Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 224 Registration!

Witte didn't expect that he would randomly meet an adult dragon, who was the best pharmacist in the Sky City.

But are all pharmacists so weird?

Boko likes to collect dragon organs. Although Nite looks gentle, in fact, he likes to bully dragons without leaving any trace. However, when he met Boredia this time, his words were harsh.

Just as Werther was thinking about these things, Og ​​added: "By the way, if you really want him to make friends, you can work hard on wine."

Hearing this, Witte was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked.

Sure enough, Boredia had already turned into the tavern they passed before.

"However, baby dragons are not allowed to enter the tavern, which is a problem!"

Witte looked at Og who was thinking seriously and said quickly: "Let's consider this opportunity again. We'd better register first. There are still a large group of dragons outside waiting for us to go back.

The most important thing is that although these words should not be said by me, I am really worried about Antavana. Her temper is not as good as mine.

No, I'm watching from the side..."

Hearing this, Ouge's head tightened, and then he hurriedly said: "Now is really not the time to think about these things, let's go to the management center!"

With that said, Oge flew towards the center of the Sky City.

Witte Avery then hurriedly followed.

Although Og was worried about Antawana getting into trouble with Werther, so he flew extremely fast.

However, the Sky City is too big!

In the afternoon, they arrived at Ouge Middle School.

For this management center, Witt is no stranger.

When he was flying towards the City in the Sky, he noticed this huge building in the center of the City in the Sky. Of course, it was also in the style of the City in the Sky.

The gigantic building, which is a thousand meters long, is protected by a larger stone sculpture.

And that stone sculpture is lying on the back cliff of Guluo.

Even in this huge city-state, this building and this stone sculpture are the most eye-catching existence.

Witte and the others entered the building under the leadership of Oge.


This is the word 눕来놅 that came to mind after Werther entered the building.

It goes without saying that the interior space is huge. The interior decoration is bright yellow as a whole, giving the dragon a majestic and solemn feeling.

In the center of the dome of the building, there is a huge magic circle in operation, emitting soft light and illuminating most of the building.

As for the remaining parts that are not illuminated, a magic lamp will be installed at regular intervals on the wall, and the image is still the image of the monarch in the sky.

He lay lazily on the raised stone platform, holding one claw up high, and light radiated from the claw, which seemed to indicate that it was the monarch who had brought bright hope to the city-state.

There are reliefs carved on the walls of the building, describing the deeds the monarch did for the city-state.

Fight fiercely with the incoming evil dragon, confront the terrifying dragon beast craze, fight against natural disasters... etc. Every design here contains worship and belief in the monarch.

But in fact, from the perspective of a giant dragon, Werther was just protecting his own territory!

Uh... thinking of this, Werther glanced at Oger subconsciously.

If he said this directly, would Og roar immediately, summon thousands of troops, tie them to the heresy stakes, and set him on fire to death?

Well, Werther has been a little bored recently, so he couldn't help but look through the books called novels in his mind.

Of course, he already understood that the descriptions there were 90% fantasy.

So, he was just thinking about it!

It seemed that Witte had been staring at Og for too long. The manager in charge was also a little uncomfortable. He hesitated for a moment, and then said helplessly: "If you have some remarks, please don't say them here.

The management center is not only a place to handle many affairs of the Sky City, but also a place for us to make pilgrimages to the monarch.

We also know that in front of the dragon, it would be silly to speculate that a strong dragon would talk about worship and worship, but this is our belief.

Just like the monarch never thinks that he is the patron saint of the Sky City.

We ourselves know this very well!

Therefore, we never ask other dragons to believe in and worship the monarch like us. "

Werther was stunned, then turned to look at Avery.

"Am I acting 놅놋 so obviously?"

Avery nodded.

"It's just a matter of writing on your face!"

Hearing this, Werther looked at Oger in embarrassment.

"Feel sorry!"

Oge shook his head.

"In fact, every time a dragon comes here for the first time, they will help us interpret the content of the relief from the perspective of the dragon."

As he said that, Oger looked at Witte with a little more recognition.

At least, this giant dragon didn't dictate their beliefs!

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's go through the relevant procedures quickly.

By the way, since your race is different, the necessary procedures are also different.

First of all, Avery, you need to go through the ethnic classification procedures.

Including proof of clan residence, clan hunting permit, clan trading permit, land use permit, etc. These certificates are never used, but if you have relevant certificates, it will cause you a lot of trouble.

The most important ones are the four mentioned above.

The clan residence certificate means that your clan is allowed to live in the Sky City.

With the clan hunting permit, you can hunt in the Sky Plains, which records the types of dragon beasts to be hunted, and the opening hours of each hunting area.

In addition, every time you hunt, you need to bring a hunting permit, which can automatically record your hunting harvest. Every month, you need to come here to pay the hunting tax.

Of course, this is not for nothing.

There are so many dragons. Although the Sky Plain is vast, if you hunt without restraint, it will destroy the land.

There are eight hunting areas in the Sky Plain that are open alternately. When they are not open, we will find dragons to replenish the land, restore the grassland, and ensure the reproduction of the dragon beasts in it.

You pay taxes, part of which will be used here, and part of which will be used for management and operation.

In short, this is the situation. You will understand these in detail during the process.

Needless to say, if your tribe wants to open a store, you will use this, and it will also involve the issue of tax collection.

In addition, the tribe trading permit is different from the individual dragon trading permit. If you are a dragon, you can use it to open an unlimited number of stores, while the latter can only open one store.

Not to mention the land use permit, which refers to your residence. I will take you to choose a place later.

As for Witt, you are a dragon, and you are a young dragon!

Therefore, in addition to the residence certificate, trading permit, and land use permit, which are based on the standards of dragons, the hunting permit is based on the tribe hunting permit.

After leaving the young dragon stage, it will be replaced with a dragon standard hunting permit.

Uh... why don't you talk? "


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