Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 26 What you need to see is this

"Winters, are you kidding me?"

Werther looked directly into Winters' eyes, trying to find some elements of a joke in it, but unfortunately, Winters was serious, and she quickly put it into action.

Werther stood on the ground, looking at the huge book several meters thick in front of him, doubting Long Sheng.

Then there was another big metal book, stacked on top of the book in front of him.

"In addition to the book "The Magic of the Dragon", you also need to read this book "Basics of Dragon Language Magic", as well as this book "The Origin of Magic", 뀪 and this "Teaching Dragon Language Magic for Dummies". Of course, you only need to understand this book 떘늀Ke뀪깊!

In addition to these magic-related books, there are also the "Dragon Encyclopedia", "Dragon Beast Encyclopedia", "Herbal Encyclopedia", "Comprehensive Solution to Potions", "Something About Magic Circles", "My Wild Things" "Information", these are the current ones.

Among these books, I highly recommend "My Wild Observations", which also describes knowledge about dragon beasts. Although it is a bit more one-sided than "Dragon Beast Encyclopedia", the story is pretty good.

This is one of the few books that is enough to keep me from feeling sleepy! "

As he spoke, Winters stretched out his paws and nodded at the books that had been stacked high.

"Let me see, 1, 괗... just 굛ben, let's go, let's find a spacious corner, right 깊..."

When Winters picked up the big book, he looked at the five little ones on his feet.

"Although your inheritance memory already contains this knowledge, each dragon has a different understanding. Therefore, blood inheritance always has a strong personal dragon color, and there are even errors and omissions.

If you read all these books, it will be good for you, so, do you want to go together? "

As a result, except for 깊Witt who refused, Celine and the others shook their heads wildly.

Seeing this, Winters smiled helplessly.

"Okay then, I, Witte, am going to read there. You can take a stroll here, but be quiet. There are a lot of adults in the library.

They don’t like to be disturbed when they are reading! "

Hearing this, Celine and the others fled quickly like they were having fun. The tall stone shelves in the library and the huge amount of books stored on them made this place full of mystery to them.

If Winters hadn't said anything, they would have wanted to find out!

Werther glanced at Celine and the others with envy, then with a grimace on his face, he ran quickly, following closely behind Winters.

"Are these all what I want to read today?"

"Of course not.

Not to mention a book, it is a book, and you may not be able to read it to the end.

So, this is the amount of one hundred. Starting from today, we will come here to read books every other day. Of course, if you want to take a rest, you can.

After all, you can’t live your life full of learning.

We are dragons and have a lot of time to learn knowledge! "


After a loud noise, Werther flapped his wings and fanned away the dust rising around him.

Then she saw Winters lying down, selected one of the books, opened it in front of her.

Witte flew up curiously.

"Winters, what should we learn first?"

""The Origin of Magic", although it does not describe the specific method of learning magic, it explains in detail the source of magic elements. It can help you understand magic faster, understand yourself, and understand the future!"

As he spoke, Winters opened the cover of the book.

The pages were made entirely of unknown metal and were several centimeters thick. There were rows of raised golden symbols on them. They looked simple and majestic, but Werther could easily identify them.

"This is Ancient Dragon Language, which possesses mysterious power. Some Ancient Dragon Language symbols are themselves incantations of Dragon Language magic. Although for us, these spells are the languages ​​used by the Dragon Clan in the past, such as... fireball!"

As she spoke, Winters breathed out two awkward notes, and then, a huge fireball exuding a scorching aura appeared in her hand.

Witte's eyes lit up, and then he stared at his paws closely.


땢 is the same as the two 껙 notes, except that 깊 has a childish sound, 늌 and 놌 Winters have no difference.

After spitting out these two notes, Werther felt that his spiritual power was concentrated on the 깊녿 claws, and then the fire element in the air began to gather on the 깊녿 claws.

Then, a second later, the fire element that had just gathered was suddenly absorbed into Werther's body before it could condense into a fireball.

Those magic elements that gathered because of the ancient dragon language also fled instantly!

Witte looked at this scene and couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness in his eyes.

Sure enough, he couldn't use magic.

Seeing this, Winters consoled him: "It's okay, Werther, magic doesn't mean everything. Just like the giant dragons, they are also extremely powerful beings among the dragons. Most of them don't know magic.

In addition, even if those fire elements were not swallowed up by your body just now, your magic will still not be successful. Magic is not just about reciting a spell!

We will talk about this in detail tomorrow!

Don't be discouraged, just because you don't use magic doesn't mean that the secret of magic will close the door to you!

What's more, there is a magic element, it's just that your body is capturing the approaching magic element on its own, but this situation will definitely not last forever.

If it lasts enough, then you should be happier!

Because this means that your physical body has unlimited potential. "

Victor nodded, adjusted his mood, and began to read the words in the book.

"The battle between the dragon of creation, Covey, and the dragon of destruction, Ixis, in the starry sky represents the fierce collision of the forces of creation and destruction, causing inexplicable changes to the blood of the two dragons.

In the end, a brand new world will be formed!

I don’t know how much time passed, or in other words, time has no meaning to the two dragons. In short, the final result is that Ixis, the dragon of destruction, fled, and Covey, the dragon of creation, chased after him.

However, when leaving, Covey noticed the world born from his power of Ixis. To celebrate the rebirth of the world, he left a drop of his own blood and integrated it into this world!

Tens of millions of years later, this world began to give birth to its own life because of the drop of blood left by the Creation Dragon!

When life is being conceived, the power possessed by the Creation Dragon also begins to appear in this world: water, fire, wind, nature, thunder, light and darkness!

The emergence of magic elements accelerated the birth of life, and she was born. She was called the Mother of Dragons, the first dragon in the dragon world, Comosis! "

Werther turned to look at Winters.

"Is what it says true?"

Winters yawned, reading or something, it was so painful!

Hearing Werther's words, Winters cheered up.

"No dragon knows whether it is true or false. Also, this passage was not written by the author of this book. It was found on a stone wall from ancient times.

Tens of millions of baptisms have not ruined it, which makes it very credible in some dragon circles.

But if you ask me to tell you whether it is true or false!

I just said I don’t know! "

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