Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 240 Thanks to a certain dragon...

Antawana looked at Witt for a long time before she managed to say, "Is he still alive?"

Witt turned his head awkwardly.

"It seems he's still alive. He just moved a little."

Antawana couldn't help but yelled, "Then why don't you take him off quickly!"

Witt also responded and quickly took off the collar from his neck and put it on the counter.

Antawana looked at Witt, who was still absorbing the free elements around him, and rolled her eyes.

"Stay away. You've absorbed all the elements."

Witt, who was already in the wrong, flew away obediently. Now think about it, four years have passed, and the dragon egg is still alive. The guy inside is really lucky!

Seeing Witt flying towards him, Kadi quickly flew to the side. He didn't want to get close to Witt either.

With his injured wings, he relied on the energy of elements to maintain his flight. If the energy of elements was sucked away, he would have to perform a free fall.

Witt glanced at Kadi.

"Don't worry, I was just a little excited just now. When I calm down, the absorption of elements will not be so obvious."

As he spoke, the elements rushing towards Witt did begin to decrease.

Soon, there were no more strange phenomena around him. Of course, the elements were still absorbed as usual, but the amount was smaller and not so obvious.

Witt did not mean to drive Kadi away.

It was not something that he could not see the dragon.

He only hoped that the dragon in the egg could break out of the shell safely.

On the other side, after Witt left, the egg began to move, and the black dark elements and red fire elements began to gather towards the dragon egg.

Seeing this scene, Antawana could not help but glare at Witt again.

But then she thought that she did not seem to be qualified to do such a thing.

Because for so many years, she didn't realize that Witt was a big fire pit for the dragon egg. Hanging the dragon egg on Witt's neck was not only unsafe, but also equivalent to roasting it in the fire pit!

But Witt snatched too many elements, and the dragon egg was really hungry. It sucked the elements crazily, and it sucked them all afternoon.

The number of dragons watching also changed from three to five.

Linsda responded much slower than Antawana. When he realized something was happening and ran out to check, the dragon egg had already started absorbing elements.

After a while, Hess also came to find Linsda.

Although this guy is an adult dragon and has a batch of children, he still does things recklessly. Look, he was driven out.

Of course, it's not the kind of drive that is annoying.

In the past ten years, Hess has not run to Witt and his friends for nothing. Although this guy is unwilling to learn magic circles, he is quite interested in alchemy.

As it turns out, this guy is already one of the best alchemists in Avery's tribe.

Now, the house has not been built yet, so there is no need for an alchemist.

So, Hess ran to find Linsda.

The last dragon was naturally Avery who had returned from business talks.

At this time, Antawana and the others were lying or standing around the dragon eggs on the counter, and only Witt was lying on the shelf far away, looking at the dragon eggs on the counter.

Suddenly, the dragon eggs on the table stopped absorbing elements.

Seeing this, all the dragons looked over.

Sure enough, at some point, a tiny crack appeared on the dragon egg.

Then, under the gaze of the dragons, the crack became larger and larger, and then a claw covered with obsidian dragon scales poked out from the eggshell.

Then the claw crushed the dragon egg in one fell swoop.

After the dragon egg broke, a young dragon with two feet on the ground and covered with obsidian diamond-shaped scales came out of the egg.

The scales were convex and looked a little ferocious.

He stretched his wings. The wings were extremely long, about two times the length of the body, and the surface of the dragon wings looked relatively wide.

The sharp dragon horns were completely backward.

There was a row of sharp triangular black crystals like obsidian on the tail.

"Agnar Hopswhite!"

The young dragon glanced at the dragons around him, uttered his name lightly, and then turned around and ate all the eggshells. In the envious eyes of the two wind and thunder pterosaurs, he was directly promoted to the black iron level.

After eating, he glanced at the dragons again, and finally set his eyes on Witt in the distance.


Sighing, Agnar lay on the counter, then closed his eyes and said nothing.

Avery scratched his head, then pointed at Agnar and asked in confusion: "Are all your dragon cubs so sensible after they are born?"

Hearing this, the four dragons present rolled their eyes.


Although they are all dragons over ten years old except Linsda, they are still cubs, okay?

However, Antawana looked at Agnar with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

It is indeed too quiet.

Although Linsda was also very quiet when he was just born, it was completely because of his courage.


"Speaking of which, what kind of dragon is he?"

Hess suddenly asked.

Before Antawana answered, Agnar opened his eyes and glanced at Hess.

"I am the Dark Flame Dragon. Take good care of me in the future, Hess!"

Hess was stunned!

Or rather, all the dragons were stunned.

Hess, who came back to his senses, scratched his head blankly.

"Did I say my name?"

Agnar sighed again, and then said lightly: "Don't you understand? Except for that arrogant sound dragon, I know all of you, and I am so familiar with you.

By the way, Avery, help me get a live dragon beast later. Remember this is the traditional education of Desidero. Even though I know it, I still have to go through it again."

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean, don't think I won't beat you just because you were born!"

Antawana's cold eyes pierced directly at Kadi.

"Try to beat one!"

Seeing this, Kadi subconsciously dodged.

Agnar ignored the two dragons and glanced at Witt in the distance.

"Thanks to a certain dragon, I almost died in the egg. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming you. If it weren't for you, I might have died long ago in the Great Rift Valley!"

Hearing this, Witt was stunned, and then hurriedly flew to Agnar's side.

"You were about to break out of the shell when you were in the Great Rift Valley?"

Agena nodded, looked at Witt, and said faintly: "At that time, I reminded you that if you put me down, I would break out of the shell.

It was roasted by fire and ice water, I was afraid that you couldn't help but eat me.

But who would have thought that you would giggle and hang me around your neck!

Do you feel the feeling that the elements that originally belonged to you were taken away by the guys around you?

Fortunately, as long as you don't break out of the shell, the dragon egg will provide me with nutrition.


Witt's eyes widened.

"So, every time you shake, it means..."

"I want to come out!"

Witt turned his head awkwardly. If there was a hole in the ground...

Looking at Witt's appearance, Agner sighed.

"Don't worry, I have never blamed you. Without you, I would have died in the hands of those Abeyi dragon beasts. You left the dragon's nest to save me.

I will grow up well and accompany you back to the dragon's nest!"


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