Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 229 Drunk Neighbor!

Witt looked at Antawana who was so excited and covered his face helplessly.

"The question now is not whether 'he is a living adult dragon' is good or not, but that he has entered our home now, what should we do!"

Hearing this, Linsda and Antawana looked at each other, and then whispered: "Go over and see?"

Witt hesitated.

"Forget it, you have never lived with an adult dragon, and you have not trained specially. I am afraid something will happen to you!"

Antawana looked at Witt in confusion.

"Train what?"

Witt's mind emerged the scene of Winters staying in their dragon cave. Apart from anything else, the overwhelming wings and the sweeping tail...

Thinking of this, Witt's mouth grinned.

"Life-saving power!"

Linstad was shocked.

"Is it so dangerous to live with an adult dragon?"

"It's not dangerous, but it's scary. What's more, we don't know what his temper is like. What if he is grumpy and we wake him up... To be honest, I don't know what will happen."

Hearing this, Antawana looked at Witt.

"By the way, you seem to know him, and he also loves you... Little Bean Ding?"

As she said this, Antawana stretched her neck and tried to look at Witt, but unfortunately, the size difference was there, so when she could look at Witt, she was actually flying higher than Witt.

Witt naturally noticed Antawana's little movements and had long been accustomed to it. A large part of Antawana's awkward personality came from her stronger self-esteem than ordinary dragons.

"For adult dragons, except for those of younger age, everyone is a kid. As for how we met... Avery and I just happened to meet when we went to handle various matters.

Although the Sky City is small, there are not many dragons living here, so he talked to me for a few words."

Speaking of this, Witt couldn't help but sigh.

Although what Poredia said before was more like walking on the road and suddenly seeing an unfamiliar child, and then making a few jokes, his words were indeed a bit harsh.

However, from the words he just said, it can be seen that Oger did not lie to him, and Poredia's character is indeed good.


This is my home!

And from the words he said at the beginning and his familiar movements, it can be seen that this is not the first time he has done this.

It is very likely that when you get drunk, you will enter the wrong door!


That's right, Witt just remembered that Poredia went to the tavern to drink, and the strange smell on the other person was exactly what he smelled when he passed by the tavern before.

It wasn't very smelly, and it even aroused Witt's curiosity. He wanted to try it and see what the wine tasted like.

But soon, Witt gave up.

Not only because Oger reminded him that the tavern did not accept young dragons, but most importantly, they had just arrived and did not have the empty coins that Poredia had just mentioned.

Antawana and Linsda saw that Witt began to lose focus while talking. Linsda didn't care, he was used to it, but Antawana was not used to Witt's problem.

She stretched out her tail and poked Witt's chest.

"Don't lose focus, tell me, what should we do?"

But before Witt could say anything, the stone door behind the counter rang.


Although wine can affect the thinking and behavior of dragons, Poredia is not only a dragon, but also an adult dragon, and a legendary adult dragon.

So, after returning to the room, he only closed his eyes for a few minutes, and then he sobered up!

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar environment around him, Poredia sighed, then stood up, opened the door with ease, and walked out.

Now that the young man is gone, he feels a little lonely.

Although he has lived here for a short time, he really likes him, and the potions he makes are not bad. Of course, there is definitely a gap compared to him.

When he was here, he would come here to sit for a while every time he got drunk, but now Long is gone...

Suddenly, Poredia paused and his pupils shrank!


I just seemed to see the little bean I saw during the day. I remember that he was with Oger before.

In other words...

Poredia, who realized something, looked dark in an instant.

Turning his head to look at the door leading to the back garden behind the corridor... He shook his head!

This is escaping!

So, he straightened his chest and resolutely opened the stone door.


When the door rang, Witt and his group looked towards the stone door.

Then they saw a huge monster rushing over, and before they could react, there was only a huge golden pupil in its eyes.

"Tell me, what potion do you need? To increase your strength, to recover from injuries, or to restore elemental power!"

Witt came back to his senses, and his mouth twitched.


He is sober now, worthy of being an adult dragon!

Moreover, Witt quickly realized what the other party meant.

After thinking about it, he was a neighbor after all, so Witt smiled and said, "What are you talking about? I don't understand a bit. By the way, we are new residents. I'm sorry to bother you to come and see us!"

Hearing this, Boredia paused for a moment, and then said: "New neighbor... Xiaodouding, since you chose this place as your new home, you must be thinking about opening a store. What do you plan to sell?"

"Alchemy, potions and magic circles!"

"Oh, quite greedy... I have a batch of seeds of magic plants and herbs here, left by the original owner of this building. He told me that if a dragon chooses to come here and sell potions, leave them to him.

Are you interested? "

Upon hearing this, Werther's eyes suddenly lit up.


Boredia sneered.

"I'm not going to trick a baby dragon!"

As he spoke, the golden pupils moved slightly.

"The sky dragon... there is actually an ancient forest dragon!"

Noticing the huge pupils turned towards him, Linstar subconsciously hid behind Werther.

Seeing this, Boredia snorted coldly.

"Sure enough, as in the legend, every ancient forest dragon is a coward!"

Hearing this, Linstar stuck his head out. Although he was a little timid, he still retorted in a low voice: "I am not a coward!"

Hearing this, Boredia did not look at Linsida anymore, but stood up straight and walked outside.

"Come to my store tomorrow to pick it up. By the way, bring your potion. If you are satisfied with it, I may be able to introduce you to a few old customers."

After the words fell, Boredia spread his wings, stirred up a tingling airflow, and flew away.

After being stunned for a moment, Werther showed a hint of joy on his face.

"Looks like we're lucky!"

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