?"

Witt still felt terrified when he thought of what happened that day.

"It couldn't be more exciting!"

"Then it must be a good story!

In addition, plainness does not mean boring. In this world, there are not so many magnificent things, but more ordinary daily life.

I have many stories, magnificent epics, wonderful worlds, but I have experienced more ordinary things, especially the time when I traveled alone.

No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is the same in my eyes, and loneliness occupies my whole body.

Until, after I left my parents, I traveled with another dragon for the first time, that was a Long is a very long-winded person. He would repeat the same thing over and over again.

But you know what?

I listened very carefully and never got tired of listening to it!

At that time, I knew that traveling is not only about changing scenery, but also about encounters and acquaintances.

From then on, I began to look forward to every day and every moment.

I don’t know who will travel with me in the next moment, and what kind of experience I will have. Looking forward to their stories and lives is my motivation to keep traveling.


Sorry, I accidentally said too much. ”

Witt shook his head.

“It’s okay. In fact, after listening to your words, I also started to look forward to it!”

At this moment, some flickering lights suddenly appeared in the northern sky. Witt took a closer look and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"It's a meteor shower!"

At some point, Antawana and Linsda also ran to Witt's side, uh... well, there was also Hess.

His face was full of expectations. He was always the most active one in the story of Squaw.

After hearing what Witt said, Jilong looked at the direction where Witt was looking.

"What is that? The stars are falling!"

Hearing Linsda's exclamation, Witt smiled and said, "That's the meteor shower. I heard that if you make a wish to a shooting star, the wish you made will definitely come true!"

Hearing this, whether it was Antawana, Linsda, or Hess, their eyes lit up.

At this moment, Squaw's voice sounded.

"In fact, I have seen similar scenes, and I have taken the initiative to pursue them, but what I saw was a land of wounds and some hard strange minerals.

The name of meteor shower is beautiful, but I prefer to call it starfall!

In addition, making a wish to the minerals from the sky... can it really come true?"

Looking at the three eyes that were instantly focused on him, Witt sighed helplessly.

"Scott, you destroyed the dreams of three children, uh... okay, two.

Hess, don't look at me like that. You are a young dragon, don't you have some judgment of your own? Making a wish to something and the wish will come true, this kind of thing is obviously not true!

Of course, if you make a wish to Avery, it may not be the case!"

Hearing Witt's words, Antawana Linstar looked at Witt with contempt, you are also a child!

But Hess's eyes lit up.

"Are you serious?"


The dragons were speechless. He actually believed it!


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