Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 232 You are not the only one!

Chapter 232 You are the only one!

Werther looked at the dragon who came and left in a hurry without even finishing his words, and flicked his tail in confusion.

"That's Cady, what did he just say?"

After trying to figure out why the other party came and why he left, Werther didn't think any more, closed the door, turned around and flew towards Boredia's shop.

Although they are called neighbors, there is still some distance between the two shops due to the large size of the two adjacent residential areas.

In contrast, the distance between facing residential areas will be closer.

Although this street is not as lively as the main street in Block 6, there are fewer dragons coming and going.

놙놊After that, they are basically in the first half of the block, starting from Boredia's shop, and there are relatively few dragons coming over.

Thinking about it, there are a lot of giant dragons living here. If they don't need it, few dragons will come here.


Werther glanced at the building opposite. Except for a few dragons who entered Boredia's pharmacy, most of them entered the shop opposite his house.

I remember Og mentioned before that the owner of that shop was a black dragon named Antasha, and his main business was alchemy creations, especially alchemy puppets.

Og also said that the alchemy items created by the other party are beautiful and practical, but the meaning has always been wrong.

Now it seems that it is more than a mistake!

To be honest, Werther was really envious. If so many dragons came to his shop, he would be extremely happy.

"I have to find Oge as soon as possible to learn about the store opening process. Well... Porediya may know about it, so I'll ask by the way later!"

As he said that, Witte reluctantly looked away from the dragons.

Werther's flying speed was extremely fast, and after a while, he arrived in front of Boredia's pharmacy.

After carefully measuring it, Witte discovered that the style of this building was very close to his, and the structure inside was also much the same.

"No wonder he walked into the wrong door!"

After muttering something in a 께 voice, Werther walked in directly.

The moment he walked in, the light immediately dimmed a lot. Werther blinked in adaptation, and then looked towards Zhou.

There was no dragon in the store, and Boredia was lying on the counter with his eyes closed.

Looking at the surrounding shelves, there are all kinds of shimmering potions. In the dim light, they look colorful and very beautiful.

Werther flew to a metal shelf, took down a bottle, and examined it carefully, but soon, his brows furrowed.

"Although this potion is wrong, there is still a trace amount of sediment in it. It has not been processed properly at all!"

"Corresponding products are sold to corresponding dragons. If you even understand this principle, I advise you to open a shop. You will starve to death!"

Hearing this, Werther turned around and saw Boredia, who was sleeping on the counter with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and looked towards him.

Witte retorted: "But the effect of this medicine is not very good, and it may cause damage to the body."

"The medicine itself will cause damage to the body, no matter how perfect the quality is. In addition, there is nothing wrong with drinking medicine like water. If you drink it regularly, something will happen."

Werther shook his head.

"In my opinion, this medicine is a defective product and has no right to be placed on the shelves. If this is a store opened by the number one pharmacist in Sky City, then I will be so disappointed!"

However, Boredia rolled his eyes, then pointed to another shelf and said: "You are looking at the wrong place, you should go to that shelf!"

Hearing this, Witte flew over and picked up a bottle of the same type of potion.

Soon, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"This potion..."

Boredia yawned, and a flash of pride flashed in his eyes.

"How about it, 놊..."

"This 놊늀 is on the same level as me!"

Boredia opened his mouth, forced to swallow the words that reached his lips, and then he laughed.

Of course, I must be laughing.

"께Dou Ding, you are so brave. Come on, take out your potion. I want to see what potions at my level look like!"

Hearing this, Werther also showed timidity. After putting the bottle of potion back, he flew to the counter and placed the potion in his hand in front of Boredia.

Boredia used his mental power to hold up the potion, and after observing it carefully, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“Really perfect quality!”

"Perfect quality?"

Werther looked at Boredia with some confusion.

The latter returned the potion to Witte, and then said: "It seems that your control of mental power is weak. The potion is divided into two qualities, defective, defective and perfect.

All kinds of medicines are available for sale, but the prices vary widely.

The 땡 is divided into 꾉10 by 껗, the effect below 70 is defective, the effect below 70 껗, the effect below 90 is defective, and the 늀 above 90 껗 is perfect.

Your potion can produce more than 90% of the effect, which is indeed on the same level as mine.

Unexpectedly, a young dragon could actually do this! "

Hearing this, Witte frowned and said, "How are potions divided? But Boko told me that there are two kinds of potions, successful ones and defective ones!"

Hearing this, Boredia looked at Werther with even more surprise.

After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly said: "You are a dragon from an ancient dragon's lair. I want 놊늀 to be the Boko you are talking about.

If you are from the Dragon Nest, then it should be Desidero's! "

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Poredia with a look of astonishment.

When Poredia saw Witt's reaction, a look of "as expected" appeared on his face.

"Your method of dividing potions is only used by some ancient dragon nests. They pursue perfection, and all imperfections are defective.

But in reality, that is for dragons.

The effect of potions below 90% is not very effective for dragons, so there is a saying that it is either success or failure.

But for flying dragons, defective potions are the most suitable, and defective products can also be used normally. "

"How do you know I came from Desidero? "

This is what Witt was more curious about.

However, after hearing this question, Poredia looked at Witt with some reluctance.

"You don't have an adult dragon around you, and you use this ancient dragon nest method to divide potions, so it should be a lost baby dragon!

Uh... Among all the ancient dragon nests, only Desidero will have a baby dragon lost outside, because only Desidero has the habit of migrating dragon nests. "

Witt slapped his forehead!

Well, it turns out that he is the only dragon that got lost from Desidero!

Boredia looked at Witt with a sympathetic look in his eyes.

Although dragons get lost in Desidero, it is basically a legend. After all, Desidero migrates only once in a while.

During the migration, the probability that a dragon happens to be outside the dragon nest and has not been noticed by Desidero is so low that it can be ignored.

So, Desidero has only lost a dragon a total of 10 times.

This is the 10th time!


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