Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 256 It’s finally time to get busy!

With the help of Antawana, Witt finally brought back all the diamonds.

The diamonds on the diamond dragon are harder than the crystals on the crystal dragon when the age and strength gap are not very large.

But it's just a little.

For Witt, who can skillfully process the crystals on the crystal dragon, processing these diamonds is just a little more effort.

Anyway, Witt has nothing to do, so he plans to go to the laboratory when he returns.

As a result, when he returns, the dragons are waiting for them.

Agner is the corner, standing in front of a Capronus cub that has lost its ability to resist.

After seeing Witt, Agner is slightly relieved.

Finally back.

Witt was stunned when he saw this scene, and then realized that this was the first lesson that Agner had to complete in his dragon life.

But in fact, Witt felt that Agner, who had been in the dragon egg but had the ability to sense the outside world, did not need to do this.

Moreover, he now had his own thoughts and had his own judgments on things that he did not understand before.

When the dragon was in the dragon's nest, the young dragon was in a safe state surrounded by dragons from birth, and this state would last for about a year.

Even those young dragons with mothers would spend their young dragon period under the protection of their mothers.

That is to say, from birth until about one year old, they would officially come into contact with the outside world. This one-year safe period would make the young dragon have many ideas that are not conducive to the survival of the outside world.

Therefore, there is a saying that the first lesson of dragon life on the second day of birth is killing, which will make them remember that this world is not safe.

And for Agner, this matter is indeed only a sense of ritual.

What's more, the course sequence has been messed up for a long time. The second class's breath was completed yesterday, and there was not much sense of ceremony left.

However, since it was Agner's request, Witt didn't say anything.

After putting down the diamond, Witt became Agner's witness and witnessed Agner completing the "first lesson of dragon life", and then... nothing happened.

Everyone went to do what they should do.

Avery left Fla and Aifu and went back to busy with the tribe's affairs. Hess was taken away by him. During this period, every adult dragon was an important laborer.

Even if this laborer was a little unreliable, it was better than nothing.

Regarding this matter, Witt did not offer to help, because this matter was of great significance to Avery and his tribe.

Building their own home with their own hands is the dream of almost every dragon, not to mention that they were planted by others. If they take root and sprout, the meaning is naturally great.

Moreover, building a home is not a relaxing atmosphere. It is not that they are tired, but that this is their consolation to the companions who passed away along the way.

Although it was not mentioned, how could the journey be smooth sailing, and hunting is not a joke.

In these long ten years, some dragons were born and some died, not because their lifespans were approaching, but because they died in the process of hunting.

It is not that they deliberately challenged those powerful dragon beasts in order to pay off Witt's debt.

Rather, they need strong strength to protect this tribe, so they are willing to challenge. In the process of challenging, there will naturally be losers.


Witt has seen many deaths of dragon beasts and has long been indifferent.

As for dragons, Witt has only seen the corpse of a young silver dragon in Boko's laboratory. That was the first time he saw a human corpse in the true sense.

But he had no other emotions except fear. At that time, he was still young.

Although it was not a dragon on the back of Squaw, as a member of the dragon clan, the first time he directly felt the death of the dragon clan was when he was bored. He counted Avery's clan and found that three were missing.

Then he became very concerned about the number of Avery's clan. Witt was face-blind, so he didn't know who was missing, but every time he came back from hunting, he always noticed that a dragon was missing.

Sometimes it was two, sometimes three, and sometimes more...

Once, when he mentioned this problem to Avery, the answer he got was that they died in the battle.

Witt suddenly understood a little bit, the feeling that the teacher had once had, the familiar starry sky was missing a star, and the familiar dragon group was missing some dragons.

Since then, Witt has become a coward. Unless it is necessary, he does not allow Antawana and Linsda to leave Squaw.

After Antawana proposed to take full responsibility for hunting, every time the two dragons went out, Witt asked them to bring a lot of magic circles. Even so, at the beginning, he followed them with concern.

He didn't give up until Antawana was really angry.

But he still developed elemental puppets for tracking and monitored the situation of the two dragons at all times.

Until now, Witt still said "We have a lot of time".

It's not that there is really a lot of time, but that unnecessary dangers are not involved. There is a lot of time, and everything can wait as long as you can live safely.

Who makes the dragons so unreasonable!

But Witt was lucky that the dragons he was familiar with were still alive.


After Avery and the others left, Witt returned to the laboratory to deal with the diamonds.

Antawana took Agner to the training room, practicing her own magic while watching Agner's magic learning.

As for Aifu and Fla, Witt was handed over to Linsda.

Anyway, he spent most of his time fiddling with some flowers and plants.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he is a slacker, but that natural elements are different from other elements. As long as you have a good relationship with the elements, the power of magic will naturally increase.

And the process of fiddling with flowers and plants is the process of getting a good relationship with the elements. As for the release and use of magic, you just need to take some time to practice.

So, you will find that dragons of natural elements will live very comfortably!

Due to the previous battle, Aifu and Fla's perception of Witt changed greatly, and they dared not disobey Witt's arrangements at all.

For this, Witt could only say sorry to Avery.

He couldn't teach Fla a lesson when Fla didn't make any mistakes.

Time passed quickly in a busy manner.

When Witt walked out of the laboratory, it was already dark.

Then he led the "large army" and headed directly to the "Wind Dragon's dining table". They were greeted by Redek, who had a smile on his face but a solemn look in his eyes, as if he was ready to fight.

There is no doubt that he was still defeated.

Redek was not stupid. After Witt's first meal, he realized that Witt might be testing him, so he deliberately ate so much.

However, once or twice is a test, but three times is not, but it is really a glutton.

And this time, he also found that the appetite of this glutton seemed to have increased again!

So, when Witt left, he suggested that a batch of materials for the medicine had arrived and would be shipped tomorrow.

He was going to recover his blood.

Little did he know that after hearing this, Witt was happier than him.

Finally, it was time to get busy!

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