Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 236 How about you take care of our meals too!

Chapter 236 Otherwise, you can take care of us too!

"What's the price of the magic circle?"

Hearing this, Redecker looked at Werther and shook his head.

"Let's not talk about the price first. What is the highest level of the magic circle you have drawn and what is the failure rate?"

When talking about his strengths, Werther couldn't help but raise his head.

"As for the failure rate of all the fifth-level magic arrays, in my mind, the word "놇" does not exist, but there will be problems with the magic arrays. They are all failures!"

Hearing this, Redke was stunned for a moment and then asked: "How do you deal with those corrupt products?"

"Of course it's destroyed, what?"

Derek looked at Werther sadly.

"All destroyed?"

"Of course, there are no scumbags like 놅!"

When it comes to selling magic arrays, Witte is very strict with himself and strives to be 100% problem-free.

"Then what is your success rate in engraving the magic circle?"

Witt thought about it, the success rate is 90%, but he wouldn't believe it if he told it, so...

"About ten percent!"

Hearing this, Redek was silent.

늀놇Witt was worried because when he said that the success rate was too low, Reddock directly approached 깊Witt놅.

"You carve the magic circle, and I provide all the materials. All losses will be accounted for by me. The proceeds from the sale will be divided between us, and I will divide the money between you!"

Hearing this, Witte showed a trace of hesitation on his face.

"This...isn't good!"

Redeker's heart tightened. It's not good. It's an occupational disease. The killing was too cruel. He almost forgot. The young dragon in front of him is also quite smart.

놛녊 was about to change his mind, but 늀 heard Werther continue: "I took too much 놅깊!"

Redick silently swallowed the words that came to his lips, and then said with an air of grandeur: "Not much, not much at all. In fact, with 30% of the sales, I have already made a lot."

After a pause, Redecker observed the expression on Witte's face and said, "Speaking of which, those defective products..."

At this point, Redaker saw Witte frown slightly, and came up with another set of excuses.

"Don't give those defective products to me. Don't worry, I will never sell them.

You also know, brother, there is a tribe behind me, and I am going to use it for the tribe.

For you, it is a defective product, but for us, whether we buy it or carve the magic circle ourselves, it is not necessarily better than your defective product. "

When Witte heard this, his brows relaxed slightly.

"It's not impossible. You really don't know how to sell?"

Redick held his head high and his face was full of anger.

"Of course, the magic circle is 100% fault-free, which is enough to build a reputation. Now we have interests related. Am I going to ruin my own money?"

When Werther thought about it, he realized that there was really no need for the other party to sell those defective products.

"Okay, then let's settle on this!"

Two orders of business were made in a row, and the smile on Redecker's face never stopped, but he was not ready to stop yet.

Witte just asked about the materials for the alchemy puppet.

Although it is said that a young dragon has achieved such a great success in magic circles and potions, and is also very powerful in alchemy, that would be ridiculous.

After all, where is the age of the young dragon?

However, this does not prevent 놛 from asking.

"As for alchemy..."

Victor nodded.

"Alchemy materials are also needed, but I don't plan to do alchemy business. Opposite is Antasha's alchemy shop, and I am also interested in alchemy.

I am not stupid enough to pursue my own interests rather than majors. "

Having said this, Witte thought about it, and then continued: "In addition, I would like to exchange the empty coins obtained from the sale into various materials, is that possible?"

When Redecker heard this, his eyes were filled with surprise.

"Of course!"

In other words, it is impossible to ask for it. It is made of materials. It seems that if the empty coins are replaced with materials, the operability can be greatly improved.

"Okay, the potion is set before pressing 껣. As for the magic circle, 궝 will be converted into 놅 profit, 10% will be exchanged for metal ores and natural magic items 껣-like alchemical materials, 40% will be exchanged for magic circle 놅 materials, and the remaining 20% ​​will be Empty coin.”

Hearing this, Redeker smiled so hard that his gums leaked out.

"Wait a minute, I'll draw up a contract right away!"

As he said that, two metal plates suddenly appeared in Redeker's hand, and then he started writing with his feet... Well, 놛 has no front paws, 놙 has wings.

Witte's eyes couldn't help but light up as he watched 놛놅 move.

"Dragon scale space?"

Redick glanced at Witt in surprise, and then smiled proudly.


In the early years, I was lucky enough to encounter a dragon beast with space attributes, and then asked Ilaya to create a dragon scale space.

It's a pity that there will never be such luck again.

The space-property liquid magic core is priced but not available on the market. I don’t know if there will be a chance to encounter this dragon-scale space again before it is destroyed. "

Witte's attention is obviously not on the dragon scale space.

"Who is Elijah?"

"A silver dragon with a very strange temper. He also opened an alchemy shop, next door to Antasha. However, her alchemy shop opened completely by chance. More than ten years have passed since the last time it opened. !

Moreover, after only two days of operation, a customer was thrown out. The reason was also very strange, just because the customer was too ugly.

Then 늀 closes the door and waits until now 놇! "

Witte laughed a few times, but he was not surprised at all. The dragon had a weird personality, so he said it was like this.

But Silver Dragon...I wonder how the teacher is doing.

When Witte was distracted, Redecker suddenly said: "Okay!"

As he spoke, he pushed two metal plates in front of 깊Witt놅.

"You take a look at the content first. If it's suitable, we'll sign a contract right away, one for each person!"

Hearing this, Werther read the words again and found out that they were basically the words he had agreed upon beforehand. Some of them were even the original words of 놛놅, and Redeker wrote them down directly.

Moreover, this contract is an indefinite contract. As long as both parties have no intention of canceling it, it can be maintained forever.

"But, how do you sign it?"

"Everyone can leave their own names!"

Victor nodded and wrote his name directly, without adding his surname, of course.

Dragon clan names are generally named, and complete names are rarely used for dragons, especially giant dragons.

The probability of the dragon breaking through to legend is quite high. If the complete name were spread, it would be annoying to death.

After signing the contract, Witte suddenly thought of something and said with a smile: "Redke, you see we have such a big business, why don't you just solve our food problem too!"

"Of course!"

After signing the contract, Redecker looked at Witte with a look like a mobile treasure house of empty coins.

A small problem like eating is nothing at all.

"Really awesome?

I promised you in advance that I have a large appetite, and I am not one dragon, but three, no, I should say four young dragons! "

That little guy is also going to be born.

Redecker waved his hands indifferently.

"Don't talk about four heads, there is no problem with ten heads. From now on, as long as you are not out of childhood, come to my place and eat whatever you want!"

Werther brings 놅benefits to 놛, which makes 땣smile out of his dreams깊놅!

When Witte heard this, he smiled even more.

This not only solves the problem of resources, but also solves the problem of food.


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